Post: Spys Vs Mercs Gamemode
02-13-2016, 10:59 AM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hello Everyone i would like to present to you my release of Spys vs Mercs for bo2 not sure what its supposed to be renamed to lol if you know please let me know thanks.
I Don't have vid recorder so i might post pics or something tomorrow

Also this is best on team based games like search and destroy i usually just use it as a modified Search and destroy Smile
****....if using Black Ops 2 - GSC Studio(which I use)... rename to _development_dvars.gsc****

Sorry for bad vid i used my phone since i still need to buy a game capture card lol

    Update Log
-fixed major bugs more stable was to lazy to remove unneed scripts and clean it up
-Source code: out...
-Custom HUd/abilities now appear correctly

-Improved text system(a little buggy/still need to add all the ablitlities once spawned in (teleport text)will apear when ready to use
-removed the welcome text due to overflows and replaced it with a Iprintlnbold
-removed all the iprintlns and add custom text


-been adding a few sound affects

-more round game mode based during half time you get to switch teams/ abilities

version 1.5

-Black and white vision...(not sure if keeping in next update)

-both teams have a 1 time teleport

-both have triple jump

-both can create a clone

-spys can activate a 6 sec speed boost(not sure if going keep this)(might make it a dash like the newer cods idk yet)

-added a intro kinda

-improved refill method to spys


-Added Custom Perks to each team and fixed glitch where people were able to their normal classes

    Team Abilities
-*Spys*-(yes I know its spies but I like how spys looks better lol-

-Refill Smokes and tomahawks every 5 secs(improved)

-Weapons given=Ballistic Knives, Knife,smokes,hatchet

-Abilities Fake death which turns you invisible for 10 secs(recharge time 10 secs)


-6 custom guns(forgot which ones)

-Abilities include infrared vision for 30 secs(recharge time 10secs) and Infinite ammo for 10(infinite ammo can only be use one time per round

------What i hope to add in future-------

-Funner and harder on Search and destroy

-possibly a host only mini menu?(force host, map changing,kick players ,etc. ,etc....)

-more merc weapons possibly a store

-and idk lol give me some ideas and feed back please Smile

    #include maps\mp\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util;
#include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message;

//Spys vs Mercs v2
//Created by Dr.GiggleZ
//Credit to jelly injector(for fake death from wii), IMSCx for the gsc injector, and anyone elseIforgot
//couldnt get the round dvars to work lol

level thread onPlayerConnect();
level.disableweapondrop = 1;
level.matchHasntStarted = 1;
setDVAR("scr_koth_roundlimit", "2");
setDVAR("scr_koth_roundswitch", "1");
setDVAR("scr_gtnw_roundlimit", "2");
setDVAR("scr_gtnw_roundswitch", "1");
setDVAR("scr_dd_roundlimit", "4");
setDVAR("scr_dd_roundswitch", "2");
setDVAR("scr_sab_roundswitch", "1");
setDVAR("scr_sab_roundlimit", "2");
setDVAR("scr_sd_roundlimit", "8");
setDVAR("scr_sab_roundswitch", "4");
wait level.prematchPeriod;
level.matchHasntStarted = 0;

for(;Winky Winky
level waittill("connected", player);
player thread onPlayerSpawned();
player thread Variables();
player thread UnlockVariables();
player thread doIntro();
if(player isHost())
player thread waitToOpenMenu();
self waittill( "spawned_player" );
wait 4;
self CreditText( "Spys vs Mercs v2", "Developed By", "Dr.GiggleZ" );//Please don't change this...
//wait 10;
//self CreditText( "Spys vs Mercs v2", "Hosted By", "Name here" );


CreditText( Line1, Line2, Line3 )

self.Credit[0] = self createFontString( "objective", 2.5 );
self.Credit[0] createTextDisplay( "center", "center", -600, 0, 1, 10 );
self.Credit[0].color = ( 0, 0, 0 );
self.Credit[0] setText( Line1 );
self thread DeathDelete(self.Credit[0]);

self.Credit[1] = self createFontString( "objective", 2.5 );
self.Credit[1] createTextDisplay( "center", "center", -600, 25, 1, 10 );
self.Credit[1].color = ( 0, 0, 0 );
self.Credit[1] setText( Line2 );
self thread DeathDelete(self.Credit[1]);

self.Credit[2] = self createFontString( "objective", 2.5 );
self.Credit[2] createTextDisplay( "center", "center", -600, 50, 1, 10 );
self.Credit[2].color = ( 0, 0, 0 );
self.Credit[2] setText( Line3 );
self thread DeathDelete(self.Credit[2]);
for(;Winky Winky
self.Credit[0] Move( 1, 0, 75 );
self.Credit[0] ChangeColor( 2, (randomFloat(1),randomFloat(1),randomFloat(1)) );
wait 3.2;
self.Credit[1] Move( 1, 0, 100 );
self.Credit[1] ChangeColor( 2, (randomFloat(1),randomFloat(1),randomFloat(1)) );
self.Credit[0] FadeThis( 1.5, 0 );
wait 3.5;
self.Credit[2] Move( 1, 0, 125 );
self.Credit[2] ChangeColor( 2, (randomFloat(1),randomFloat(1),randomFloat(1)) );
self.Credit[1] FadeThis( 1.5, 0 );
wait 3.5;
self.Credit[2] FadeThis( 1.5, 0 );
wait 1.6;
self.Credit[0] destroy();
self.Credit[1] destroy();
self.Credit[2] destroy();

Move( timeOnMove, x, y )
self moveOverTime( timeOnMove );
self.x = x;
self.y = y;

ChangeColor(time, color)
self FadeOverTime(time);
self.color = color;

createTextDisplay( alignX, alignY, xOffset, yOffset, alpha, sort )
self.x = xOffset;
self.y = yOffset;
self.alignX = alignX;
self.alignY = alignY;
self.horzAlign = alignX;
self.vertAlign = alignY;
self.alpha = alpha;
self.sort = sort;

