Post: Think I may have the YLOD.
03-04-2015, 05:31 AM #1
Do a barrel roll!
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Ok. I just flashed my ps3 again after accidentally updating to 4.70. However, now I have another problem. During my process, I had a heck of a time fitting the clip. Spent about 3 hours getting it to work. Well it finally did take the update and I was about to dump the ps3 files and after about 10 seconds, the ps3 cut off. Now every time I turn the power on it cuts off with the red light flashing. After research, it looks as if it has the ylod. Is that true and how can I fix it myself? Looks like I have to heat the motherboard to resolder itself. What is the best method of performing this operation?
03-06-2015, 11:05 PM #20
poster above is talking out of their ass, do not do the heat gun method! i have seen atrocious results from people giving it a go themselves for the frist time.

i have repaired many ylod's for years now with oven bake method, many others have too and ps3's are going years on from the initial bake, few need a rebake every 6 months, but the repair is free!

Its not limited to ps3's either, motherboards and graphics cards can be repaired this way with nearly always a success.
03-06-2015, 11:08 PM #21
we should have a ps3 bake off.

heat gun v's oven bake.
03-06-2015, 11:26 PM #22
privateuser3250 your an idiot and you have alot to learn about electronics repair sir, i have 1000' of satisfied customers, my xbox/ps3 repair service comes with warranty as long as you own and i only charge $30 to my local community, how about yours? how long does your shit oven method last? 1-6months haha what JOKE, (yeah i can fix your ps3 but it wont last that long. is that what you tell people, haha) i offer lifetime warranty would you like a link to my website, or perhaps to my most recent ad i run on CL.

bet the people that have you fix it dont know your putting it in the oven haha oven is for rookies that have no brain.
for every 1 post/link ect that you can show the oven method is good, ill provide 20 that state its the worst idea ever
03-06-2015, 11:46 PM #23
hey bud, i went to school for this shit, ran my own shop for many years. i still do alot of side work thru the winter months as my day job slows down

hell maybe the oven trick does work, but i don't think it would go over to well if i told a customer i was gonna put his ps3 in the oven and cross my fingers that it might work for 6 months, i think they would grab the ps3 and run and then tell everyone to not come to me cause i don't know what the fuck im doing.................
03-07-2015, 12:06 AM #24
i did 3 already with no problems 2 phats and 1 slim i got the heat gun and liquid flux no problem theres d-i-y step by step videos on youtube serch it it takes about 30-45 mins hope u get it dude mine been good for 2 years lol since the 3.76 or 77 update what every it was back then
03-07-2015, 12:07 AM #25
once u do it get a fan control pkg and blast that shit lol
03-07-2015, 12:09 AM #26
and if u try to do it if u start to hear the flux poping when ur at the chip with the heat gun dont go anymore ur bout to cook that shit
03-07-2015, 12:10 AM #27
""we should have a ps3 bake off.

heat gun v's oven bake.""

anybody can use a heatgun, doesn't mean they will have success, it takes common sense, you cant just heat the shit out of it and expect it to work, trial and error = perfection i fucked up many until i got it down just right (first sign of flex, some flex up, some down, but all will flex when hot enough)

03-07-2015, 12:14 AM #28
Originally posted by 973 View Post
i did 3 already with no problems 2 phats and 1 slim i got the heat gun and liquid flux no problem theres d-i-y step by step videos on youtube serch it it takes about 30-45 mins hope u get it dude mine been good for 2 years lol since the 3.76 or 77 update what every it was back then

WHAT????? you didnt put it in the oven? wife must of had dinner cooking huh haha

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