Post: New infected
11-27-2014, 10:59 PM #1
Matthew Bender
Pokemon Trainer
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); SHG should make classic infected also and add more guns
11-27-2014, 11:54 PM #2
Originally posted by Matthew
SHG should make classic infected also and add more guns

I always thought that gamemode was gay tbh
11-28-2014, 03:10 AM #3
I made a thread about this a few weeks ago. The game mode is broken. Every single round the survivors start with a Bulldog and no secondary (boring). The Bulldog has very limited range. The infected however begin with a Spike Drone that not only has a massive amount of range and accuracy but it has a totally different mechanic to the throwing knife. The throwing knife was a 'fire and forget' weapon but the spike drone can be called back, and then fired again. So here's the problem:

The advantage is with the infected because I can fire my Spike Drone at survivors and then call it back. I'll keep doing this until I kill the survivor. The survivor gets tired of being outranged and dodging spike drones so they may try to rush the infected for a kill (which often happens). The infected however is much faster than the survivor and can escape very easily. So the survivors are now chasing the infected, lol.

Secondly, with these new movement mechanics you don't want to be within such close range. People jump and dodge so quickly that it can take most of a Bulldog mag to kill them. A Bulldog mag only has 5 rounds in it so anymore than 2 infected rushing you and there's a good chance it's game over. Of course they don't need to rush because they can just shoot Spike Drones at you all day long.

Lastly, there's no specialist bonus. So no matter how many infected you kill you don't get quickdraw or faster reloads which is such an advantage in this game mode.

So yeah it's a complete joke and as of right now I don't even play it.
Last edited by CovertBilly ; 12-04-2014 at 03:06 PM.

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Jincos, justsoboss
11-29-2014, 02:55 AM #4
Im sure there will be more to infected and, more bonus modes as the game progress's
11-29-2014, 03:06 AM #5
Originally posted by xhevanlyx View Post
Im sure there will be more to infected and, more bonus modes as the game progress's

Doubt it bro

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