Post: PS3 SLIM 2501B Just Downgraded To Rogero v3.70 - I NEED FILES -
01-19-2014, 09:51 AM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Alright so i downgraded from 4.50 OFW to Rogero v3.7 i wanted 3.55 but its what ever.

1.) Id like to know what files are out there that i can install and id also like to know why my E3 Flasher Downgrade pack had Rogero v3.7 instead of a 3.55 cfw?
2.) What CFWs that are latest should i install on it and or mods???
3.) If i go on latest firmwares, will i get noticed by Sony even if im not Real Time Modding!?!

Be kind if you can, my hacking days were so long ago!

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