Post: Operation Storm Final build announcement
11-27-2012, 07:22 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); hello everyone, today im going to share and present to you the current on-going modification for Call Of Duty 4, For over the past two years i have been working on this project to try and make it the best as it can be, from what i have currently done now is no-were near my target for what it will become. If you would like to know some basic facts about this modification and what it is then please visit the following thread for Questions/Answers (some may need updating): You must login or register to view this content.

Last Updated: 12/12/13

As i promised i have moved this to the public section for regular members to see whats on offer for them and if they subscribe to elite shortly.

Now its news time, im going to break this thread down into sections for you to choose what you want to read.

Green - New/Updated
1A - Introduction
1B - Elite Information
1C - Regular User Information
1D - Gamemodes
1E - Maps
1F - Singleplayer
1G - Important information
1H - Credits
1I - Updates

1A - Introduction

Operation Storm is a Modification for Call Of Duty 4: Modern warfare, its PC only and will need to meet the specs of CoD4 to play.

1B - Elite Information

Elite subscribers (NGU) will have full access to the game, plus bonus features will be added on its release, you will have 10x more content than a regular user.

1C - Regular users

will be allowed access to the game at all times, the only restriction is that you wont have as much content as the elite subscribers (NGU), on its release you will have access to Two multiplayer maps, Two gametypes plus a bonus gametype, until the map list extends it will remain the same.

1D - Game modes

DeathMatch - Free for all, various maps including bonus small maps (like shipment) for DM only!

Team Deathmatch - Two teams, only one team wins, All maps (excluding bonus small maps)

Survival (player controlled) - new gamemode added just for fun, similar to MW3 but not ai controllable, 4 vs. 4

Heist - new gamemode, 4 players have to get access to the gold case before the other team kills you, once captured game ends, juganaut health added, 4 vs. 4

Zombies(player controlled) - New gamemode, 8 players survive rounds of endless zombies till that team dies

Gold - N/A

5 Flag Domination - Selective maps, 5 objectives to capture (extended from 3)

Rush - A single Search & Destroy bomb placed in the centre of the battlefield, defensive team has more power over the attackers

More to be announced...

1E - Maps

On its release we plan on doing 5 completed maps (read 1G for more info) for elite users, regular users will have 2 maps.

1F - Singleplayer

Singleplayer has a storyline and its currently under-going, this will be available as an add-on when its release.

1G - Important information

Heres the final conclusion to this thread, this is what you will expect to see in this mod on its release and in the near future.

Animation (Dynamic) - The animation was a big focus in this mod, i have tried my best to overcome any errors i had run into, and i have which led to better solutions. Now my target was to bring real life actions to the game, and i have beat that target. When playing through selected maps you will now have the same feeling as if it was singleplayer, nearly every map will have an intermission, from getting dropped over from a helicopter to sitting in the back of a truck, or even riding a train, i have made it possible to do so. Not only that but the animation was also pushed further for moving objects (fly-bys) and touchable objects (such as doors,windows,secret holes and more) which can be used by everyone to explore many areas of the map.

Check Pointing (soon) - a major update will be made after a few maps are published, checkpoints will be placed each metre square of every map, this will help hot fixing map content, this would also give me access to spawning new items and objects.

Elite Users - You are the developer! each month we will be selecting out one map and gametype produced by you and uploading it to our server. not only that, we are chucking in a weapon testing arena, a forge room and a few other bits along the way. to allow users to be creative inside such a game.

Hot fixing, patches and moderation - our servers will be moderated every day to seek out any cheaters who are not playing the game correctly, we are very strict on our servers so please take note that anyone caught with any non-related modifications in any of the listed servers below will result in a suspension. Bugs will be hot fixed after 1.2 Update to reduce the chances of constantly downloading a map every fix. Below is a list of current bugs which will be monitored and delt with.

- Player to object collision (bouncing) will be prevented once found.
- RPG boost has been decreased.
- Elevators will still be in contact, but can be prevented easily.
- Stacking has been prevented.
- wall breaches are now rarely possible.

Updates - Once a new version of an update is released, you will have the option to not download it but you will have to sacrifice your online gameplay. Servers will be switched every update to prevent problems.

