Post: Black Ops 2 "Die Rise" leaked info and a official concept art
01-05-2013, 04:16 PM #1
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When you select the map on the globe, it's located in central Europe. It says:

"Breslau, Germany" (not sure of the exact spelling) when highlighted and is represented by a picture of a skyscraper. When you select it you are given a few options like in Green Run. You can either play Die Rise (the whole map) or play in one of the smaller areas: City, Village, Nuclear Plant and Jailhouse. I'lldescribe a game on Die Rise since it includes all of the areas.

In Die Rise, you start of on a hill in the middle of a field surrounded by fog.
There is a tree on the hill with Quick Revive right in front of it, and there are two
pickets around the base of the hill, one with the M14 and the other with the
Olympia. Zombies will come out of the fog and attack you. You can step foot
into the fog, but you will be attacked by Denizens. This hill is basically the
central hub of the map, all of the areas are located around it. The bus in this
map has been replaced with a wagon ride, once again piloted by T.E.D.D. except
this time wearing a farmer's outfit. The wagon will come by the hill at round 5 (I
think) and if you get onboard he will take you to one of the 4 areas that make up
the map. The wagon travels along dirt trails that run through the field. (the field
is very big by the way and I've already found some secrets in it, such as a
crashed fighter jet)

So to keep things simple I will describe one area at a time.

The title is self-explanatory, this area is a cityscape environment. There are a
few points of interest here. First and foremost is the skyscraper. This building
contains Speed Cola, a box spawn, and a few other things. The roof area is
where the PaP can be found. You can navigate the different floors with the
elevator. There are 5 or so different floors including the roof area. There is also
an unfinished building in the city which was obviously under construction when
the apocalypse occured. In there you can build the Headlamp using a hardhat
and a flashlight. Wearing it lets you see your way through the fog easier and
makes you immune to Denizens when you have it switched on. I think it also
causes more zombies to come after you but I can't say for sure. There are also
a few small buildings that don't need to be opened which have weapons in
them. Last but not least there is a small park area, which is where you'll find
another box location and Double Tap Root Beer. Something interesting here is a
toppled statue of Adolf Hitler.

This area is a simple rural village, with a windmill, a well, a few houses and
some farmland. Nothing too important here except a box location, Juggernog
and Deadshot. This place seems to be the best for running trains.

As you might guess, the main point of interest here is the power. The plant is
one of those big white tubular structures. You can head down some stairs and
open a door to get inside the underground facility. In here you'll find a box
location, Mule Kick, and the power switch itself, which thankfully doesn't need
to be built. There is also an under-construction atom bomb in the center of the

This is a small train station. It consists of a building, a train and the boarding
platform. Here you'll find Stamin-Up and Tombstone, a box location, and the
Galvaknuckles (in the train itself)."

Of course this is all speculation a rumor. To go along with the description, three achievements were included with the zombie expansion:
1.I Can See Clearly Now - In Die Rise, clear all the fog.
2.Don't Rock the Boat - In Die Rise, complete an entire cycle in the wagon without it being damaged.
3.Anonymous! - In Die Rise, kill a zombie using only the Black Hat.

Where it all Started... I think to complete the Easter Egg we teleport back to the COSad AwesomeWaW map Der Riese because it is located in the same city and that is where IT ALL STARTED for that town and Nazi Zombies...


Q - Would you say this Map is Bigger than Green Run? Is it better? Is it a city? I Personally did not like green run but is this anything like it? Thanks

A - It's hard to compare these two maps since they are laid out so differently, but I would say Die Rise is bigger in terms of the actual non-fog areas. For example city is easily twice the size of town. I'd say it's better but I know people's opinions will vary. Is it a city, well yes part of it takes place in a city but like I said it's only one of the four locations.

Q - Are there any new perks? & are any of the old perks returning?

A - I have seen every perk except PhD. And yes by that I mean Deadshot and Mule Kick are back.

Q - Who are the characters? And is their less fog than Green Run? And what do the zombies look like?

A - TranZit characters. Fog level is about the same. Zombies are civilians like in Green Run but the character models are redone to keep things fresh. I've also noticed that the zombies look different depending on the area you're in, for example zombies in the village tend to be wearing farmer's outfits and zombies in the city wear suits and stuff like that. It's a nice touch.

