Post: [RELEASE]PSN Account Generator
11-27-2014, 03:22 AM #1
Absolute Zero
Do your homework, fool.
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PSN Gen Build v1 - Create accounts with speed!
Absolute Zero

Hey guys, today I figured I would drop this incredibly useful tool to all you modders and others out there with a need for quick account creation. This tool allows you to effectively create PSN accounts in 10 seconds or less. This will be extremely useful for many different uses. I plan on updating this with new features if enough people show interest, so let me know what you guys think!


-US Accounts
-10 Seconds or less (internet based)
- Quick and noob friendly!
- Completely free.

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Don't judge my lack of motivation to remove my wallpaper from behind the tool screens, lol.
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Note that between these 2 pictures I failed at making an account due to the password and user matching characters.
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Tips & Warnings[/B][/U]
-Make sure you DO NOT use the same letters and numbers in your username and password, as PSN has changed that around. Lame, right?

-If progress isn't being made at 25%, the username you chose is in use. Please close and re-open the tool. I have not yet implemented a reset button, but plan on doing so tonight.

-I forgot to append the textbox text, so when making multiple accounts you will have to copy each account info into a txt doc or somewhere else. This is also being fixed next update.

-Sometimes accounts do not register fully, I am fixing that aswell.

Download, Virus Scan, And Closing Words[/B][/U]
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Virus Scan: You must login or register to view this content.

Well, I hope you guys take as much advantage of this as I have already. Like I said, this is very useful when you need a lot of accounts quick or simply do not want to fill out info manually. Peace out, and Happy Thanksgiving!

Last edited by Absolute Zero ; 12-03-2014 at 01:06 PM.

The following 72 users say thank you to Absolute Zero for this useful post:

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11-27-2014, 08:21 PM #29
Big Daddy
Originally posted by Absolute
No sir, that is actually a bug I am currently working on! Thanks for the heads up though, I appreciate it!

Any time, great release by the way.

The following user thanked Franky for this useful post:

Absolute Zero
11-27-2014, 08:25 PM #30
Big Daddy
Originally posted by Xavier
If u mod and get banned on games or psn, sometimes you just want to get an account fast, not waste time creating one. Thought maybe I could find some somewhere. psn accounts are free to make right, so.. but i guess it's not convenient for ppl to post random accounts.

Grow up.

Anybody can post "free" accounts, but as it stands now only one system can be logged into said account at each time, making it pretty pointless to post "public/shared" psn account as you never know if anyone is currently using them or just leeching. It would really suck if you're mid game and you suddenly get kicked off due to another user logging into the same account.
11-27-2014, 09:04 PM #31
Xavier Hidden
Are you high?
Originally posted by Franky View Post
Anybody can post "free" accounts, but as it stands now only one system can be logged into said account at each time, making it pretty pointless to post "public/shared" psn account as you never know if anyone is currently using them or just leeching. It would really suck if you're mid game and you suddenly get kicked off due to another user logging into the same account.

lol. That would that would suck. indeed
11-27-2014, 10:14 PM #32
Do a barrel roll!
It doesn't work for me? Everytime I put the cpache in it just makes a new one lol
11-27-2014, 10:47 PM #33
Bounty hunter
This is so nice !
but if u can remove the capche or anything xD Drack
11-27-2014, 10:51 PM #34
i made a account but on my ps3 it said incorrect email or password
11-28-2014, 01:18 AM #35
This is the best tool ever thxx for the tool.....

Faster and better way but can you make one that generats trophies too for free?
Thxx agian

The following user thanked Niko_G for this useful post:

11-28-2014, 01:55 AM #36
Do a barrel roll!
Doesnt work, I get a error when I try opening.. it up
11-28-2014, 03:47 AM #37
Absolute Zero
Do your homework, fool.
Originally posted by Sharakon View Post
Doesnt work, I get a error when I try opening.. it up

Could you please explain more about this problem? So far you are the only one who cannot open it, so it must have to do with your computer. Try disabling your AV, I use Avast and I have no problems at all. Let me know how it goes!

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