Post: Hall: DayZ console port discussed with Sony; 'wait and see'
04-02-2013, 03:30 PM #1
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Dean Hall, creator of DayZ, is considering a move to consoles, as long as the PC launch goes well.

"Certainly I think if we don't – for want of a better word – 'fuck up' the PC release, then I would say a console port is almost certain," Hall told The Escapist. "I know a lot of people get really hot and bothered about it. Like, I'm not a console gamer, I'm a PC gamer, but I don't think it necessarily has to hurt things."

Hall has put his thoughts into action already: He met with Sony and people there were into the idea.

"It appears to be the kind of game that Sony are interested in; I think we just have to wait and see," he said. "We've talked and met with Sony, and they're obviously interested."

DayZ was initially scheduled to launch in December of last year, but now it won't see an alpha until June at the earliest. Hall's main concern is perfecting the client-server architecture, but once that's settled, he'll start sending out batches of alpha keys, possibly 50,000 at a time. And let's not forget that brief time Hall considered turning DayZ into a free-to-play experience.

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What do you guys think? IMO, I think its awesome to port DayZ to PS4. I've been waiting to play a game like this for a long time now. Some PC gamers are going to be mad because of this, don't get me wrong, I'm a PC gamer too but I would like to see this game on console so I can play with my friends because they can't afford a Gaming PC or they just can't play with a keyboard.
Last edited by NelsonRodV ; 04-02-2013 at 04:45 PM.
04-04-2013, 11:03 PM #11
In Flames Much?
Originally posted by Kidd
At first I was going to say you need different groups who may work together, but also betrayed each other; it creates a real world aspect. But, I have seen a number of Youtube videos which display the PVP and that shit belongs in Arma3. So they would need to make sniping a more challenging task also. Okay, I see what you mean... The game appears to be very much incomplete in application but in concept it appears good.

Very much.
Add in the bugs also you get a incomplete game it a great bit of work. As a mod goes but should not be priced like a game in my eyes.
04-04-2013, 11:10 PM #12
Crawl to your cross
I really hope they port to ps4 and not ps3, as ps3 will not be able to handle arma 2 engine on even low.
04-06-2013, 01:33 AM #13
This would be sick but i wonder how the controls work on it?
04-06-2013, 10:35 AM #14
thanks a lot ..
04-06-2013, 05:08 PM #15
Gym leader
i would love to play this game, i how ever suck at games on the pc, i cant use a keyboard to play anything even if my life depended on it. if i could i would have a gaming pc along with my ps3 i think alot of people are in that same boat. if this was ported to the ps4 i would most definitely buy it. i have watched so many YouTube vids about this game. it looks great and seems like it would be a great fit with the new system.

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