Post: Black Ops Hacking Mega Thread
04-11-2011, 03:51 PM #1
The InvadeR
Who’s Jim Erased?
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In this thread I will be posting Mods For Call of Duty: Black Ops and how to do them. I dont Take Credit For ALL These Tutorials but im here to share it. PS3 AND XBOX!


There may be risk of ban with some hacks so take caution , and for some hacks delete update and make sure your internet is switched off to be double sure!


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How to mod Custom Classes (Colours Buttons Flashing ect)

Download Links:
Xero-You must login or register to view this content.
Ezgt For Buttons-You must login or register to view this content.
Modio-You must login or register to view this content.

Text Tutorial
1. Open your profile via modio and put it on your desktop.
2. Open your profile in Xero Black ops tool.
3. Go to the 3rd column and add the colors below to your classes and edit the names of the classes.
4. Save and Exit, then rehash and resign your profile.
5. Put the account back on your USB and go back on your xbawx and you are good to go with awesome colored classes!

Custom Class Color codes
^0 = Black
^1 = Red/Orange
^2 = Lime Green
^3 = Yellow
^4 = Navy Blue
^5 = Light Blue
^6 = Purple
^7 = White/Default
^8 = Black

For Flashing Text Tutorial:

Put : ^F^1(Number of Color + Your Text) the ^F makes it flash

For buttons all you have to do is download EzGT 2.2 and drag the button codes in it into your custom class spaces just like the colors.



How to mod Black Ops Zombies with USB *Offline*

1. take USB stick and copy ur profile onto it via xbox
2. plug it into pc and load up usb explorer
3. find your profile and extract it to desktop
4. open modio and drag profile into it
5. go to file contents and right click the black ops gpd (ending in 855)
6. click replace file and browse for the modded one
7. rehash and resign
8. delete the old profile off usb and replace it with new modded one
9. exit out of programmes and plug usb back into xbox
10. load up the profile and go to zombies
11. enjoy the mods menu is as follows:

This is now patched on multiplayer but works perfectly fine offline in solo mode.

According to people this is patched online but still works offline on solo so get to it Happy

clicking back activates all mods...
to get triple tap you must but doube tap root beer Happy

Modded File - You must login or register to view this content.
Usb Explorer: You must login or register to view this content.
Modio: You must login or register to view this content.

{back button}
god mode
unlimited ammo
really big clips
insta reload with slight of hand
triple tap
far revive
fast run
auto m16/g11
box is unmovable
unlimited sprint

noclip toggle on/off

{dpad up}
This is for Kino!
Thunder gun and upgraded pistols

{dpad down}
This is for Five!
Give weapon frost gun and ray gun upgraded

{dpad left}
Change map to "Kino der toten"

{dpad right}
Change map to "five"

Heres a video;


How to do GPD mods *Offline*

XPort 360 - You must login or register to view this content.

Modio - You must login or register to view this content.

Modded .GPD - You must login or register to view this content.

1) Open your HDD viewing program (I will be using XPort 360)

2) Access your profile and drag it to the desktop (or wherever you want)

3) Open Modio

4) Drag your profile from your desktop into Modio

5) Click the 'File Contents' tab and search until you find the file '41560855.gpd'

6) Right click the file and select 'Replace File'

7) Now find the '41560855.gpd' file that you just downloaded and click open

Cool Man (aka Tustin) Go back to the 'General File Info' tab and hit rehash and resign

9) Now your ready to put it back on your HDD

10) Go back into XPort 360 (or whatever your using) and drag your profile back into your HDD

11) It will ask if you want to replace the file, click 'yes to all'

12) Your done! Smile



How to mod Campaign with USB

In order for this to work you must delete the patches for Black Ops, and make sure you do not try to sign in to xbl!!

Once the game starts hit the RB button and look at your ammo counter for your pistol and shoot the pistol repeatedly, if the ammo doesn't go down then you did the mod correctly. Here are the mods you will find with this modded GPSad Awesome

-God Mode
-No clip
-Unlimited Ammo
-Super Speed
-Long Melee Distance
-Infinite Sprint
-Super Dive
-Triple Tap (Buy double tap for it to work)
-Slow down time, Speed up x2, x4
-Cartoon Mode
-Direct target off (Makes zombies not go after you, like if you were in the Pack-a-Punch room)
-(press left on D-Pad to get 2 pack-a-punched weapons like the ray gun and thunder gun or ballistic knife and the crossbow)

Some mods work with using the D-Pad. You'll find some nice surprise mods if ya do Winky Winky

Modio Link:
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My Modded GPD & Xero:
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You can create your own modded GPD file using the Xero program I provided. Just open your profile with the program and mod away!

NOTE: First square is campaign, second is zombies and third is multiplayer.



How to mod Gamertag in Black Ops *Online*


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EzGt 2.1:
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Written Tutorial:
1) Go to Xbox Dashboard and go to the following System Settings-Memory-Device- Gamer Profiles-"Your Profile"-Move-Memory Unit.
2) Unplug it and insert into PC.
3) Open Modio and select explore device.
4) Click File and click Open/Close Drive.
5) Keep clicking the mini plus sign on the left side until you can't go any further and click the last folder and extract a file beginning with "E" onto your desktop.
6) Open EzGt 2.1 and click the "Blue Person" and select open and browse for your extracted file.
7) Change and Mod whatever until you are happy with it.
Cool Man (aka Tustin) Click save and make a new folder on your desktop called "Data" (just for easy recognition.
9) Back onto Modio select the "M" and click Open File-From Computer and browse for your modded profile.
10) A window with a monkey gamer picture should pop up. Click rehash and resign.
11) close it and go back onto explore device. Select the content folder and insert first folder within "Data" starting with "E".
12) Once done click File-Open/Close Drive.

On The Xbox 360:
1) Now move both modded and original profiles back into your drive.
2) Don't have any profile signed in and start Black Ops.
3) Click start and then multi player.
4) Before you click Xbox Live sign in your modded profile and go to Local-Splitscreen.
5) Click "A" on your SECOND CONTROLLER and click "A" on your first controller and sign in with your modded profile.
6) Back out and Go online!