FadeThis( time, alpha )
self fadeOverTime( time );
self.alpha = alpha;

self endon("disconnect");
for(;Winky Winky
if(self isHost())
setDVAR("allowAllNAT", "1");
self waittill("spawned_player");
if(firstSpawn == true)
firstSpawn = false;
if (self.pers["team"] == game["attackers"])
self thread Faker();
self iprintln("^1Welcome");
self iprintln("^5You are a Spy, ^7""!");
self show();
self iprintln("^5Press [{+activate}] to fake death");
self iprintlnbold("^5Press [{+activate}] to fake death");
self thread Refillplease();
self SpyPerks();
self thread onPlayerMultijump();
self thread ActivateClone();
self thread ActivateSpeed();
self.tele = false; = 200;
self.clone = false;
self.speed = false;
self thread MonitorSpeed();
self thread MonitorFaker();
self thread MonitorClone();
wait 4;
self takeallWeapons();
self thread SpysWeaps();
self setPerk("specialty_scavenger");
level.disableweapondrop = 1;
self.disableweapondrop = 1;
self thread DarkVision();
self useServerVisionSet(true);
self SetVisionSetforPlayer("mpintro", 0);
wait 1.5;
self iprintln("Press [{+actionslot 1}] to activate 2 Clones");
self [[game["set_player_model"][]["rifle"]]]();
self iprintlnbold("^1Welcome");
self iprintlnbold("^5You are a Spy, ^7""!");
setDvar("g_TeamColor_Allies","0 1 1 1");
setDvar("g_TeamColor_Axis","1 0 0 0");
setDvar("g_TeamColor_EnemyTeam","1 0 0 0");
setDvar("g_TeamColor_EnemyTeamAlt","1 0 0 0");
setDvar("g_TeamColor_Free","0 1 1 1");
setDvar("g_TeamColor_MyTeam","0 1 1 1");
setDvar("g_TeamColor_MyTeamAlt","0 1 1 1");
setDvar("g_TeamColor_MyTeamAlt_Party","0 1 1 1");
setDvar("g_TeamColor_Party","0 1 1 1");
setDvar("g_TeamColor_Spectator","0 0 0 0");
wait 9;
self thread onetimetele();
self thread MonitorTele();
self iprintln("Press [{+actionslot 4}] for a one time Teleport use");
self thread CheckSpyWeapons();
wait 2;
self iprintln("^2if you have any ideas what will make this funner and more challenging just say it");
wait 10;
self iprintln("^1This Game is a work in progress Spys vs Mercs");
self thread MonitorInfrared();
self MercPerks();
self takeallWeapons();
self thread MercWeaps();
self thread DarkVision();
self thread ToggleVision();
self useServerVisionSet(true);
self SetVisionSetforPlayer("mpintro", 0);
self show();
self thread MonitorAmmo();
self thread Toggleammo();
self thread onPlayerMultijump();
self thread MonitorClone();
self thread ActivateClone();
self.power = false;
self.clone = false;
self.tele = false;
level.disableweapondrop = 1;
wait 2;
self iprintln("Press [{+actionslot 1}] to activate infrared bodies");
self iprintlnbold("^5Welcome");
self iprintlnbold("^1You are a Merc,^7 ""!");
wait 4;
self iprintln("Press [{+actionslot 1}] to activate infrared bodies");
wait 1.5;
self iprintln("Press [{+actionslot 3}] to activate 2 Clones");
self setPerk("specialty_scavenger");
self.disableweapondrop = 1;
self thread RandomGun();
self [[game["set_player_model"][]["spread"]]]();
setDvar("g_TeamColor_Allies","0 1 1 1");
setDvar("g_TeamColor_Axis","1 0 0 0");
setDvar("g_TeamColor_EnemyTeam","0 1 1 1");
setDvar("g_TeamColor_EnemyTeamAlt","0 1 1 1");
setDvar("g_TeamColor_Free","1 0 0 0");
setDvar("g_TeamColor_MyTeam","1 0 0 0");
setDvar("g_TeamColor_MyTeamAlt","1 0 0 0");
setDvar("g_TeamColor_MyTeamAlt_Party","1 0 0 0");
setDvar("g_TeamColor_Party","1 0 0 0");
setDvar("g_TeamColor_Spectator","0 0 0 0");
wait 2;
self iprintln("Press [{+actionslot 2}] to activate infinite ammo for 10 secs");
wait 2;
self iprintln("Press [{+actionslot 2}] you can only use infinite ammo once per round");
wait 10;
self thread onetimetele();
self thread MonitorTele();
self iprintln("Press [{+actionslot 4}] for a one time Teleport use");
self thread CheckMercWeapons();
wait 2;
self iprintln("Spys have 2x health");
self iprintln("if you have any ideas what will make this funner and more challenging just say it");
wait 10;
self iprintln("^1This Game is a work in progress Spys vs Mercs");

if (self.pers["team"] == game["attackers"])
self thread createHealthSpy();
spytxt = createText( "objective", 1.7, "Center", "Center", 200, -175, "^5Spy: ^6Abilities");
self thread createHealthMercs();
merctxt = createText( "objective", 1.7, "Center", "Center", 200, -150, "^1Merc: ^6Abilities");

self thread unlockAllCheevos();

self.healthBar = self createBar( ( 1, 0, 0 ), 150, 13 );
self.healthBar setPoint( "CENTER", "BOTTOM", 80, -4 );
self.healthText = self createFontString( "objective", 1.5 );
self.healthText setPoint( "CENTER", "BOTTOM", 85, -20 );
self.healthText setText( "^7Merc Health^5: ^1100" );
for(;Winky Winky
self.healthBar updateBar( / self.maxhealth );
wait 0.001;

self.healthBar = self createBar( ( 0, 1, 1 ), 150, 13 );
self.healthBar setPoint( "CENTER", "BOTTOM", 50, -4 );
self.healthText = self createFontString( "objective", 1.5 );
self.healthText setPoint( "CENTER", "BOTTOM", 120, -20 );
self.healthText setText( "^7Spy Health^1: ^5200" );
for(;Winky Winky
self.healthBar updateBar( / self.maxhealth );
wait 0.001;

StoreWeapon=self getCurrentWeapon();
self takeWeapon(StoreWeapon);
self giveWeapon(StoreWeapon,0,true(Camo,0,0,0,0));
self setSpawnWeapon(StoreWeapon);

self endon("disconnect");
self endon("death");
for(;Winky Winky
if(self actionSlotOneButtonPressed())
self thread InfraredVision();
wait 0.01;

if(self.infraredvision == true)
self notify("destroyReady");
self notify("destroyinfared");
self useServerVisionSet(false);
wait 0.01;
self useServerVisionSet(true);
self setinfraredvision(true);
self Setvisionsetforplayer(level.remote_mortar_infrared _vision, true);
self iPrintlnBold("^7Infrared Vision: ^2Enabled");
self playsound( "uin_rts_objective_updated" );
self.infraredvision = false;
status2 = createText( "objective", 1.7, "Center", "Center", 200, -125, "^1Infrared[{+actionslot 1}]: ^2"+self.Infraredstatus );
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Infrared For: ^230");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Infrared For: ^229");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Infrared For: ^228");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Infrared For: ^227");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Infrared For: ^226");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Infrared For: ^225");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Infrared For: ^224");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Infrared For: ^223");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Infrared For: ^222");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Infrared For: ^221");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Infrared For: ^220");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Infrared For: ^219");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Infrared For: ^218");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Infrared For: ^217");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Infrared For: ^216");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Infrared For: ^115");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Infrared For: ^114");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Infrared For: ^113");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Infrared For: ^112");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Infrared For: ^111");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Infrared For: ^110");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Infrared For: ^19");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Infrared For: ^18");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Infrared For: ^17");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Infrared For: ^16");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Infrared For: ^15");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Infrared For: ^14");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Infrared For: ^13");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Infrared For: ^12");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Infrared For: ^11");
wait 1;
self useServerVisionSet(false);
self setinfraredvision(false);
self iPrintlnBold("^7Infrared Vision: ^1Disabled");
wait 0.01;
self useServerVisionSet(true);
self SetVisionSetforPlayer("remote_mortar_enhanced", 0);
status2 destroy();
status2 = createText( "objective", 1.7, "Center", "Center", 200, -125, "^1Infrared[{+actionslot 1}]: ^1"+self.Infraredstatus );
self iprintln("^7Charging: ^110");
self thread DarkVision();
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Charging: ^19");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Charging: ^18");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Charging: ^17");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Charging: ^16");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Charging: ^25");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Charging: ^24");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Charging: ^23");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Charging: ^22");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Charging: ^21");
self.infraredvision = true;
self iprintln("^7Infrared ^5Ready [{+actionslot 1}]");
status2 destroy();
self thread InfraredReady();
self iprintln("^1Infrared Recharging Wait");