Q - How good is the carridge? Better than the bus or is it worse? Also look for things that can possibly fall and try to hack them to detach them.

A - You get a much better view of zombies coming towards you but it is worse in the sense that it can be damaged, causing it to slow down and shake, which messes up your aim. That's what I was thinking, I bet you can somehow interact with the environment using the Black Hat to use a makeshift "trap" to kill the zombies.

Q - Crap, also can you hurt tedd and get ejected from the carridge and are there robot horses

A - It's not a horse-driven carraige like from the Oregon Trail, it's more like a hayride sort of thing.

Q - Is it one big survival map? or is it "tranzit" with mini survival and grief maps?

A - When you select it on the globe it zooms in to a overhead view of the field and the four areas on the north, south, east, and west corners. You can select one of these four or select the icon right in the middle of the field, which lets you play the whole map. When you're playing the whole map you start off in the middle of the field on a hill with a large tree. Quick Revive, M14 and Olympia are here too of course.

Q - If you know that much about the new the new zombie map..
then is it possible to think you know the secrets of the old one too..
like will the EE continues in green run after the tower of bable achivement or will it first continue in the new map die rise?

A - I have no idea about the Green Run EE, just cause I'm a pirate doesn't mean I'm a psychic.

Q - is the railroad station express???

A - Nope. it's nothing like Express. It's an old fashioned steam choo-choo train.

Q - Nice. Is their soldier zombies like on the concept art?

A - In the power plant there are soldier-looking zombies.

Q - Nice. And Revolution is legit? The map pack is real along with DIE RISE? And is the Peacekeeper SMG in zombies to?

A - Yes the map pack is called Revolution, I don't care much for multiplayer so I haven't tried the maps but I can tell you the Peacekeeper is in MP for sure but I haven't seen it in Zombies.

Q - Have you seen or looked for der riese, after all der riese is near breslau and breslau is where die rise is

A - Der Riese is part of the easter egg, no doubt in my mind. One of the achievements/trophies is called "Where It All Started..." and says to get it you must "discover the giant".

Q - What pulls the carriage, or if nothing pulls it, what makes it move?

Also, there is a helicopter above the zombie on the leaked poster for the 5 maps. Have you found any indication of there being a helicopter? If not, perhaps there's one parked outside of the map that you need to use the blackhat on to activate.

A - No helicopter, I've found a crashed fighter jet in the field but no helicopter. The carraige is pulled by an old fashioned tractor-like vehicle.

Q - when will it be playable for Pc users?

A - Probably a month after Xbox, along with PS3.

Q - What drives the tractor? lol


Q - Name all the achievments?
Whats the easter egg?
Any hint of the old charcters perhaps through a radio?
Whats your highest round?
Anything interesting you found?

A - Achievements:
-I can see clearly now
-Don't rock the boat
-Where it all started

Highest round is 9.
I found a crashed fighter jet in the fog, an under-construction A-bomb in the nuclear plant, not much other than that.

Q - Is the peace keeper smg in zombies? And how much lava is there, also is jugg easy to get?

A - No afaik Peacekeeper is in MP only. There is about the same amount of lava as Green Run, maybe a little less. Jugg is in village, I haven't got it yet but I've seen it.

Q - Is the lava more like scenery in inaccessible places or is it like Green Run where there are pools and cracks that you have to jump over or otherwise get set on fire?

A - It's in the playable area. It's not as obnoxiously placed as in Green Run though.

This is all I found. If this was posted before please close this thread.
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Looks like the map is going to be set on China, acording to Amazon:
• Zombies - Die Rise--The Zombie apocalypse has invaded China, turning down town into a dilapidated and dangerous MC Escher painting.

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Revolution Map Pack Preview!:

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Last edited by NelsonRodV ; 01-08-2013 at 08:31 PM.

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01-06-2013, 04:22 PM #11
Originally posted by windro1 View Post
i always found that fake, its just hes kinda unclear about stuff and contradicts himself (+ have some stuff that would never be in zombies)

Yea I know what you mean but if you take a look at the Concept Art that treyarch made it has almost the half of the stuff in the info, like the nuclear plant and city.

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