Servers - We will be running 2 servers (4 max) on its release, these will be dedicated and we are trying our hardest to push this server-sided, if it doesnt result in the way we want it, additional files will be downloaded (or run) from our server to lauch the game, a client UI is now availible to download from the website but wont have access for the time being since the servers are not up.

Server Listing:
#1 - Rotating map selection (regular)
#2 - fun gamemodes (regular)
#3 - Rotating map selection (elite)
#4 - fun gamemodes (elite)
+ Bonus?

Pricing - FREE, excluding elite access (no-profitable, just kept exclusive) is the only pre-payment you would need to access extra content.

1H - Credits

Everyone deserves credits for this, you`ve all taken part in the call of duty scene one time or the other, your name will be displayed in the official video credits on the mods release, anyways thanks for taking your time to read this and i hope to see you playing on our servers!

1I - Updates

28th March 2013

Operation Storm (Multiplayer) is now 60% complete. Please be aware that you may run into graphical and animation issues upon it's release, just report any minor bugs to me and i will fix them.

Currently Added
- Easter Eggs (selected few).
- More Animation.
- Currently undergoing a graphical test. [Passed]
- Several maps have been created.
- Serveral maps have been enlarged.
- Many glitches have been fixed.
- Explosive gameplay has now been added.
- Map Introduction text and description added.
- Interactive objects have now been imported.
- Trailer undergoing.
- Few UI changes. [Undergoing]
- A selected list of Vars have been blocked. [Passed]
- New gametype has been added.
- Singleplayer is still in process.
- 6 Maps have now been announced on its release.
- Cheat protection system now added, if player gets a great amount of experience in a certain period of time they will be detected and banned from the sever
- New equipment added (Mortar will be shown soon)
- Blackout is one of the few maps finally ready for its release
- 5 Flag Domination added to selective maps [blackout]
- Rush (SD) added to selective maps [blackout]
- Gold (new gametype) added, still undergoing tests.
- parachute's undergoing tests.
- Content pack 1 has been updated, few more maps have been added to the list and some have been removed
- Custom in-game battlechatter and command menu's are undergoing tests
- Possible co-operative gamemode may be added, undergoing
- Real-time weather has been added, this can vary.

As of 12/12/13:

- Anti-Cheat system updated; elevators, bounces, stacking or projectile jumps have now been prevented
- Infected gametype added (with a bonus tweak)
- One in the chamber gametype added
- Sniper Only gametype added
- Knife Only gametype added
- Juggernaut (aka. armored) gametype added
- Gun Game gametype added
- graphics have now been tweaked
- randomise system added
- Bonus maps (5+) undergoing
- Destructible objects have been improved
- UI is currently undergoing
- Blackout is sectioned so depending on which gametype you're playing on you will be re-located to a new area (e.g tdm is in the centre, snd is on the hillside)

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NOTE: The maps above in the picture have now been updated, the screenshots were taken a few months back.

Sneak preview of the enhanced graphics and lighting on the singleplayer map "Daybreak"

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You must login or register to view this content.

any opinions on improvement are welcome! Smile

CodGlitcher (Uk_ViiPeR),
CEO of Minus Creations.
(company not trademarked)
Last edited by Uk_ViiPeR ; 12-12-2013 at 10:10 PM.

The following 51 users say thank you to Uk_ViiPeR for this useful post:

ResistTheMoon, 19kylegreer96, Adamâ„¢, AlphaPoppy, AMNE, AndreeU, YouAppreciateMe, Carbon0x, Choco, CleanMODSHD, Complete Speed, Elk, FourzerotwoFAILS, FruitBurst, Gian_, Harry, Heaney, hibye3, imD, Ingloreusemodz, IVI40A3Fusionz, Jacob-And-Britt, Jake, Jeremy, Karoolus, kiwikool, Lovol, .James, M QTR, Mr.Amitoz, Newelly, Lopez., ohhImpreza, Jango, redbullmasta, ICS Vortex, SC58, Sean - LFC, Sirprizer, Taylor, Taylors Bish, tylerallmighty, Vampytwistッ, Vectriixx, riggstq, xePixTvx, Zuraa
11-28-2012, 11:30 AM #20
This is truly amazing man, very excited to play this!
11-28-2012, 05:29 PM #21
Originally posted by iCopy View Post
Do we already need to have cod4 to play this?

as it is stated in the thread, its a mod for cod4 so yes Smile
11-28-2012, 07:43 PM #22
Originally posted by ViiPeR View Post
hello everyone, today im going to share and present to you the current on-going modification for Call Of Duty 4, For over the past two years i have been working on this project to try and make it the best as it can be, from what i have currently done now is no-were near my target for what it will become. If you would like to know some basic facts about this modification and what it is then please visit the following thread for Questions/Answers (some may need updating): You must login or register to view this content.