Flashing Gamertag

[TuT]How to Get a Flashy Gamertag!
Hey Guys , just showing you how to get flashy gamertag.

What you need:
1- USB stick with at least 1 GB of space
2- USB Xtaf Explorer (You must login or register to view this content.)
3- Modio (You must login or register to view this content.)
4- WinRar (You must login or register to view this content.)
5- EzGT 2.1 (You must login or register to view this content.)
1) Go to system settings on your Xbox under My Xbox section
2)Plug your USB into your Xbox and go to Memory
3)Once in Memory, move the profile you wish to mod to your storage device (USB)
4)Now plug the USB into your computer
5)Once on the computer, open up USB Xtaf Explorer
6)Click "File", then "Open Device" (It should then pop up saying 'Content' )
7)Click on content and you will see a lot of E000555748... things
Click on the first one. (NOTE: If this is NOT your first time modding your Gamertag, some will repeat; If it is your first time, it will be the first one)
7)Keep clicking the first E000... until you get to the end.
Click once on your profile and then click "Extract" or drag it to your desktop.
9)Minimize Xtaf and open EzGT 2.1
10)Click on the blue guy in the top right and click "Open"
11)Find your profile(E000...whatever) off of the desktop when you click open
12) Click open on your profile then Edit it however you like using the "Add" tab
(NOTE: DO NOT MESS WITH THE OPTIONS TAB)Where it says "Original Gamertag", it should say yours.
13)You can use the colors in your name; but you will need to put ^F just before you write your new GT click a color and type the words AFTER the color: the colors come up as ^7 for example. Buttons come up as variated symbols. If you have any trouble with the editing just PM me.
14)Once you are done editing,Go to the "General" tab
15)Click on the blue guy again and click "Save" to desktop again
16)IMPORTANT:After saving your profile to the desktop from editing, your modded one will be the FOLDER NOT THE PIECE OF PAPER!
17)Open the folder until the last piece of paper is in there
1Drag it into Modio
19)When the modded profile shows up click "Rehash and Resign" (In the bottom right corner of the profile box, it will say Rehashed and Resigned; wait until it goes back to Xbox 360 Dashboard)
20)Exit out of the profile box and Modio
21)Open USB Xtaf Explorer again
22)Click the two(2) dots under the E000...until you get back to the beggining where it says "Content"
23)Click "Content" once until you get to the list of E000...
24)Click "Inject Folder" at the bottom
25)Find the folder named E000...(whatever the numbers are) and click on it; then click "Ok"
26)Now you are almost done
27)Unplug your USB from your computer and back into your Xbox

On The Xbox 360:
1) Now move both modded and original profiles back into your drive.
2) Don't have any profile signed in and start Black Ops.
3) Click start and then multi player.
4) Before you click Xbox Live sign in your modded profile and go to Local-Splitscreen.
5) Click "A" on your SECOND CONTROLLER and click "A" on your first controller and sign in with your modded profile.
6) Back out and Go online!

Credits to The InvadeR for method for putting the profile on the Xbox 360

Credits to Me And Bsaidmalta


How to mod Black Ops FastFiles

Download Links
Bulid/FastCrypt Tool - - You must login or register to view this content.
ZoneVeiwer - - Available SOON



Classic Zombie Maps FOR FREE!

Download Link:

Win Rar - You must login or register to view this content.
Usb Xplorer - You must login or register to view this content.
Blackops Profile And Files - You must login or register to view this content.

Items Needed

1. USB Flash Drive with more than 1 GB / OR Transfer Cable
2. Computer
3. Xbox
4. Black Ops Files
5. 2 Xbox Live Controllers
6. WinRaR
7. Xplorer 360 if using Transfer Cable

NOTE: If you do have the First Strike Map Pack, you have to delete it, then do this process to get the WaW Maps, then re-download First Strike. Hope this helped!

Step 1- Plug USB flash drive into xbox > Memory > USB Storage Device > Customize > Move to 768 MB

Step 2- Transfer your regular profile to Hard Drive

Step 3- Plug in USB Flash Drive to Computer > Open up USB Xtaf Xplorer > Double click content > New Folder > Add *16* Number 0's > Click OK

Step 4- Open up the 16 0's folder > Drag the entire 41560855 folder into Xtaf Xplorer (This takes a few minutes)

Step 5- Once that is in, double click the 2 little dots > Drag the entire other Entire E0000D1DD702E folder into Xtaf Xplorer > File > Close


Step 1-Locate 0000000000000000 in your hard drive

Step 2-Drag the profile into there!

Step 3-Click Downloads/(Might Be Called Content, Just look for either inside 0000000000000000)

Step 4-Drag The Modded Files In = Good To Go!

On The Xbox:

Step 1- Plug USB Flash Drive back into Xbox > System Settings > Memory > Move your profile and the BlakOps Taco 543 onto Hard Drive

Step 2- Go up to games > Black ops > Move to Hard Drive

Step 3- Go up to Black Ops > Play Game > When you get to screen where it says " Mulitplayer/Campaign/Zombies/Options" Turn on second controller > Sign in as BlakOps taco 543> Sign Out on Second Controller > Load up Solo Zombies > PLAY ZOMBIES!!!

NOTICE- This is the way that Shi no Numa works.!



How To Host 15th Lobby

How to Set Up Lobbies Written TUT
*USB Flash Drive or Transfer Cable
*Prior Knowledge of JTAGS

Step One:
1. Install Black Ops to your jtag. To do this go into xex menu. Go into your games folder on your primary HDD.
2. Create a new folder called Black Ops in your games directory.
3. Open up the black ops folder and hit y. Scroll down to copy dvd. Insert Black Ops into dvd drive and close the dvd drive. Count to 10 then hit confirm.

Step Two:
1. Go onto your computer and format your flash drive that is 1gb or larger.
2. Right click your flash drive and hit format. Make sure it is FAT32.
3. Download the black ops files by clicking HERE
4. Extract those files onto your desktop and drag them onto your usb drive.
5. Next download the title two update by clicking HERE Extract that to your desktop and create a folder in your flash drive called TU2. Drag the tu2 file into that folder in your flash drive.