status2 = createText( "objective", 1.7, "Center", "Center", 200, -125, "^1Infrared[{+actionslot 1}]: ^2"+self.Infraredstatus );

self waittill("destroyReady");
status2 destroy();

status2 = createText( "objective", 1.7, "Center", "Center", 200, -125, "^1Infrared[{+actionslot 1}]: ^2"+self.Infraredstatus );
self waittill("destroyinfared");
status2 destroy();

self endon("disconnect");
self endon("death");
for(;Winky Winky
while(!self usebuttonpressed())
wait 0.05;
self notify("destroyfaker");
self notify("destroyReady");
clone = self ClonePlayer(3);
clone StartRagdoll();
self hide();
self playsound( "chr_death" );
spystatus1 = createText( "objective", 1.7, "Center", "Center", 200, -150, "^5Faker[{+activate}]: ^2"+self.clokestatus );
self iPrintlnBold("^2Invisible for 10 secs!");
wait 1;
self iprintln("Invisible ^29");
wait 1;
self iprintln("Invisible ^28");
wait 1;
self iprintln("Invisible ^27");
wait 1;
self iprintln("Invisible ^26");
wait 1;
self iprintln("Invisible ^15");
wait 1;
self iprintln("Invisible ^14");
wait 1;
self iprintln("Invisible ^13");
wait 1;
self iPrintln("Invisible ^12");
wait 1;
self iPrintln("Invisible ^11");
self iPrintln("^1You're Visible!");
self show();
wait 1;
spystatus1 destroy();
spystatus1 = createText( "objective", 1.7, "Center", "Center", 200, -150, "^5Faker[{+activate}]: ^1"+self.clokestatus );
self iPrintlnBold("Charging...^1 (10secs)");
wait 1;
self iprintln("Charging... ^19");
wait 1;
self iPrintln("Charging... ^18");
wait 1;
self iPrintln("Charging... ^17");
wait 1;
self iPrintln("Charging... ^16");
wait 1;
self iPrintln("Charging... ^25");
wait 1;
self iPrintln("Charging... ^24");
wait 1;
self iPrintln("Charging... ^23");
wait 1;
self iPrintln("Charging... ^22");
wait 1;
self iPrintln("Charging... ^21");
spystatus1 destroy();
self thread FakerReady();
self iPrintlnBold("Press [{+activate}] to fake your death!");

spystatus1 = createText( "objective", 1.7, "Center", "Center", 200, -150, "^5Faker[{+activate}]: ^2"+self.clokestatus );

self waittill("destroyReady");
spystatus1 destroy();

spystatus1 = createText( "objective", 1.7, "Center", "Center", 200, -150, "^5Faker[{+activate}]: ^2"+self.clokestatus );
self waittill("destroyfaker");
spystatus1 destroy();

self endon("disconnect");
self endon("death");
for(;Winky Winky
if(self actionSlotTwoButtonPressed() && self.power == false)
self thread Ammopower();
self.power = true;
else if(self actionSlotTwoButtonPressed() && self.power == true)
self iprintln("^1Already used stop once this round");
wait 0.01;

self thread Unlimitedammo();
self thread UnlimitedNades();
self notify("destroyammo");
mercstatus5 destroy();
mercstatus5 = createText( "objective", 1.7, "Center", "Center", 200, -65, "^0Ammo[{+actionslot 2}]: ^2"+self.ammostatus );
self iprintln("^7Unlimited Ammo For: ^210");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Unlimited Ammo For: ^29");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Unlimited Ammo For: ^28");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Unlimited Ammo For: ^27");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Unlimited Ammo For: ^26");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Unlimited Ammo For: ^15");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Unlimited Ammo For: ^14");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Unlimited Ammo For: ^13");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Unlimited Ammo For: ^12");
wait 1;
self iprintln("^7Unlimited Ammo For: ^11");
wait 1;
self iprintlnbold("Unlimited Ammo ^1Off");
self notify("endpower");
mercstatus5 destroy();
mercstatus5 = createText( "objective", 1.7, "Center", "Center", 200, -65, "^0Ammo[{+actionslot 2}]: ^1"+self.ammostatus );

mercstatus5 = createText( "objective", 1.7, "Center", "Center", 200, -65, "^0Ammo[{+actionslot 2}]: ^1"+self.ammostatus );
self waittill("destroyammo");
mercstatus5 destroy();

self endon("disconnect");
self endon("death");
self endon("endpower");
for(;Winky Winky
currentoffhand=self getcurrentoffhand();
self givemaxammo(currentoffhand);
wait 0.1;

self endon("disconnect");
self endon("death");
for(;Winky Winky
wait 3.5;
self thread RefillNades();

self endon("disconnect");
self endon("death");
self endon("Refilled");
for(;Winky Winky
self givemaxammo("willy_pete_mp");
wait 2.5;
self givemaxammo("hatchet_mp");
self givemaxammo("willy_pete_mp");
wait 0.1;
self notify("Refilled");
self iprintln("Nades Refilled");//For testing prpse

self endon("disconnect");
self endon("death");
self endon("endpower");
for(;Winky Winky
currentWeapon=self getcurrentweapon();
self setweaponammoclip(currentWeapon,weaponclipsize(cur rentWeapon));
self givemaxammo(currentWeapon);
wait 0.1;

self clearPerks();
self setPerk("specialty_bulletflinch");
self setPerk("specialty_delayexplosive");
self setPerk("specialty_detectexplosive");
self setPerk("specialty_earnmoremomentum");
self setPerk("specialty_extraammo");
self setPerk("specialty_fallheight");
self setPerk("specialty_fastads");
self setPerk("specialty_fastequipmentuse");
self setPerk("specialty_fastladderclimb");
self setPerk("specialty_fastmantle");
self setPerk("specialty_fastmeleerecovery");
self setPerk("specialty_fastreload");
self setPerk("specialty_fasttoss");
self setPerk("specialty_fastweaponswitch");
self setPerk("specialty_longersprint");
self setPerk("specialty_loudenemies");
self setPerk("specialty_marksman");
self setPerk("specialty_movefaster");
self setPerk("specialty_quieter");
self setPerk("specialty_reconnaissance");
self setPerk("specialty_rof");
self setPerk("specialty_sprintrecovery");
self setPerk("specialty_twogrenades");
self setPerk("specialty_unlimitedsprint");

