Post: So why all this kernel talk? Kernel kernel kernel
11-01-2016, 12:36 AM #1
Java Developer
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So as of recently PS4 has made some major breakthroughs in terms of exploits. So most of them have to do with kernel explotation. My goal in this thread to better educate those who don't know what cturt,chaitain, and many others are doing.

We will go over:

  • Entry points
  • binary analysis
  • ASLR
  • Encryption

When trying to develop a exploit or trying find vulnerabilities in general. We try to find what we hackers call an "Entry Point".

Entry Point:
The entry point is usually a component of a predetermined trading strategy for minimizing investment risk and removing the emotion from trading decisions. Recognizing a good entry point is the first step in achieving a successful trade.
Sounds nothing like hacking but it speaks true to the fundamental of how a entry point works in hacking. Eliminate risk of bricking your console, bypass security checks to further remove frustration.

So CTURT found an ENTRY POINT within the webkit exploit and found a way to modify the KERNEL. Whitch is explained You must login or register to view this content. and on my thread You must login or register to view this content.

CONCLUSION: PS4's security is not well protected... its worse than the PS vita because the You must login or register to view this content. DOESNT HAVE You must login or register to view this content. PROTECTION!!! So now what is left is use the found entry point and find a way to read and write the kernel to futher exploit development.

We could of went another route and could have found a way through sonys security processor that executes ASLR encryption upon the entire PS4 device! But we LAZZZY. ASLR was used on PS3 but Fail0verFl0w did the math that many other wouldn't do and cracked it! Here is the equation used to encrypt most of the PS3.

Ps3 ASLR equation
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Last edited by HeroWin ; 11-01-2016 at 12:43 AM.

The following 4 users say thank you to HeroWin for this useful post:

Dog88Christian, FarCry1889, Frosty, SharkModding
11-01-2016, 10:24 PM #11
Bounty hunter
Originally posted by SonyBlack View Post
peoples are so ....


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