Step Three:
1. Turn your JTAG back on and plug in your USB drive.
2. Go into xex menu and find your usb.
3. Once you find your usb go into the TU2 folder and hover over the files, hit y and copy. Now hit x and go to your hdd. Find your cache folder and put the tu2 file in the cache folder.
4. Now go back to your usb and all the other files are there.
5. One at a time, hover over one and click copy then go to your black ops folder and hit paste.
6. Repeat this process till you have done that to all your remaining files.

Congrats! You have set up a black ops lobby!
System link unfortunately does not work and the only way to activate the xp is by going online and blowing up a car. PLEASE do not flame me saying the xp is not going off. You have to be online for that to work!


Credit To jBrov Cp Monkey & CRACKbomberxLW


Rainbow Vision (JTAG)

This mod gives you rainbow vision.. well everything looks like it is colorful. So this is how you do it:

1. Open HxD or another hex editor and open a decrypted xex in its exe form(You can make this with xextool)

2.once its opened search for this dvar "aim_automelee_range" and you should see this
the red B is what we'll be changing.

3.Now with the B change it to a capital I, This changes the value from 42 to 49.

4. Now reencrypt it and put it on your jtag, you should be seeing rainbows.
5(optional). If you want everything to glow you can change the I to anthing with a higher value up to i think 69. When you do this everything will glow.



Ascension Mods

Step By Step On How To Mod It!

All downloads to programs:
modio-You must login or register to view this content.
Modded Gpd-You must login or register to view this content.
Title Update 4-You must login or register to view this content.

1. Put a usb in your xbox and put your profile and the title update 5 for black ops on the usb.

2. Take the usb out and go to your computer and open up modio and create a folder on your desktop.

.3 On modio click the M in the upper left hand corner and click explore my device. open every file until you get to your profile. example: E0000314FA66194F.

4. Click and drag your whole profile into the folder you created on your desktop and minimize explore my device on modio.

5. Open the folder thats on the desktop with your profile in it and drag it into modio and click file contents and look for 41560855.gpd right click and click replace file. it will bring you to your desktop and click the paper saying 41560855.gpd.(dont worry ill put the download link below and when you download it put it on your desktop)

6. Now go back and click rehash and resign then exit that.

7. Open explore my device again and open the folder on your desktop click the profile in the folder and drag it to the same profile in explore my device and it it should say something like overwrite data? click yes and there you go you have a modded zombie profile.

8. Now on to how to get ascension to work. go back into explore my device, if you did put title update 5 on your usb like i said open up files till you get to this: tu00000003_00000000.

9. tu00000003_00000000 is title update 5. and once you get to it go to title update 4 thats on your desktop( dont worry about this either ill put the link for this below once you download this put it on your desktop) and drag it under tu00000003_0000 and two tu00000003_00000000's will be in the file. (there both the same looking so dont get cofused and delete title update 4.)

10. Delete the top tu00000003_00000000 and that gets rid of tu5 and leaves tu4 that supports ascension!

11. Press File and click open/close drive. close that and take your usb out of your computer and bring it to your Xbox and put the title update 4 and your profile in the SAME memory file like hard drive or xbox memory drive. Unplug your ethernet cord and sign into the modded profile and play the ascension zombie map offline!


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Play Black Ops With Rebug!

"]download link[/URL]

1- You need to install Rebug 3.55 CFW (google)

2- Now you need to set Original PSN to Dev PSN Go to Debug Settings-> NP Environment-> Change to "sp-int"

3- Run Cex Dex Rebug selector (it’s under Package Manager, in PS3 HDD) set it to REBUG MODE and you are spoofed.

PS: if still cant connect you may need to set "sp-int" agin.

4- Now You need to make a new account on PSN you can set everything random but the PSN ID must be the same of the account on Original PSN or COD will not load your stats (lvl,classes,ect).

5- Now you need to set on your PS3 on Internet Connection Setting as Primary DNS the LOCAL IP of you PC (192.168.XXX.XXX) and as Secondary your modem IP OR ""

5- Start the my tool and make sure it's showing the right Local IP (192.168.XXX.XXX) then press OK.

And you done you can play on Black ops,MW2,COD4 on Rebug CFW Claps



Q: Does it's UNBAN my PS3 from Black Ops
A: NO!!!

Q: Can i use it on 3.60 OFW
A: No you cant plus it's useless becouse that it's only for 3.55 REBUG CFW.

Q: I still get the Server error
A: Make sure the account that you created have not the some id of someone banned on original PSN

You need .Net Framework 3.5 at least.
Credits To KiNgOfUnIvErS


How to mod Black Ops First Strike For FREE!

Im releasing first strike maps for free (only for BLES01032 ps3 users) hey guys i finally achieved for those ones who said that the maps need to be activated that is true and there is way to do it
just follow this tutorial and you will activate the maps i released, if you follow this tutrial you will be able to activate the maps but you will need to activate them every time you turn on the PS3 sorry that is the only way atm!

TUT: You must login or register to view this content. (it is in spanish sorry!)

Jailbroken ps3 cfw 3.55
COD Blackops 1.07
pendrive or external hdd (2gb or more)
ps3 filemanager (multiman 1.15 or above its okay)
First strike files: (megaupload premium users): You must login or register to view this content.

free users: i divided them in two, one .rar is for the dlc2.edat and the dlc2 folder including italian maps + zombie_cosmodrome_load.bik and another .rar for the spanish folder) PASSWORSad Awesome alexcar5

first part: You must login or register to view this content.
second part: (what you all were waiting for!! part two is here) :You must login or register to view this content.

TUT for free users:
once dowloaded both .rar extract the files using the password: alexcar5 and then just move the spanish folder inside the dlc2 folder.
now just move the folder dlc2 and the file.edat to an external hdd or pendrive and follow the tutorial from part 3.

Let's start

1.once dowloaded the maps files extract .rar file (this will also take a while)

2.then copy dlc2 and dlc.edat from inside the folder named "mapas" to an external hdd or pendrive.

3.activate the maps using the tut above

4.Plug in the pendrive to the PS3 and start multiman or any other filemanager ( dont use ftp server and filezilla this will take ages and probably dont work).