self clearPerks();
self setPerk("specialty_bulletaccuracy");
self setPerk("specialty_fallheight");
self setPerk("specialty_bulletflinch");
self setPerk("specialty_deadshot");
self setPerk("specialty_earnmoremomentum");
self setPerk("specialty_extraammo");
self setPerk("specialty_fastmeleerecovery");
self setPerk("specialty_fastreload");
self setPerk("specialty_fasttoss");
self setPerk("specialty_fastweaponswitch");
self setPerk("specialty_holdbreath");
self setPerk("specialty_killstreak");
self setPerk("specialty_longersprint");
self setPerk("specialty_marksman");
self setPerk("specialty_movefaster");
self setPerk("specialty_scavenger");
self setPerk("specialty_sprintrecovery");
self setPerk("specialty_showonradar");
self setPerk("specialty_stalker");
self setPerk("specialty_twogrenades");

if(self.darkvision == true)
self useServerVisionSet(true);
self SetVisionSetforPlayer("remote_mortar_enhanced", 0);
self SetVisionSetforPlayer("mpintro", 0);

scrollFadeText( fontscale, pos1, pos2, x, y, color, text )
message = [];
txt = GetSubStr(text,0);
message[i] = createFontString("extrabig",fontscale);
message[i] setPoint(pos1,pos2,x-((txt.size/2)*(fontscale*6))+((fontscale*6)*i),y);
message[i] setText(color+txt[i]);
message[i].alpha = 0;
message[i].color = (randomFloat(1),randomFloat(1),randomFloat(1));
message[i] doFade(0.3,1);
wait 0.3;
message[i] doFade(0.5,0);
wait 0.7;
message[i] doFade(1,1);
wait 2;
message[i] doFade(2,0);
wait 2;
message[i] destroy();

doFade( time, alpha )
self FadeOverTime(time);
self.alpha = alpha;

self endon("disconnect");
self endon("death");
for(;Winky Winky
if(self actionSlotFourButtonPressed() && self.tele == false)
if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_nuketown_2020")
self thread Nuketown();
if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_hijacked")
self thread Hijacked();
if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_express")
self thread Express();
if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_meltdown")
self thread Meltdown();
if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_drone")
self thread Drone();
if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_carrier")
self thread Carrier();
if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_overflow")
self thread Overflow();
if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_slums")
self thread Slums();
if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_turbine")
self thread Turbine();
if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_raid")
self thread Raid();
if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_la")
self thread Aftermath();
if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_dockside")
self thread Cargo();
if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_village")
self thread Standoff();
if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_nightclub")
self thread Plaza();
if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_socotra")
self thread Yemen();
if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_dig")
self thread Dig();
if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_pod")
self thread Pod();
if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_takeoff")
self thread Takeoff();
if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_frostbite")
self thread Frost();
if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_mirage")
self thread Mirage();
if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_hydro")
self thread Hydro();
if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_skate")
self thread Grind();
if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_downhill")
self thread Downhill();
if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_concert")
self thread Encore();
if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_vertigo")
self thread Vertigo();
if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_studio")
self thread Studio();
if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_paintball")
self thread Rush();
if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_castaway")
self thread Cove();
if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_bridge")
self thread Detour();
if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_magma")
self thread Magma();
if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_uplink")
self thread Uplink();
self.tele = true;
else if(self actionSlotFourButtonPressed() && self.tele == true)
self iprintln("^1Already used stop once this round");
wait 0.01;

self beginLocationselection( "map_mortar_selector", 800 );
self.selectinglocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
self thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airsupport::endSelectionThink ();
newLocation = bulletTrace( ( location + ( 0, 0, 200 ) ), ( location + ( 0, 0, 150 ) ), 0, self )["position"];
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self.tele = true;
self iPrintLn("Teleported!");
self notify("destroytele");
self playsound( "prj_bullet_impact_headshot_2d" );
AllClientsPrint( +" ^0Teleported!!!!!");

telestatus = createText( "objective", 1.7, "Center", "Center", 200, -85, "^6Tele[{+actionslot 4}] : ^1"+self.telestatus );
self waittill("destroytele");
telestatus destroy();
telestatus = createText( "objective", 1.7, "Center", "Center", 200, -85, "^6Tele[{+actionslot 4}] : ^1"+self.telestatus );

self endon("disconnect");
self endon("EndMultiJump");
self endon("death");
self thread landsOnGround();
for(;Winky Winky
while(!self jumpbuttonpressed())
wait 0.05;
while(self jumpbuttonpressed())
wait 0.05;
if(getDvarFloat("jump_height")> 250)
if(!self isOnGround())
while(!self isOnGround()&& currentNum < self.numOfMultijumps)
waittillResult=self waittill_any_timeout(0.11,"landedOnGround","disconnect","death");
if(self jumpbuttonpressed())
waittillResult=self waittill_any_timeout(0.05,"landedOnGround","disconnect","death");
if(waittillResult=="jump" && !self isOnGround())
playerAngles=self getplayerangles();
playerVelocity=self getVelocity();
self setvelocity((playerVelocity[0],playerVelocity[1],playerVelocity[2]/2)+ anglestoforward((270,playerAngles[1],playerAngles[2]))* getDvarInt("jump_height")*(((-1/39)* getDvarInt("jump_height"))+(17/2)));
while(self jumpbuttonpressed())wait 0.05;
else break;
while(!self isOnGround())wait 0.05;

self endon("disconnect");
self endon("EndMultiJump");
for(;Winky Winky
wait 0.05;
newResult=self isOnGround();
if(!loopResult && newResult)
self notify("landedOnGround");

self endon("disconnect");
self endon("death");
for(;Winky Winky
if(self actionSlotThreeButtonPressed() && self.clone == false)
self thread Clone();
self thread time();
self.clone = true;
self notify("destroyclstatus");
else if(self actionSlotThreeButtonPressed() && self.clone == true)
self iprintln("^1Already used most likely recharging");
wait 0.01;

self endon("disconnect");
self endon("death");
clones=self ClonePlayer(2);
wait 0.1;
clones thread destroyModelOnTime(15);

self endon("disconnect");
self endon("death");
self endon("Donezz");
self notify("destroyReady1");
status3 destroy();
self.clonestatus="Active: 15 secs";
status3 = createText( "objective", 1.7, "Center", "Center", 200, -105, "^6Clones[{+actionslot 3}]: ^1"+self.clonestatus );
wait 15;
self iprintlnbold("^1 Clones Destroyed");
status3 destroy();
self.clonestatus="Recharging:6 secs";
status3 = createText( "objective", 1.7, "Center", "Center", 200, -105, "^6Clones[{+actionslot 3}]: ^1"+self.clonestatus );
wait 6;
self iprintlnbold("^2Clones Recharged");
status3 destroy();
self thread CloneReady();
self notify("Donezz");