Last Updated: 28/11/12

Now its news time, im going to break this thread down into sections for you to choose what you want to read.

1A - Introduction
1B - Elite Information
1C - Regular User Information
1D - Gamemodes
1E - Maps
1F - Singleplayer
1G - Important information
1H - Credits

1A - Introduction

Operation Storm is a Modification for Call Of Duty 4: Modern warfare, its PC only and will need to meet the specs of CoD4 to play.

1B - Elite Information

Elite subscribers (NGU) will have full access to the game, plus bonus features will be added on its release, you will have 10x more content than a regular user.

1C - Regular users

will be allowed access to the game at all times, the only restriction is that you wont have as much content as the elite subscribers (NGU), on its release you will have access to Two multiplayer maps, Two gametypes plus a bonus gametype, until the map list extends it will remain the same.

1D - Game modes

DeathMatch - Free for all, various maps including bonus small maps (like shipment) for DM only!

Team Deathmatch - Two teams, only one team wins, All maps (excluding bonus small maps)

Survival (player controlled) - new gamemode added just for fun, similar to MW3 but not ai controllable, 4 vs. 4.

Heist - new gamemode, 4 players have to get access to the gold case before the other team kills you, once captured game ends, juganaut health added, 4 vs. 4.

Zombies(player controlled) - New gamemode, 8 players survive rounds of endless zombies till that team dies.

Gold - N/A

More to be announced...

1E - Maps

On its release we plan on doing 5 completed maps (read 1G for more info) for elite users, regular users will have 2 maps.

Mapname: Forest
Size: Extra Small
Gamtypes: DM only
Desc: Small crash site inside a forest, good for close fire.
Objective: Survive and dominate

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Mapname: Down town
Size: Large
Gamtypes: TDM,DM,Survival,Zombies (N/A)
Desc: Large open town with many secrets to be found.
Objective: Survive and dominate

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1F - Singleplayer

Singleplayer has a storyline and its currently under-going, this will be available as an add-on when its release.

1G - Important information

Heres the final conclusion to this thread, this is what you will expect to see in this mod on its release and in the near future.

Animation - The animation was a big focus in this mod, i have tried my best to overcome any errors i had run into, and i have which led to better solutions. Now my target was to bring real life actions to the game, and i have beat that target. When playing through selected maps you will now have the same feeling as if it was singleplayer, nearly every map will have an intermission, from getting dropped over from a helicopter to sitting in the back of a truck, or even riding a train, i have made it possible to do so. Not only that but the animation was also pushed further for moving objects (fly-bys) and touchable objects (such as doors,windows,secret holes and more) which can be used by everyone to explore many areas of the map.

Check Pointing (soon) - a major update will be made after a few maps are published, checkpoints will be placed each metre square of every map, this will help hot fixing map content, this would also give me access to spawning new items and objects.

Elite Users - You are the developer! each month we will be selecting out one map and gametype produced by you and uploading it to our server. not only that, we are chucking in a weapon testing arena, a forge room and a few other bits along the way. to allow users to be creative inside such a game.

Hot fixing, patches and moderation - our servers will be moderated every day to seek out any cheaters who are not playing the game correctly, we are very strict on our servers so please take note that anyone caught with any non-related modifications in any of the listed servers below will result in a suspension. Bugs will be hot fixed after 1.2 Update to reduce the chances of constantly downloading a map every fix. Below is a list of current bugs which will be monitored and delt with.

- Player to object collision (bouncing) will be prevented once found.
- RPG boost has been decreased.
- Elevators will still be in contact, but can be prevented easily.
- Stacking has been prevented.
- wall breaches are now rarely possible.

