Post: Damsel in distress!! Banned from PSN
01-21-2017, 07:19 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I've changed my cid's, ones I had from other non JB console. I just changed my Mac address and it still tells me tempaory ban when trying to sign in. No error code
Please help!
01-24-2017, 05:54 AM #20
Originally posted by Dro View Post
If you are IP banned, you can try a few things..

If you have a static IP(one that does not change) you may be s.o.l.

1. Unplug your modem router and turn off all connected devices.
2. Wait (they say anywhere from 5 minutes to 24hrs) and then plug your modem back in
If you have a dynamic IP it should change to a new one

If you have the option for your router, you can spoof your mac to force a new IP.
1. Navigate to your router homepage in your browser
2. Go to mac address
3. Change the last two digits
4. Restart modem and router
If you can't get online after that, change mac back to original and reset modem/router. This will give you a new valid mac and IP.

1. Call your isp
2. Tell them you need your public IP changed. If they ask why = ?idk
Some ISPs do not like to change your public IP, others its no problem.

You can view your public IP by going to

Although, if it's saying something about a temporary ban, I suspect you may be CID or account banned.

Like I said above, if it says account ban, you will need to create a new account. Whatever account you are trying to use is permanently banned.
If it says console, you will need a new, valid CID. These are not generated and are not typically given for free. If you have gotten one by such methods, then you cannot depend on it.
Even buying them from anyone is not recommended. Anyone selling CIDs will always sell to more than one person, meaning your CID is at a higher risk of ban. The best way is to acquire your own 100% private CID.
You can check this out if you want.
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I tried to find in my router settings the mac address but no luck. Like... I couldn't even find it to see it. And the IDPS I am changing as well as the ********* LVL 2 and the PSID but the EID isn't changing
To clarify again, I have another system I am using that has just been downgraded by me and I have no problem using my main account from my personal Ps3 that's banned.
So that's where I'm at. Also I just changed the ID's again (to absolute valid ones) using webMAN setup and still doesn't change the EID
01-24-2017, 06:33 AM #21
Former Staff
Originally posted by Sailor
I tried to find in my router settings the mac address but no luck. Like... I couldn't even find it to see it. And the IDPS I am changing as well as the ********* LVL 2 and the PSID but the EID isn't changing
To clarify again, I have another system I am using that has just been downgraded by me and I have no problem using my main account from my personal Ps3 that's banned.
So that's where I'm at. Also I just changed the ID's again (to absolute valid ones) using webMAN setup and still doesn't change the EID

have u used CCAPI to change the CID?
01-24-2017, 08:16 AM #22
Originally posted by Kronos View Post
have u used CCAPI to change the CID?

Triedthat the first few times

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