status3 = createText( "objective", 1.7, "Center", "Center", 200, -105, "^6Clones[{+actionslot 3}]: ^2"+self.clonestatus );

self waittill("destroyReady1");
status3 destroy();

status3 = createText( "objective", 1.7, "Center", "Center", 200, -105, "^6Clones[{+actionslot 3}]: ^2"+self.clonestatus );
self waittill("destroyclstatus");
status3 destroy();

self delete();

self endon("disconnect");
self endon("death");
for(;Winky Winky
if(self actionSlotOneButtonPressed() && self.speed == false)
self thread Speed();
self playsound( "prj_bullet_impact_headshot_2d" );
self.speed = true;
self notify("destroyspeed");
spystatus2 destroy();
spystatus2 = createText( "objective", 1.7, "Center", "Center", 200, -125, "^5Speed[{+actionslot 1}]: ^1"+self.speedstatus );
else if(self actionSlotOneButtonPressed() && self.speed == true)
self iprintln("^1Can Only be used once");
wait 0.01;
self setmovespeedscale(2);
self iprintln("2x Speed for: ^25");
wait 5;
self iprintlnbold("2x Speed for OFF");
self setmovespeedscale(1);

spystatus2 = createText( "objective", 1.7, "Center", "Center", 200, -125, "^5Speed[{+actionslot 1}]: ^2"+self.speedstatus );
self waittill("destroyspeed");
spystatus2 destroy();
spystatus2 = createText( "objective", 1.7, "Center", "Center", 200, -125, "^5Speed[{+actionslot 1}]: ^1"+self.speedstatus );

foreach(cheevo in cheevoList)
self giveachievement(cheevo);
wait 0.25;

self endon("disconnect");
self endon("death");
self thread SpysWeaps();
wait 1;
self thread RandomGun();
wait 5;
self thread SpysWeaps();
self thread RandomGun();

self endon("disconnect");
self endon("death");
self thread MercWeaps();
wait 1;
self thread RandomGun();
wait 5;
self thread MercWeaps();
self thread RandomGun();

self takeallWeapons();
self giveWeapon("knife_mp");
self giveWeapon("knife_ballistic_mp");
self switchToWeapon("knife_ballistic_mp");
self giveWeapon("hatchet_mp");
self giveWeapon("willy_pete_mp");
self iprintlnbold("^5Weapons given");

self takeallWeapons();
self giveWeapon("ballista_mp+swayreduc");
self giveWeapon("knife_mp");
self giveWeapon("judge_mp+silencer");
self giveWeapon("gl_an94_mp");
self giveWeapon("vector_mp+silencer+reflex");
self giveWeapon("870mcs_mp+extbarrel");
self giveWeapon("sticky_grenade_mp");
self giveWeapon("concussion_grenade_mp");
self giveWeapon("srm1216_mp+silencer+reflex");
self giveWeapon("sf_evoskorpion_mp+rf+extclip+fastreload+stalker+st eadyaim+grip+fmj+dualclip");
self switchToWeapon("vector_mp+silencer+reflex");
self iprintlnbold("^1Weapons given");

self.inMenu = 0;
for(;Winky Winky
while(!self useButtonPressed() || !self meleeButtonPressed())
wait 0.1;
wait 1;
if(self useButtonPressed() && self meleeButtonPressed() && !self.inMenu)
self thread kickMenu();

self freeze_player_controls(true);
title = createText( "objective", 1.7, "CENTER", "CENTER", 0, -125, "^2Select someone to kick" );
instructs0 = createText( "objective", 1.5, "LEFT", "CENTER", -109, -100+(level.players.size*25), "[{+speed_throw}] Up\n[{+attack}] Down" );
instructs1 = createText( "objective", 1.5, "RIGHT", "CENTER", 109, -100+(level.players.size*25), "Rank Up/Kick [{+activate}]" );
instructs2 = createText( "objective", 1.5, "RIGHT", "CENTER", 109, -80+(level.players.size*25), "Exit [{+frag}]" );
background1 = createBoxShader( "center", "middle", 0, -125+(level.players.size*12.5), (0,0.4,0), 220, 25+(level.players.size*25), 1, -5 );
background2 = createBoxShader( "center", "middle", 0, -125, (0.4,0.4,0.4), 214, 20, 1, -4 );
playerText = [];
playerText[i] = createText( "objective", 1.5, "LEFT", "CENTER", -102, -101+(i*25), level.players[i].name );
playerText[i].background = createBoxShader( "center", "middle", 0, -100+(i*25), (1,1,1), 214, 20, 0.4, -3 );
playerText[i].player = level.players[i];
playerText[0].background.alpha = 1;
playerText[0].background.color = (0,0,0);
self.inMenu = 1;
curPlayer = 0;
wait 0.3;
while(!self useButtonPressed() && !self attackButtonPressed() && !self adsButtonPressed() && !self fragButtonPressed())
wait 0.01;
if(self useButtonPressed())
if(level.players[curPlayer] != self)
playerText[curPlayer] setText("^1"+playerText[curPlayer];
kick(playerText[curPlayer].player GetEntityNumber());
if(self fragButtonPressed())
self.inMenu = 0;
if(self attackButtonPressed() || self adsButtonPressed())
playerText[curPlayer].background.alpha = 0.4;
playerText[curPlayer].background.color = (1,1,1);
if(self attackButtonPressed())
if(self adsButtonPressed())
if(curPlayer == playerText.size)
curPlayer = 0;
if(curPlayer < 0)
curPlayer = playerText.size-1;
playerText[curPlayer].background.alpha = 1;
playerText[curPlayer].background.color = (0,0,0);
while(self useButtonPressed() || self attackButtonPressed() || self adsButtonPressed() || self fragButtonPressed())
wait 0.05;
playerText[i] destroy();
playerText[i].background destroy();
background1 destroy();
background2 destroy();
title destroy();
instructs0 destroy();
instructs1 destroy();
instructs2 destroy();
self freeze_player_controls(false);

createText( font, fontscale, pos1, pos2, x, y, text )
txt = createFontString(font,fontscale);
txt setPoint(pos1,pos2,x,y);
txt setText(text);
return txt;

createBoxShader( pos1, pos2, x, y, color, width, height, alpha, sort )
box = newClientHudElem(self);
box.x = x;
box.y = y;
box.alignX = pos1;
box.alignY = pos2;
box.horzAlign = pos1;
box.vertAlign = pos2;
box.color = color;
box setShader("white", width, height);
box.alpha = alpha;
box.sort = sort;
return box;


self.stringTable = [];
self.stringTableEntryCount = 0;
self.textTable = [];
self.textTableEntryCount = 0;