5.navigate to dev_usb001 or whatever

6. copy dlc.edat to hhd0/game/BLES01032/USDIR

7. do the same with dlc2 folder.

8. you are done

9. now just close multiman and enjoy your new maps, now we only need to wait for a new way to connect to PSN to try them online

I hope i helped please rep and sub to my youtube channel! :420:

Credit To Xx-NukeClan-xX & alexcar5


15th Hack

Download Links:

Mod File - You must login or register to view this content.

How to Use:
1.) Download the Modified 15 Prestige Eboot
2.) Open Your FTP Server on your Computer and on Your Ps3
3.) On your computer's FTP server go to /dev_hdd0/game/BLUS30591/USRDIR/ If your from europe it should be BLES not BLUS.
4.) Drag the modified eboot into that directory and it should tell you if you want it replaced. Just click yes.
5.) Exit to the XMB and Load BlackOps.
6.) Go to Local>Splitscreen and Start game. DO NOT CHANGE OPTIONS.
7.) Choose any team , and choose the first class.
8.) Once you chose your class , Press SELECT. It should return you to the choose team options.
9.) Press END GAME.
10.) Now just go back to XMB and Erase your patch and then load blackops and redownload the newest patch.
US Download
Credits To ihatecomvir & iGamerXx


Zombies Mod

Download Link:
US Modded Eboot - You must login or register to view this content.
EU Modded Eboot - You must login or register to view this content.

How to Use:
1.) Download the Modified Eboot
2.) Open Your FTP Server on your Computer and your ps3
3.) ON your computer's FTP server go to /dev_hdd0/game/BLUS30591/USRDIR/
NOTE: The "BLUS30591" Is for US games only. Find your region for other Countrys.
4.) Replace the EBOOT.BIN and the t5ps3f.self in the /dev_hdd0/game/BLUS30591/USRDIR/ with the modded ones provided to you in the downloads.
5.) Now go to /dev_hdd0/game/BLUS30591/USRDIR/ENGLISH and replace the common_zombie_patch.ff with the one provided with you in the downloads

NOTES:This only works offline , Not Online Since your not using the latest eboots. This will not get you banned from what I know of.

Credits To RoyalShady & iGamerXx



Download Links:
Us file - You must login or register to view this content.
Eu File - You must login or register to view this content.

1.) Download the Modified Eboot
2.) Open your FTP server on your computer and on your Ps3
3.) ON your computer's FTP server go to /dev_hdd0/game/BLUS30591/USRDIR/
NOTE: The "BLUS30591" Is for US games only. Find your Region for other country's.
4.) Replace the Eboot.Bin with the EBoot.Bin Provided in the download
5.) It should ask you if you wanted to replace the eboot. Click yes
6.) Exit Out of FTP on your Ps3
7.) Now Get a FlashDrive and put the .PKG file provided in the download onto the root of the flash drive.
8.) go to Install Package Files under the Games Menu and Install the pkg.
9.) Load up Black Ops and Get out of the chair ("L2 and R2")
10.) Go to the computer and type in noclip. It should kick you out of the computer. Now press X to go back into the chair. Go to zombies or single player and press SELECT to activate the noclip.


Credits To ihatecompvir


Play Black Ops While Banned (xlink)

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After looking at ihatecompvirs thread about playing with xLink Kai, I decided to post a detailed tutorial on how to set your ps3 up with xLink Kai and play with others while you are banned.

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1. Start up You must login or register to view this content. before you turn on your PS3

2. Turn on your ps3 and it should say DNS error. If it does then you are on the right track Smile

3. Start up Black Ops and go to multiplayer. From there, go to LAN Party and press Join Game.

4. Now go back to XLink Kai and check the Diagnostics Mode . (Clicking that globe should take you to the screen shown below. Let it sit at that screen for a few seconds, then click on the magnifying glass next to the globe in the upper right-hand corner labeled “Switch to Diagnostics Mode.”)

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5. In the section with the check mark, under “Network Reachable” it should read as YES. In the section with the green arrow, under “Network Card” it should read your PC's network card. Underneath that where it says “Locked” it should read as YES. If your network card is not locked, Kai will not be able to configure your Playstation 3 correctly.

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6. Now finally the moment of truth. Are your PS3 and Kai Engine configured correctly to work together…? Click on the folder tab underneath the question mark in the upper right-hand corner labeled “Switch to Diagnostics View.” There you should see a message that says “Sony PlayStation 3, configured successfully.” Similar to what's seen below in the picture… Yes , it's a picture of a PS2 , but if it says : configured successfully , then you're ok to go. It's also possible that you only see a mac address. If it's not red you're also ok to go.

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7. Once you have finished playing on XLink Kai & you want to play on the PSN Network again , close XLink Kai & restart your Playstation 3 . There will be no DNS Error & you will be able again to play on PSN .

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Credits To ReKoGNiiTioN


Patch Blocker

This is a quick tutorial showing you how to bypass Call of Duty Black Ops on PS3 with EliteMossy's Patch Blocker, Video will probably be up soon!

Warning: You will probably be reset if you do this.

1. First of All you need to download it; You must login or register to view this content.
2. Extract it and open it, take note of the IP address and Start Blocking

3. On your PS3 delete the Black Ops patch (Game Data Utility)

4. Goto Internet Connection Settings and pass everything until you come to Proxy Server

5.Click 'Use' and type in the IP address from the patch blocker and your port should be 8080

6. Save the settings and Test Connection

7. Once it finished successfully you can start up Black Ops

8. It shouldn't ask you to update the patch and the patch blocker NEVER signs you out, Congratz

Note; Goto Nazi Zombies > Online > Find Match > dev, It should be under ZOMBIES, it was for development reasons only,
they removed it before shipping if you read it
Credits To EliteMossy And Chroniczz


Force Host

A Lag Switch Is Needed
Now with that being said, here is the tutorial on how to force host with a lag switch. (you can also use net tools if you don't have a lag switch)


1) find a game you want to play and as soon as you press x turn ON your lag switch

2) if done correctly it should say ``waiting for 6 more players`` leave it ON for a couple seconds then quickly flick OFF then back ON

3) if done correctly it should say ``testing matches xx% - 0/xx good games`` leave the switch ON for a couple seconds then quickly switch it OFF then ON again

4) if done correctly it should say ``testing matches xx% -0/xx good games`` it will look the same as step 3 except the % will slightly go up. Keep your switch ON until it says waiting for 6 more players... then turn your switch OFF and you will be host

5)if done correctly you will be sitting in a lobby by yourself (or with party) waiting for other players to join.

