Post: Something wrong with Bossam V6 mod menu???
05-19-2017, 06:58 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); So I got the Bossam V6 mod menu for bo2 today and noticed immediately that something was wrong. First it said "Press square + square to activate mod menu (and we all know that the PS3 controller on has one square button.
When I finally was able to bring up the mod menu I noticed that when I scrolled down the options it would skip a lot of the sub menus such as Lobby Menu, Sky Menu, spawnables menu, model menu, etc. I then noticed that it seemed to skip every other sub menu on the main menu.
The sub menus I could access also skipped every other feature.
Another thing that was happening was with some features (god mode, aimbot, ray gun, etc) is I would click on them to activate them but they would turn on then off immediately.
Lastly the menu only worked on custom games but not on online public (but I'm pretty sure that's because I didn't force host).

If anyone could give me any advice it would be appreciated.

P.s. I obviously injected the menu through GCS studio. I did however download a non host hack for bo2 and put it in the relevant file on multi man (thought I'd mention it in case it was relevant)
Last edited by Revilo1208 ; 05-19-2017 at 07:05 PM.
05-20-2017, 02:50 PM #2
Do a barrel roll!
Usually when things skip over like that it's because there's another controller plugged in, or another menu interfering with the main one. Try removing the non host mod before injecting a GSC?

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