if(isDefined(level.anchorText) == false)
level.anchorText = createServerFontString("default",1.5);
level.anchorText setText("anchor");
level.anchorText.alpha = 0;

level.stringCount = 0;

level.anchorText clearAllTextAfterHudElem();
level.stringCount = 0;

foreach(player in level.players)
player iprintln("cleared");
player purgeTextTable();
player purgeStringTable();
player recreateText();

setSafeText(player, text)
stringId = player getStringId(text);

if(stringId == -1)
player addStringTableEntry(text);
stringId = player getStringId(text);

player editTextTableEntry(self.textTableIndex, stringId);

if(level.stringCount > 50)

self setText(text);

foreach(entry in self.textTable)
entry.element setSafeText(self, lookUpStringById(entry.stringId));


entry = spawnStruct(); = self.stringTableEntryCount;
entry.string = string;

self.stringTable[self.stringTable.size] = entry;

string = "";

foreach(entry in self.stringTable)
if( == id)
string = entry.string;

return string;

id = -1;

foreach(entry in self.stringTable)
if(entry.string == string)
id =;

return id;

stringTableEntry = -1;

foreach(entry in self.stringTable)
if( == id)
stringTableEntry = entry;

return stringTableEntry;

stringTable = [];

foreach(entry in self.textTable)
stringTable[stringTable.size] = getStringTableEntry(entry.stringId);

self.stringTable = stringTable;

textTable = [];

foreach(entry in self.textTable)
if( != -1)
textTable[textTable.size] = entry;

self.textTable = textTable;

addTextTableEntry(element, stringId)
entry = spawnStruct(); = self.textTableEntryCount;
entry.element = element;
entry.stringId = stringId;

element.textTableIndex =;

self.textTable[self.textTable.size] = entry;

editTextTableEntry(id, stringId)
foreach(entry in self.textTable)
if( == id)
entry.stringId = stringId;

foreach(entry in self.textTable)
if( == id)
{ = -1;
entry.stringId = -1;

if(self.type == "text")
player deleteTextTableEntry(self.textTableIndex);
self destroy();

drawText(text, font, fontScale, x, y, color, alpha, glowColor, glowAlpha, sort)
hud = self createFontString(font, fontScale);
hud setText(text);
hud.x = x;
hud.y = y;
hud.color = color;
hud.alpha = alpha;
hud.glowColor = glowColor;
hud.glowAlpha = glowAlpha;
hud.sort = sort;
hud.alpha = alpha;
return hud;

self waittill("death");
entity delete();
entity destroy();

self beginLocationselection( "map_mortar_selector", 800 );
self.selectinglocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
self thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airsupport::endSelectionThink ();
newLocation = bulletTrace( ( location + ( 0, 0, 200 ) ), ( location + ( 0, 0, 150 ) ), 0, self )["position"];
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self.tele = true;
self iPrintLn("Teleported!");
self notify("destroytele");
self playsound( "prj_bullet_impact_headshot_2d" );
AllClientsPrint( +" ^0Teleported!!!!!");
self beginLocationselection( "map_mortar_selector", 800 );
self.selectinglocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
self thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airsupport::endSelectionThink ();
newLocation = bulletTrace( ( location + ( 0, 0, 200 ) ), ( location + ( 0, 0, 150 ) ), 0, self )["position"];
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self.tele = true;
self iPrintLn("Teleported!");
self notify("destroytele");
self playsound( "prj_bullet_impact_headshot_2d" );
AllClientsPrint( +" ^0Teleported!!!!!");
self beginLocationselection( "map_mortar_selector", 800 );
self.selectinglocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
self thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airsupport::endSelectionThink ();
newLocation = bulletTrace( ( location + ( 0, 0, 200 ) ), ( location + ( 0, 0, 150 ) ), 0, self )["position"];
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self.tele = true;
self iPrintLn("Teleported!");
self notify("destroytele");
self playsound( "prj_bullet_impact_headshot_2d" );
AllClientsPrint( +" ^0Teleported!!!!!");

self beginLocationselection( "map_mortar_selector", 800 );
self.selectinglocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
self thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airsupport::endSelectionThink ();
newLocation = bulletTrace( ( location + ( 0, 0, 200 ) ), ( location + ( 0, 0, 150 ) ), 0, self )["position"];
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self.tele = true;
self iPrintLn("Teleported!");
self notify("destroytele");
self playsound( "prj_bullet_impact_headshot_2d" );
AllClientsPrint( +" ^0Teleported!!!!!");
self beginLocationselection( "map_mortar_selector", 800 );
self.selectinglocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
self thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airsupport::endSelectionThink ();
newLocation = bulletTrace( ( location + ( 0, 0, 200 ) ), ( location + ( 0, 0, 350 ) ), 0, self )["position"];
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self.tele = true;
self iPrintLn("Teleported!");
self notify("destroytele");
self playsound( "prj_bullet_impact_headshot_2d" );
AllClientsPrint( +" ^0Teleported!!!!!");
self beginLocationselection( "map_mortar_selector", 800 );
self.selectinglocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
self thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airsupport::endSelectionThink ();
newLocation = bulletTrace( ( location + ( 0, 0, 200 ) ), ( location + ( 0, 0, 150 ) ), 0, self )["position"];
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self.tele = true;
self iPrintLn("Teleported!");
self notify("destroytele");
self playsound( "prj_bullet_impact_headshot_2d" );
AllClientsPrint( +" ^0Teleported!!!!!");

self beginLocationselection( "map_mortar_selector", 800 );
self.selectinglocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
self thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airsupport::endSelectionThink ();
newLocation = bulletTrace( ( location + ( 0, 0, 200 ) ), ( location + ( 0, 0, 175 ) ), 0, self )["position"];
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self.tele = true;
self iPrintLn("Teleported!");
self notify("destroytele");
self playsound( "prj_bullet_impact_headshot_2d" );
AllClientsPrint( +" ^0Teleported!!!!!");

self beginLocationselection( "map_mortar_selector", 800 );
self.selectinglocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
self thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airsupport::endSelectionThink ();
newLocation = bulletTrace( ( location + ( 0, 0, 200 ) ), ( location + ( 0, 0, 650 ) ), 0, self )["position"];
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self.tele = true;
self iPrintLn("Teleported!");
self notify("destroytele");
self playsound( "prj_bullet_impact_headshot_2d" );
AllClientsPrint( +" ^0Teleported!!!!!");
self beginLocationselection( "map_mortar_selector", 800 );
self.selectinglocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
self thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airsupport::endSelectionThink ();
newLocation = bulletTrace( ( location + ( 0, 0, 200 ) ), ( location + ( 0, 0, 350 ) ), 0, self )["position"];
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self.tele = true;
self iPrintLn("Teleported!");
self notify("destroytele");
self playsound( "prj_bullet_impact_headshot_2d" );
AllClientsPrint( +" ^0Teleported!!!!!");