Updates - Once a new version of an update is released, you will have the option to not download it but you will have to sacrifice your online gameplay. Servers will be switched every update to prevent problems.

Servers - We will be running 2 servers (4 max) on its release, these will be dedicated and we are trying our hardest to push this server-sided, if it doesnt result in the way we want it additional files will be downloaded (or run) from our server to lauch the game, a client UI is now availible to download from the website but wont have access for the time being since the servers are not up.

Server Listing:
#1 - Rotating map selection (regular)
#2 - fun gamemodes (regular)
#3 - Rotating map selection (elite)
#4 - fun gamemodes (elite)
+ Bonus?

Pricing - FREE, excluding elite access (no-profitable, just kept exclusive) is the only pre-payment you would need to pay for extra content.

1H - Credits

Everyone deserves credits for this, you`ve all taken part in the call of duty scene one time or the other, your name will be displayed in the official video credits on the mods release, anyways thanks for taking your time to read this and i hope to see you playing on our servers!

any opinions on improvement are welcome! Smile

CodGlitcher (Uk_ViiPeR),
CEO of Minus Creations.
(company not trademarked)

which gpu card have you tested your mods on? and what are the frame rates like? By the way looks awesome.
11-28-2012, 10:02 PM #23
Originally posted by imran1980 View Post
which gpu card have you tested your mods on? and what are the frame rates like? By the way looks awesome.

i actually dont know what gpu im currently using and the frame rates are fine, im running the mod on a basic graphics card with no lag what so ever, i can bump the fps though if it does drop below average.
11-29-2012, 07:44 PM #24
New York BOY !
Service Shop Owner ;
Originally posted by ViiPeR View Post
hello everyone, today im going to share and present to you the current on-going modification for Call Of Duty 4, For over the past two years i have been working on this project to try and make it the best as it can be, from what i have currently done now is no-were near my target for what it will become. If you would like to know some basic facts about this modification and what it is then please visit the following thread for Questions/Answers (some may need updating): You must login or register to view this content.

Last Updated: 28/11/12

Now its news time, im going to break this thread down into sections for you to choose what you want to read.

1A - Introduction
1B - Elite Information
1C - Regular User Information
1D - Gamemodes
1E - Maps
1F - Singleplayer
1G - Important information
1H - Credits

1A - Introduction

Operation Storm is a Modification for Call Of Duty 4: Modern warfare, its PC only and will need to meet the specs of CoD4 to play.

1B - Elite Information

Elite subscribers (NGU) will have full access to the game, plus bonus features will be added on its release, you will have 10x more content than a regular user.

1C - Regular users

will be allowed access to the game at all times, the only restriction is that you wont have as much content as the elite subscribers (NGU), on its release you will have access to Two multiplayer maps, Two gametypes plus a bonus gametype, until the map list extends it will remain the same.

1D - Game modes

DeathMatch - Free for all, various maps including bonus small maps (like shipment) for DM only!

Team Deathmatch - Two teams, only one team wins, All maps (excluding bonus small maps)

Survival (player controlled) - new gamemode added just for fun, similar to MW3 but not ai controllable, 4 vs. 4.

Heist - new gamemode, 4 players have to get access to the gold case before the other team kills you, once captured game ends, juganaut health added, 4 vs. 4.

Zombies(player controlled) - New gamemode, 8 players survive rounds of endless zombies till that team dies.

Gold - N/A

More to be announced...

1E - Maps

On its release we plan on doing 5 completed maps (read 1G for more info) for elite users, regular users will have 2 maps.

Mapname: Forest
Size: Extra Small
Gamtypes: DM only
Desc: Small crash site inside a forest, good for close fire.
Objective: Survive and dominate

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Mapname: Down town
Size: Large
Gamtypes: TDM,DM,Survival,Zombies (N/A)
Desc: Large open town with many secrets to be found.
Objective: Survive and dominate

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1F - Singleplayer

Singleplayer has a storyline and its currently under-going, this will be available as an add-on when its release.

1G - Important information

Heres the final conclusion to this thread, this is what you will expect to see in this mod on its release and in the near future.