6) once enough players join the game to start it, the host will migrate. to stop someone else from getting host you need to turn your switch ON when ppl join the lobby to lag them. leave it ON for a couple short seconds and see if it says ``migrating host`` if it doesn't say ``migrating host`` after a second or two then there isn't enough ppl to get the game going so turn your switch OFF and wait for more ppl to join. once more ppl have joined and you have your switch ON and it says ``migrating host`` leave it ON until it gets to ``migrating host 4`` then quickly turn your switch OFF then back ON b4 it gets to ``migrating host 5``

7) if done correctly you will have have your switch still ON and you will see it say ``migrating host 5`` then it will disappear and will now say ``the match is about to begin`` and you can now turn OFF your switch and enjoy your game as host.
(if NOT done correctly you will have your switch still ON and the host migration is still counting past 5. you will NOT get host back out and repeat all steps)


Credits To TheKid420


Thanks To Everyone's Tutorials I Used, Please Thank/+Rep If You Like It , Took Effort To Make This Smile


Sorry for no consistant updates I will completely edit soon with new tuts and removing a few patched ones

Last edited by The InvadeR ; 10-03-2011 at 03:49 PM.

The following 47 users say thank you to The InvadeR for this useful post:

-Fallen Dreamz, Ada Wong, andrewman18, Ben, blikefritz, Brentdevent, ChandlerForrest, CSC-Magic, dishcloth, dkfallen, Dope., dznut5, emersons35, Glittery Penis Skittle, iMAGEi, iPWNINu, jammerz_95, Janiboy, Joel, Jteezay09, Kylee., lolipop1113, maarii, Mr.RizLa+, MrTombone8, Noonan90, Pysiek, RiZ-N, robj414, saudi--fantom, shelim786, sk8rkid103, SkaterCookie, Sn0wb0arder245, SpideyVenom_, Stack0verfl0w, The_Platypus, TheFuture, TheKid420, Traitt, TryCatchMe, Whore, xInfiniteX, Xr3v0 HD, xXQUiiCKNiiCKXx, ZeroOo, zyfix
04-20-2011, 02:44 PM #83
what... no way
ok thanks hehe
04-20-2011, 04:21 PM #84
04-21-2011, 10:58 AM #85
The InvadeR
Who’s Jim Erased?
which file?.

---------- Post added at 01:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:57 PM ----------

Originally posted by morries4 View Post

04-21-2011, 12:04 PM #86
Former Staff
Originally posted by The
In this thread I will be posting Mods For Call of Duty: Black Ops and how to do them. I dont Take Credit For ALL These Tutorials but im here to share it. PS3 AND XBOX!


There may be risk of ban with some hacks so take caution , and for some hacks delete update and make sure your internet is switched off to be double sure!


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How to mod Custom Classes (Colours Buttons Flashing ect)

Download Links:
Xero-You must login or register to view this content.
Ezgt For Buttons-You must login or register to view this content.
Modio-You must login or register to view this content.

Text Tutorial
1. Open your profile via modio and put it on your desktop.
2. Open your profile in Xero Black ops tool.
3. Go to the 3rd column and add the colors below to your classes and edit the names of the classes.
4. Save and Exit, then rehash and resign your profile.
5. Put the account back on your USB and go back on your xbawx and you are good to go with awesome colored classes!

Custom Class Color codes
^0 = Black
^1 = Red/Orange
^2 = Lime Green
^3 = Yellow
^4 = Navy Blue
^5 = Light Blue
^6 = Purple
^7 = White/Default
^8 = Black

For Flashing Text Tutorial:

Put : ^F^1(Number of Color + Your Text) the ^F makes it flash

For buttons all you have to do is download EzGT 2.2 and drag the button codes in it into your custom class spaces just like the colors.

video:You must login or register to view this content.


How to mod Black Ops Zombies with USB *Offline*

1. take USB stick and copy ur profile onto it via xbox
2. plug it into pc and load up usb explorer
3. find your profile and extract it to desktop
4. open modio and drag profile into it
5. go to file contents and right click the black ops gpd (ending in 855)
6. click replace file and browse for the modded one
7. rehash and resign
8. delete the old profile off usb and replace it with new modded one
9. exit out of programmes and plug usb back into xbox
10. load up the profile and go to zombies
11. enjoy the mods menu is as follows:

This is now patched on multiplayer but works perfectly fine offline in solo mode.

According to people this is patched online but still works offline on solo so get to it Happy

clicking back activates all mods...
to get triple tap you must but doube tap root beer Happy

Modded File - You must login or register to view this content.
Usb Explorer: You must login or register to view this content.
Modio: You must login or register to view this content.

{back button}
god mode
unlimited ammo
really big clips
insta reload with slight of hand
triple tap
far revive
fast run
auto m16/g11
box is unmovable
unlimited sprint

noclip toggle on/off

{dpad up}
This is for Kino!
Thunder gun and upgraded pistols

{dpad down}
This is for Five!
Give weapon frost gun and ray gun upgraded

{dpad left}
Change map to "Kino der toten"

{dpad right}
Change map to "five"

Heres a video;

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How to do GPD mods *Offline*

XPort 360 - You must login or register to view this content.

Modio - You must login or register to view this content.

Modded .GPD - You must login or register to view this content.

1) Open your HDD viewing program (I will be using XPort 360)

2) Access your profile and drag it to the desktop (or wherever you want)

3) Open Modio

4) Drag your profile from your desktop into Modio

5) Click the 'File Contents' tab and search until you find the file '41560855.gpd'

6) Right click the file and select 'Replace File'

7) Now find the '41560855.gpd' file that you just downloaded and click open

Cool Man (aka Tustin) Go back to the 'General File Info' tab and hit rehash and resign

9) Now your ready to put it back on your HDD

10) Go back into XPort 360 (or whatever your using) and drag your profile back into your HDD

11) It will ask if you want to replace the file, click 'yes to all'

12) Your done! Smile


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How to mod Campaign with USB

In order for this to work you must delete the patches for Black Ops, and make sure you do not try to sign in to xbl!!