self beginLocationselection( "map_mortar_selector", 800 );
self.selectinglocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
self thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airsupport::endSelectionThink ();
newLocation = bulletTrace( ( location + ( 0, 0, 200 ) ), ( location + ( 0, 0, 150 ) ), 0, self )["position"];
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self.tele = true;
self iPrintLn("Teleported!");
self notify("destroytele");
self playsound( "prj_bullet_impact_headshot_2d" );
AllClientsPrint( +" ^0Teleported!!!!!");

self beginLocationselection( "map_mortar_selector", 800 );
self.selectinglocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
self thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airsupport::endSelectionThink ();
newLocation = bulletTrace( ( location + ( 0, 0, 200 ) ), ( location + ( 0, 0, 150 ) ), 0, self )["position"];
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self.tele = true;
self iPrintLn("Teleported!");
self notify("destroytele");
self playsound( "prj_bullet_impact_headshot_2d" );
AllClientsPrint( +" ^0Teleported!!!!!");

self beginLocationselection( "map_mortar_selector", 800 );
self.selectinglocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
self thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airsupport::endSelectionThink ();
newLocation = bulletTrace( ( location + ( 0, 0, 200 ) ), ( location + ( 0, 0, 150 ) ), 0, self )["position"];
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self.tele = true;
self iPrintLn("Teleported!");
self notify("destroytele");
self playsound( "prj_bullet_impact_headshot_2d" );
AllClientsPrint( +" ^0Teleported!!!!!");

self beginLocationselection( "map_mortar_selector", 800 );
self.selectinglocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
self thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airsupport::endSelectionThink ();
newLocation = bulletTrace( ( location + ( 0, 0, 200 ) ), ( location + ( 0, 0, 150 ) ), 0, self )["position"];
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self.tele = true;
self iPrintLn("Teleported!");
self notify("destroytele");
self playsound( "prj_bullet_impact_headshot_2d" );
AllClientsPrint( +" ^0Teleported!!!!!");

self beginLocationselection( "map_mortar_selector", 800 );
self.selectinglocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
self thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airsupport::endSelectionThink ();
newLocation = bulletTrace( ( location + ( 0, 0, 200 ) ), ( location + ( 0, 0, 150 ) ), 0, self )["position"];
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self.tele = true;
self iPrintLn("Teleported!");
self notify("destroytele");
self playsound( "prj_bullet_impact_headshot_2d" );
AllClientsPrint( +" ^0Teleported!!!!!");

self beginLocationselection( "map_mortar_selector", 800 );
self.selectinglocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
self thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airsupport::endSelectionThink ();
newLocation = bulletTrace( ( location + ( 0, 0, 200 ) ), ( location + ( 0, 0, 500 ) ), 0, self )["position"];
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self.tele = true;
self iPrintLn("Teleported!");
self notify("destroytele");
self playsound( "prj_bullet_impact_headshot_2d" );
AllClientsPrint( +" ^0Teleported!!!!!");

self beginLocationselection( "map_mortar_selector", 800 );
self.selectinglocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
self thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airsupport::endSelectionThink ();
newLocation = bulletTrace( ( location + ( 0, 0, 200 ) ), ( location + ( 0, 0, 170 ) ), 0, self )["position"];
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self.tele = true;
self iPrintLn("Teleported!");
self notify("destroytele");
self playsound( "prj_bullet_impact_headshot_2d" );
AllClientsPrint( +" ^0Teleported!!!!!");
self beginLocationselection( "map_mortar_selector", 800 );
self.selectinglocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
self thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airsupport::endSelectionThink ();
newLocation = bulletTrace( ( location + ( 0, 0, 200 ) ), ( location + ( 0, 0, 600 ) ), 0, self )["position"];
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self.tele = true;
self iPrintLn("Teleported!");
self notify("destroytele");
self playsound( "prj_bullet_impact_headshot_2d" );
AllClientsPrint( +" ^0Teleported!!!!!");

self beginLocationselection( "map_mortar_selector", 800 );
self.selectinglocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
self thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airsupport::endSelectionThink ();
newLocation = bulletTrace( ( location + ( 0, 0, 200 ) ), ( location + ( 0, 0, 150 ) ), 0, self )["position"];
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self.tele = true;
self iPrintLn("Teleported!");
self notify("destroytele");
self playsound( "prj_bullet_impact_headshot_2d" );
AllClientsPrint( +" ^0Teleported!!!!!");

self beginLocationselection( "map_mortar_selector", 800 );
self.selectinglocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
self thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airsupport::endSelectionThink ();
newLocation = bulletTrace( ( location + ( 0, 0, 200 ) ), ( location + ( 0, 0, 150 ) ), 0, self )["position"];
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self.tele = true;
self iPrintLn("Teleported!");
self notify("destroytele");
self playsound( "prj_bullet_impact_headshot_2d" );
AllClientsPrint( +" ^0Teleported!!!!!");