Animation - The animation was a big focus in this mod, i have tried my best to overcome any errors i had run into, and i have which led to better solutions. Now my target was to bring real life actions to the game, and i have beat that target. When playing through selected maps you will now have the same feeling as if it was singleplayer, nearly every map will have an intermission, from getting dropped over from a helicopter to sitting in the back of a truck, or even riding a train, i have made it possible to do so. Not only that but the animation was also pushed further for moving objects (fly-bys) and touchable objects (such as doors,windows,secret holes and more) which can be used by everyone to explore many areas of the map.

Check Pointing (soon) - a major update will be made after a few maps are published, checkpoints will be placed each metre square of every map, this will help hot fixing map content, this would also give me access to spawning new items and objects.

Elite Users - You are the developer! each month we will be selecting out one map and gametype produced by you and uploading it to our server. not only that, we are chucking in a weapon testing arena, a forge room and a few other bits along the way. to allow users to be creative inside such a game.

Hot fixing, patches and moderation - our servers will be moderated every day to seek out any cheaters who are not playing the game correctly, we are very strict on our servers so please take note that anyone caught with any non-related modifications in any of the listed servers below will result in a suspension. Bugs will be hot fixed after 1.2 Update to reduce the chances of constantly downloading a map every fix. Below is a list of current bugs which will be monitored and delt with.

- Player to object collision (bouncing) will be prevented once found.
- RPG boost has been decreased.
- Elevators will still be in contact, but can be prevented easily.
- Stacking has been prevented.
- wall breaches are now rarely possible.

Updates - Once a new version of an update is released, you will have the option to not download it but you will have to sacrifice your online gameplay. Servers will be switched every update to prevent problems.

Servers - We will be running 2 servers (4 max) on its release, these will be dedicated and we are trying our hardest to push this server-sided, if it doesnt result in the way we want it additional files will be downloaded (or run) from our server to lauch the game, a client UI is now availible to download from the website but wont have access for the time being since the servers are not up.

Server Listing:
#1 - Rotating map selection (regular)
#2 - fun gamemodes (regular)
#3 - Rotating map selection (elite)
#4 - fun gamemodes (elite)
+ Bonus?

Pricing - FREE, excluding elite access (no-profitable, just kept exclusive) is the only pre-payment you would need to pay for extra content.

1H - Credits

Everyone deserves credits for this, you`ve all taken part in the call of duty scene one time or the other, your name will be displayed in the official video credits on the mods release, anyways thanks for taking your time to read this and i hope to see you playing on our servers!

any opinions on improvement are welcome! Smile

CodGlitcher (Uk_ViiPeR),
CEO of Minus Creations.
(company not trademarked)

Release date? & If not set yet, around when?
11-30-2012, 06:12 PM #25
Originally posted by Bronx
Release date? & If not set yet, around when?

possibly next month depending how long the last map and its scripting takes Smile

The following user thanked Uk_ViiPeR for this useful post:

New York BOY !
12-01-2012, 06:12 AM #26
Level 2 Trustworthy
Originally posted by ViiPeR View Post
hello everyone, today im going to share and present to you the current on-going modification for Call Of Duty 4, For over the past two years i have been working on this project to try and make it the best as it can be, from what i have currently done now is no-were near my target for what it will become. If you would like to know some basic facts about this modification and what it is then please visit the following thread for Questions/Answers (some may need updating): You must login or register to view this content.

Last Updated: 28/11/12

Now its news time, im going to break this thread down into sections for you to choose what you want to read.

1A - Introduction
1B - Elite Information
1C - Regular User Information
1D - Gamemodes
1E - Maps
1F - Singleplayer
1G - Important information
1H - Credits

1A - Introduction

Operation Storm is a Modification for Call Of Duty 4: Modern warfare, its PC only and will need to meet the specs of CoD4 to play.

1B - Elite Information

Elite subscribers (NGU) will have full access to the game, plus bonus features will be added on its release, you will have 10x more content than a regular user.

1C - Regular users

will be allowed access to the game at all times, the only restriction is that you wont have as much content as the elite subscribers (NGU), on its release you will have access to Two multiplayer maps, Two gametypes plus a bonus gametype, until the map list extends it will remain the same.

1D - Game modes

DeathMatch - Free for all, various maps including bonus small maps (like shipment) for DM only!