Once the game starts hit the RB button and look at your ammo counter for your pistol and shoot the pistol repeatedly, if the ammo doesn't go down then you did the mod correctly. Here are the mods you will find with this modded GPSad Awesome

-God Mode
-No clip
-Unlimited Ammo
-Super Speed
-Long Melee Distance
-Infinite Sprint
-Super Dive
-Triple Tap (Buy double tap for it to work)
-Slow down time, Speed up x2, x4
-Cartoon Mode
-Direct target off (Makes zombies not go after you, like if you were in the Pack-a-Punch room)
-(press left on D-Pad to get 2 pack-a-punched weapons like the ray gun and thunder gun or ballistic knife and the crossbow)

Some mods work with using the D-Pad. You'll find some nice surprise mods if ya do Winky Winky

Modio Link:
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My Modded GPD & Xero:
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You can create your own modded GPD file using the Xero program I provided. Just open your profile with the program and mod away!

NOTE: First square is campaign, second is zombies and third is multiplayer.


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How to mod Gamertag in Black Ops *Online*


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EzGt 2.1:
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Written Tutorial:
1) Go to Xbox Dashboard and go to the following System Settings-Memory-Device- Gamer Profiles-"Your Profile"-Move-Memory Unit.
2) Unplug it and insert into PC.
3) Open Modio and select explore device.
4) Click File and click Open/Close Drive.
5) Keep clicking the mini plus sign on the left side until you can't go any further and click the last folder and extract a file beginning with "E" onto your desktop.
6) Open EzGt 2.1 and click the "Blue Person" and select open and browse for your extracted file.
7) Change and Mod whatever until you are happy with it.
Cool Man (aka Tustin) Click save and make a new folder on your desktop called "Data" (just for easy recognition.
9) Back onto Modio select the "M" and click Open File-From Computer and browse for your modded profile.
10) A window with a monkey gamer picture should pop up. Click rehash and resign.
11) close it and go back onto explore device. Select the content folder and insert first folder within "Data" starting with "E".
12) Once done click File-Open/Close Drive.

On The Xbox 360:
1) Now move both modded and original profiles back into your drive.
2) Don't have any profile signed in and start Black Ops.
3) Click start and then multi player.
4) Before you click Xbox Live sign in your modded profile and go to Local-Splitscreen.
5) Click "A" on your SECOND CONTROLLER and click "A" on your first controller and sign in with your modded profile.
6) Back out and Go online!



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Flashing Gamertag

[TuT]How to Get a Flashy Gamertag!
Hey Guys , just showing you how to get flashy gamertag.

What you need:
1- USB stick with at least 1 GB of space
2- USB Xtaf Explorer (You must login or register to view this content.)
3- Modio (You must login or register to view this content.)
4- WinRar (You must login or register to view this content.)
5- EzGT 2.1 (You must login or register to view this content.)
1) Go to system settings on your Xbox under My Xbox section
2)Plug your USB into your Xbox and go to Memory
3)Once in Memory, move the profile you wish to mod to your storage device (USB)
4)Now plug the USB into your computer
5)Once on the computer, open up USB Xtaf Explorer
6)Click "File", then "Open Device" (It should then pop up saying 'Content' )
7)Click on content and you will see a lot of E000555748... things
Click on the first one. (NOTE: If this is NOT your first time modding your Gamertag, some will repeat; If it is your first time, it will be the first one)
7)Keep clicking the first E000... until you get to the end.
Click once on your profile and then click "Extract" or drag it to your desktop.
9)Minimize Xtaf and open EzGT 2.1
10)Click on the blue guy in the top right and click "Open"
11)Find your profile(E000...whatever) off of the desktop when you click open
12) Click open on your profile then Edit it however you like using the "Add" tab
(NOTE: DO NOT MESS WITH THE OPTIONS TAB)Where it says "Original Gamertag", it should say yours.
13)You can use the colors in your name; but you will need to put ^F just before you write your new GT click a color and type the words AFTER the color: the colors come up as ^7 for example. Buttons come up as variated symbols. If you have any trouble with the editing just PM me.
14)Once you are done editing,Go to the "General" tab
15)Click on the blue guy again and click "Save" to desktop again
16)IMPORTANT:After saving your profile to the desktop from editing, your modded one will be the FOLDER NOT THE PIECE OF PAPER!
17)Open the folder until the last piece of paper is in there
1Drag it into Modio
19)When the modded profile shows up click "Rehash and Resign" (In the bottom right corner of the profile box, it will say Rehashed and Resigned; wait until it goes back to Xbox 360 Dashboard)
20)Exit out of the profile box and Modio
21)Open USB Xtaf Explorer again
22)Click the two(2) dots under the E000...until you get back to the beggining where it says "Content"
23)Click "Content" once until you get to the list of E000...
24)Click "Inject Folder" at the bottom
25)Find the folder named E000...(whatever the numbers are) and click on it; then click "Ok"
26)Now you are almost done
27)Unplug your USB from your computer and back into your Xbox

On The Xbox 360:
1) Now move both modded and original profiles back into your drive.
2) Don't have any profile signed in and start Black Ops.
3) Click start and then multi player.
4) Before you click Xbox Live sign in your modded profile and go to Local-Splitscreen.
5) Click "A" on your SECOND CONTROLLER and click "A" on your first controller and sign in with your modded profile.
6) Back out and Go online!

Credits to The InvadeR for method for putting the profile on the Xbox 360

Credits to Me And Bsaidmalta


How to mod Black Ops FastFiles

Download Links
Bulid/FastCrypt Tool - - You must login or register to view this content.
ZoneVeiwer - - Available SOON


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Classic Zombie Maps FOR FREE!

Download Link:

Win Rar - You must login or register to view this content.
Usb Xplorer - You must login or register to view this content.
Blackops Profile And Files - You must login or register to view this content.