self beginLocationselection( "map_mortar_selector", 800 );
self.selectinglocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
self thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airsupport::endSelectionThink ();
newLocation = bulletTrace( ( location + ( 0, 0, 200 ) ), ( location + ( 0, 0, 150 ) ), 0, self )["position"];
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self.tele = true;
self iPrintLn("Teleported!");
self notify("destroytele");
self playsound( "prj_bullet_impact_headshot_2d" );
AllClientsPrint( +" ^0Teleported!!!!!");
self beginLocationselection( "map_mortar_selector", 800 );
self.selectinglocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
self thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airsupport::endSelectionThink ();
newLocation = bulletTrace( ( location + ( 0, 0, 200 ) ), ( location + ( 0, 0, 550 ) ), 0, self )["position"];
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self.tele = true;
self iPrintLn("Teleported!");
self notify("destroytele");
self playsound( "prj_bullet_impact_headshot_2d" );
AllClientsPrint( +" ^0Teleported!!!!!");
self beginLocationselection( "map_mortar_selector", 800 );
self.selectinglocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
self thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airsupport::endSelectionThink ();
newLocation = bulletTrace( ( location + ( 0, 0, 200 ) ), ( location + ( 0, 0, 250 ) ), 0, self )["position"];
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self.tele = true;
self iPrintLn("Teleported!");
self notify("destroytele");
self playsound( "prj_bullet_impact_headshot_2d" );
AllClientsPrint( +" ^0Teleported!!!!!");
self beginLocationselection( "map_mortar_selector", 800 );
self.selectinglocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
self thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airsupport::endSelectionThink ();
newLocation = bulletTrace( ( location + ( 0, 0, 1280 ) ), ( location + ( 0, 0, 1280 ) ), 0, self )["position"];
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self.tele = true;
self iPrintLn("Teleported!");
self notify("destroytele");
self playsound( "prj_bullet_impact_headshot_2d" );
AllClientsPrint( +" ^0Teleported!!!!!");
self beginLocationselection( "map_mortar_selector", 800 );
self.selectinglocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
self thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airsupport::endSelectionThink ();
newLocation = bulletTrace( ( location + ( 0, 0, 200 ) ), ( location + ( 0, 0, 150 ) ), 0, self )["position"];
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self.tele = true;
self iPrintLn("Teleported!");
self notify("destroytele");
self playsound( "prj_bullet_impact_headshot_2d" );
AllClientsPrint( +" ^0Teleported!!!!!");
self beginLocationselection( "map_mortar_selector", 800 );
self.selectinglocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
self thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airsupport::endSelectionThink ();
newLocation = bulletTrace( ( location + ( 0, 0, 200 ) ), ( location + ( 0, 0, 150 ) ), 0, self )["position"];
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self.tele = true;
self iPrintLn("Teleported!");
self notify("destroytele");
self playsound( "prj_bullet_impact_headshot_2d" );
AllClientsPrint( +" ^0Teleported!!!!!");
self beginLocationselection( "map_mortar_selector", 800 );
self.selectinglocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
self thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airsupport::endSelectionThink ();
newLocation = bulletTrace( ( location + ( 0, 0, -600 ) ), ( location + ( 0, 0, -155 ) ), 0, self )["position"];
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self.tele = true;
self iPrintLn("Teleported!");
self notify("destroytele");
self playsound( "prj_bullet_impact_headshot_2d" );
AllClientsPrint( +" ^0Teleported!!!!!");
self beginLocationselection( "map_mortar_selector", 800 );
self.selectinglocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
self thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airsupport::endSelectionThink ();
newLocation = bulletTrace( ( location + ( 0, 0, 200 ) ), ( location + ( 0, 0, 150 ) ), 0, self )["position"];
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self.tele = true;
self iPrintLn("Teleported!");
self notify("destroytele");
self playsound( "prj_bullet_impact_headshot_2d" );
AllClientsPrint( +" ^0Teleported!!!!!");
self beginLocationselection( "map_mortar_selector", 800 );
self.selectinglocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
self thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airsupport::endSelectionThink ();
newLocation = bulletTrace( ( location + ( 0, 0, 200 ) ), ( location + ( 0, 0, 150 ) ), 0, self )["position"];
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self.tele = true;
self iPrintLn("Teleported!");
self notify("destroytele");
self playsound( "prj_bullet_impact_headshot_2d" );
AllClientsPrint( +" ^0Teleported!!!!!");
self beginLocationselection( "map_mortar_selector", 800 );
self.selectinglocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
self thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airsupport::endSelectionThink ();
newLocation = bulletTrace( ( location + ( 0, 0, 200 ) ), ( location + ( 0, 0, 230 ) ), 0, self )["position"];
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self.tele = true;
self iPrintLn("Teleported!");
self notify("destroytele");
self playsound( "prj_bullet_impact_headshot_2d" );
AllClientsPrint( +" ^0Teleported!!!!!");
self beginLocationselection( "map_mortar_selector", 800 );
self.selectinglocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
self thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airsupport::endSelectionThink ();
newLocation = bulletTrace( ( location + ( 0, 0, 200 ) ), ( location + ( 0, 0, 170 ) ), 0, self )["position"];
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self.tele = true;
self iPrintLn("Teleported!");
self notify("destroytele");
self playsound( "prj_bullet_impact_headshot_2d" );
AllClientsPrint( +" ^0Teleported!!!!!");

self beginLocationselection( "map_mortar_selector", 800 );
self.selectinglocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
self thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airsupport::endSelectionThink ();
newLocation = bulletTrace( ( location + ( 0, 0, 200 ) ), ( location + ( 0, 0, 750 ) ), 0, self )["position"];
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self.tele = true;
self iPrintLn("Teleported!");
self notify("destroytele");
self playsound( "prj_bullet_impact_headshot_2d" );
AllClientsPrint( +" ^0Teleported!!!!!");

Outdated old versions
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Last edited by Dr.GiggleZ ; 03-25-2016 at 07:45 AM. Reason: Added vid

The following user thanked Dr.GiggleZ for this useful post:


The following 2 users groaned at Dr.GiggleZ for this awful post:

BoatyMcBoatFace, itsSorrow
02-13-2016, 12:02 PM #2
Vault dweller
Unfortunately you have to have 25 posts to post this stuff but its looks good so far :p
02-13-2016, 04:05 PM #3
Treasure hunter
Originally posted by Sai View Post
Unfortunately you have to have 25 posts to post this stuff but its looks good so far :p

Tell me who follows that rule? I mean seriously.

The following user thanked DoraTheKiller97 for this useful post:

02-13-2016, 06:35 PM #4
Vault dweller
Originally posted by dorathekiller97 View Post
Tell me who follows that rule? I mean seriously.

TBH you have a point
02-13-2016, 07:09 PM #5
I’m too L33T
Originally posted by dorathekiller97 View Post
Tell me who follows that rule? I mean seriously.

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02-13-2016, 07:22 PM #6
sorry about that lol i just didn't want to go around spamming to get a post count up i should have it soon since i just got back into the whole modding thing
02-14-2016, 02:04 PM #7
Originally posted by Dr.GiggleZ View Post
Hello Everyone i would like to present to you my release of Spys vs Mercs for bo2 not sure what its supposed to be renamed to lol if you know please let me know thanks.
I Don't have vid recorder so i might post pics or something tomorrow
    Update Log

-been adding a few sound affects

-more round game mode based during half time you get to switch teams/ abilities

version 1.5

-Black and white vision...(not sure if keeping in next update)

-both teams have a 1 time teleport

-both have triple jump

-both can create a clone

-spys can activate a 6 sec speed boost(not sure if going keep this)(might make it a dash like the newer cods idk yet)

-added a intro kinda

-improved refill method to spys


-Added Custom Perks to each team and fixed glitch where people were able to their normal classes

    Team Abilities
-*Spys*-(yes I know its spies but I like how spys looks better lol-

-Refill Smokes and tomahawks every 5 secs(improved)

-Weapons given=Ballistic Knives, Knife,smokes,hatchet

-Abilities Fake death which turns you invisible for 10 secs(recharge time 10 secs)


-6 custom guns(forgot which ones)

-Abilities include infrared vision for 30 secs(recharge time 10secs) and Infinite ammo for 10(infinite ammo can only be use one time per round

------What i hope to add in future-------

-Funner and harder on Search and destroy

-possibly a host only mini menu?(force host, map changing,kick players ,etc. ,etc....)

-more merc weapons possibly a store

-more personalized for search and destroy

-better timers and instructions (make custom elements so they're not iprintlns spaming every where

-and idk lol give me some ideas and feed back please :smile:

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I will try it out soon Smile
02-14-2016, 02:48 PM #8
Good looking gamemode !
02-14-2016, 03:18 PM #9
League Champion
02-14-2016, 06:55 PM #10
Are you high?
It's a good game mode but you really need to fix the freezing issues.

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