Team Deathmatch - Two teams, only one team wins, All maps (excluding bonus small maps)

Survival (player controlled) - new gamemode added just for fun, similar to MW3 but not ai controllable, 4 vs. 4.

Heist - new gamemode, 4 players have to get access to the gold case before the other team kills you, once captured game ends, juganaut health added, 4 vs. 4.

Zombies(player controlled) - New gamemode, 8 players survive rounds of endless zombies till that team dies.

Gold - N/A

More to be announced...

1E - Maps

On its release we plan on doing 5 completed maps (read 1G for more info) for elite users, regular users will have 2 maps.

Mapname: Forest
Size: Extra Small
Gamtypes: DM only
Desc: Small crash site inside a forest, good for close fire.
Objective: Survive and dominate

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Mapname: Down town
Size: Large
Gamtypes: TDM,DM,Survival,Zombies (N/A)
Desc: Large open town with many secrets to be found.
Objective: Survive and dominate

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1F - Singleplayer

Singleplayer has a storyline and its currently under-going, this will be available as an add-on when its release.

1G - Important information

Heres the final conclusion to this thread, this is what you will expect to see in this mod on its release and in the near future.

Animation - The animation was a big focus in this mod, i have tried my best to overcome any errors i had run into, and i have which led to better solutions. Now my target was to bring real life actions to the game, and i have beat that target. When playing through selected maps you will now have the same feeling as if it was singleplayer, nearly every map will have an intermission, from getting dropped over from a helicopter to sitting in the back of a truck, or even riding a train, i have made it possible to do so. Not only that but the animation was also pushed further for moving objects (fly-bys) and touchable objects (such as doors,windows,secret holes and more) which can be used by everyone to explore many areas of the map.

Check Pointing (soon) - a major update will be made after a few maps are published, checkpoints will be placed each metre square of every map, this will help hot fixing map content, this would also give me access to spawning new items and objects.

Elite Users - You are the developer! each month we will be selecting out one map and gametype produced by you and uploading it to our server. not only that, we are chucking in a weapon testing arena, a forge room and a few other bits along the way. to allow users to be creative inside such a game.

Hot fixing, patches and moderation - our servers will be moderated every day to seek out any cheaters who are not playing the game correctly, we are very strict on our servers so please take note that anyone caught with any non-related modifications in any of the listed servers below will result in a suspension. Bugs will be hot fixed after 1.2 Update to reduce the chances of constantly downloading a map every fix. Below is a list of current bugs which will be monitored and delt with.

- Player to object collision (bouncing) will be prevented once found.
- RPG boost has been decreased.
- Elevators will still be in contact, but can be prevented easily.
- Stacking has been prevented.
- wall breaches are now rarely possible.

Updates - Once a new version of an update is released, you will have the option to not download it but you will have to sacrifice your online gameplay. Servers will be switched every update to prevent problems.

Servers - We will be running 2 servers (4 max) on its release, these will be dedicated and we are trying our hardest to push this server-sided, if it doesnt result in the way we want it additional files will be downloaded (or run) from our server to lauch the game, a client UI is now availible to download from the website but wont have access for the time being since the servers are not up.

Server Listing:
#1 - Rotating map selection (regular)
#2 - fun gamemodes (regular)
#3 - Rotating map selection (elite)
#4 - fun gamemodes (elite)
+ Bonus?

Pricing - FREE, excluding elite access (no-profitable, just kept exclusive) is the only pre-payment you would need to pay for extra content.

1H - Credits

Everyone deserves credits for this, you`ve all taken part in the call of duty scene one time or the other, your name will be displayed in the official video credits on the mods release, anyways thanks for taking your time to read this and i hope to see you playing on our servers!

any opinions on improvement are welcome! Smile

CodGlitcher (Uk_ViiPeR),
CEO of Minus Creations.
(company not trademarked)

the download link was broken for me do u have another?
12-01-2012, 05:55 PM #27
Originally posted by thebotguy View Post
the download link was broken for me do u have another?

ill fix it soon, just need to sort the servers out first, the download isnt the actual game, its the client. Smile
12-03-2012, 11:45 PM #28
The Master
Originally posted by ViiPeR View Post
yes it is, i forgot to add that part sorry :/

how much did you pay for your server? i want one Smile

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