Items Needed

1. USB Flash Drive with more than 1 GB / OR Transfer Cable
2. Computer
3. Xbox
4. Black Ops Files
5. 2 Xbox Live Controllers
6. WinRaR
7. Xplorer 360 if using Transfer Cable

NOTE: If you do have the First Strike Map Pack, you have to delete it, then do this process to get the WaW Maps, then re-download First Strike. Hope this helped!

Step 1- Plug USB flash drive into xbox > Memory > USB Storage Device > Customize > Move to 768 MB

Step 2- Transfer your regular profile to Hard Drive

Step 3- Plug in USB Flash Drive to Computer > Open up USB Xtaf Xplorer > Double click content > New Folder > Add *16* Number 0's > Click OK

Step 4- Open up the 16 0's folder > Drag the entire 41560855 folder into Xtaf Xplorer (This takes a few minutes)

Step 5- Once that is in, double click the 2 little dots > Drag the entire other Entire E0000D1DD702E folder into Xtaf Xplorer > File > Close


Step 1-Locate 0000000000000000 in your hard drive

Step 2-Drag the profile into there!

Step 3-Click Downloads/(Might Be Called Content, Just look for either inside 0000000000000000)

Step 4-Drag The Modded Files In = Good To Go!

On The Xbox:

Step 1- Plug USB Flash Drive back into Xbox > System Settings > Memory > Move your profile and the BlakOps Taco 543 onto Hard Drive

Step 2- Go up to games > Black ops > Move to Hard Drive

Step 3- Go up to Black Ops > Play Game > When you get to screen where it says " Mulitplayer/Campaign/Zombies/Options" Turn on second controller > Sign in as BlakOps taco 543> Sign Out on Second Controller > Load up Solo Zombies > PLAY ZOMBIES!!!

NOTICE- This is the way that Shi no Numa works.!

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How To Host 15th Lobby

How to Set Up Lobbies Written TUT
*USB Flash Drive or Transfer Cable
*Prior Knowledge of JTAGS

Step One:
1. Install Black Ops to your jtag. To do this go into xex menu. Go into your games folder on your primary HDD.
2. Create a new folder called Black Ops in your games directory.
3. Open up the black ops folder and hit y. Scroll down to copy dvd. Insert Black Ops into dvd drive and close the dvd drive. Count to 10 then hit confirm.

Step Two:
1. Go onto your computer and format your flash drive that is 1gb or larger.
2. Right click your flash drive and hit format. Make sure it is FAT32.
3. Download the black ops files by clicking HERE
4. Extract those files onto your desktop and drag them onto your usb drive.
5. Next download the title two update by clicking HERE Extract that to your desktop and create a folder in your flash drive called TU2. Drag the tu2 file into that folder in your flash drive.

Step Three:
1. Turn your JTAG back on and plug in your USB drive.
2. Go into xex menu and find your usb.
3. Once you find your usb go into the TU2 folder and hover over the files, hit y and copy. Now hit x and go to your hdd. Find your cache folder and put the tu2 file in the cache folder.
4. Now go back to your usb and all the other files are there.
5. One at a time, hover over one and click copy then go to your black ops folder and hit paste.
6. Repeat this process till you have done that to all your remaining files.

Congrats! You have set up a black ops lobby!
System link unfortunately does not work and the only way to activate the xp is by going online and blowing up a car. PLEASE do not flame me saying the xp is not going off. You have to be online for that to work!

video:You must login or register to view this content.
Credit To jBrov Cp Monkey & CRACKbomberxLW


Rainbow Vision (JTAG)

This mod gives you rainbow vision.. well everything looks like it is colorful. So this is how you do it:

1. Open HxD or another hex editor and open a decrypted xex in its exe form(You can make this with xextool)

2.once its opened search for this dvar "aim_automelee_range" and you should see this
the red B is what we'll be changing.

3.Now with the B change it to a capital I, This changes the value from 42 to 49.

4. Now reencrypt it and put it on your jtag, you should be seeing rainbows.
5(optional). If you want everything to glow you can change the I to anthing with a higher value up to i think 69. When you do this everything will glow.

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Ascension Mods

Step By Step On How To Mod It!

All downloads to programs:
modio-You must login or register to view this content.
Modded Gpd-You must login or register to view this content.
Title Update 4-You must login or register to view this content.

1. Put a usb in your xbox and put your profile and the title update 5 for black ops on the usb.

2. Take the usb out and go to your computer and open up modio and create a folder on your desktop.

.3 On modio click the M in the upper left hand corner and click explore my device. open every file until you get to your profile. example: E0000314FA66194F.

4. Click and drag your whole profile into the folder you created on your desktop and minimize explore my device on modio.

5. Open the folder thats on the desktop with your profile in it and drag it into modio and click file contents and look for 41560855.gpd right click and click replace file. it will bring you to your desktop and click the paper saying 41560855.gpd.(dont worry ill put the download link below and when you download it put it on your desktop)

6. Now go back and click rehash and resign then exit that.

7. Open explore my device again and open the folder on your desktop click the profile in the folder and drag it to the same profile in explore my device and it it should say something like overwrite data? click yes and there you go you have a modded zombie profile.

8. Now on to how to get ascension to work. go back into explore my device, if you did put title update 5 on your usb like i said open up files till you get to this: tu00000003_00000000.

9. tu00000003_00000000 is title update 5. and once you get to it go to title update 4 thats on your desktop( dont worry about this either ill put the link for this below once you download this put it on your desktop) and drag it under tu00000003_0000 and two tu00000003_00000000's will be in the file. (there both the same looking so dont get cofused and delete title update 4.)

10. Delete the top tu00000003_00000000 and that gets rid of tu5 and leaves tu4 that supports ascension!

11. Press File and click open/close drive. close that and take your usb out of your computer and bring it to your Xbox and put the title update 4 and your profile in the SAME memory file like hard drive or xbox memory drive. Unplug your ethernet cord and sign into the modded profile and play the ascension zombie map offline!


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Play Black Ops With Rebug!

"]download link[/URL]

1- You need to install Rebug 3.55 CFW (google)

2- Now you need to set Original PSN to Dev PSN Go to Debug Settings-> NP Environment-> Change to "sp-int"

3- Run Cex Dex Rebug selector (it’s under Package Manager, in PS3 HDD) set it to REBUG MODE and you are spoofed.

PS: if still cant connect you may need to set "sp-int" agin.

4- Now You need to make a new account on PSN you can set everything random but the PSN ID must be the same of the account on Original PSN or COD will not load your stats (lvl,classes,ect).

5- Now you need to set on your PS3 on Internet Connection Setting as Primary DNS the LOCAL IP of you PC (192.168.XXX.XXX) and as Secondary your modem IP OR ""

5- Start the my tool and make sure it's showing the right Local IP (192.168.XXX.XXX) then press OK.

And you done you can play on Black ops,MW2,COD4 on Rebug CFW Claps



Q: Does it's UNBAN my PS3 from Black Ops
A: NO!!!

Q: Can i use it on 3.60 OFW
A: No you cant plus it's useless becouse that it's only for 3.55 REBUG CFW.

Q: I still get the Server error
A: Make sure the account that you created have not the some id of someone banned on original PSN

You need .Net Framework 3.5 at least.
Credits To KiNgOfUnIvErS


How to mod Black Ops First Strike For FREE!

Im releasing first strike maps for free (only for BLES01032 ps3 users) hey guys i finally achieved for those ones who said that the maps need to be activated that is true and there is way to do it
just follow this tutorial and you will activate the maps i released, if you follow this tutrial you will be able to activate the maps but you will need to activate them every time you turn on the PS3 sorry that is the only way atm!

TUT: You must login or register to view this content. (it is in spanish sorry!)

Jailbroken ps3 cfw 3.55
COD Blackops 1.07
pendrive or external hdd (2gb or more)
ps3 filemanager (multiman 1.15 or above its okay)
First strike files: (megaupload premium users): You must login or register to view this content.

free users: i divided them in two, one .rar is for the dlc2.edat and the dlc2 folder including italian maps + zombie_cosmodrome_load.bik and another .rar for the spanish folder) PASSWORSad Awesome alexcar5

first part: You must login or register to view this content.
second part: (what you all were waiting for!! part two is here) :You must login or register to view this content.

TUT for free users:
once dowloaded both .rar extract the files using the password: alexcar5 and then just move the spanish folder inside the dlc2 folder.
now just move the folder dlc2 and the file.edat to an external hdd or pendrive and follow the tutorial from part 3.

Let's start

1.once dowloaded the maps files extract .rar file (this will also take a while)

2.then copy dlc2 and dlc.edat from inside the folder named "mapas" to an external hdd or pendrive.

3.activate the maps using the tut above

4.Plug in the pendrive to the PS3 and start multiman or any other filemanager ( dont use ftp server and filezilla this will take ages and probably dont work).

5.navigate to dev_usb001 or whatever

6. copy dlc.edat to hhd0/game/BLES01032/USDIR

7. do the same with dlc2 folder.

8. you are done

9. now just close multiman and enjoy your new maps, now we only need to wait for a new way to connect to PSN to try them online

I hope i helped please rep and sub to my youtube channel! :420:

Credit To Xx-NukeClan-xX & alexcar5


15th Hack

Download Links:

Mod File - You must login or register to view this content.

How to Use:
1.) Download the Modified 15 Prestige Eboot
2.) Open Your FTP Server on your Computer and on Your Ps3
3.) On your computer's FTP server go to /dev_hdd0/game/BLUS30591/USRDIR/ If your from europe it should be BLES not BLUS.
4.) Drag the modified eboot into that directory and it should tell you if you want it replaced. Just click yes.
5.) Exit to the XMB and Load BlackOps.
6.) Go to Local>Splitscreen and Start game. DO NOT CHANGE OPTIONS.
7.) Choose any team , and choose the first class.
8.) Once you chose your class , Press SELECT. It should return you to the choose team options.
9.) Press END GAME.
10.) Now just go back to XMB and Erase your patch and then load blackops and redownload the newest patch.
US Download
Credits To ihatecomvir & iGamerXx


Zombies Mod

Download Link:
US Modded Eboot - You must login or register to view this content.
EU Modded Eboot - You must login or register to view this content.

How to Use:
1.) Download the Modified Eboot
2.) Open Your FTP Server on your Computer and your ps3
3.) ON your computer's FTP server go to /dev_hdd0/game/BLUS30591/USRDIR/
NOTE: The "BLUS30591" Is for US games only. Find your region for other Countrys.
4.) Replace the EBOOT.BIN and the t5ps3f.self in the /dev_hdd0/game/BLUS30591/USRDIR/ with the modded ones provided to you in the downloads.
5.) Now go to /dev_hdd0/game/BLUS30591/USRDIR/ENGLISH and replace the common_zombie_patch.ff with the one provided with you in the downloads

NOTES:This only works offline , Not Online Since your not using the latest eboots. This will not get you banned from what I know of.

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Credits To RoyalShady & iGamerXx



Download Links:
Us file - You must login or register to view this content.
Eu File - You must login or register to view this content.

1.) Download the Modified Eboot
2.) Open your FTP server on your computer and on your Ps3
3.) ON your computer's FTP server go to /dev_hdd0/game/BLUS30591/USRDIR/
NOTE: The "BLUS30591" Is for US games only. Find your Region for other country's.
4.) Replace the Eboot.Bin with the EBoot.Bin Provided in the download
5.) It should ask you if you wanted to replace the eboot. Click yes
6.) Exit Out of FTP on your Ps3
7.) Now Get a FlashDrive and put the .PKG file provided in the download onto the root of the flash drive.
8.) go to Install Package Files under the Games Menu and Install the pkg.
9.) Load up Black Ops and Get out of the chair ("L2 and R2")
10.) Go to the computer and type in noclip. It should kick you out of the computer. Now press X to go back into the chair. Go to zombies or single player and press SELECT to activate the noclip.

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Credits To iGamerXx


Play Black Ops While Banned (xlink)

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After looking at ihatecompvirs thread about playing with xLink Kai, I decided to post a detailed tutorial on how to set your ps3 up with xLink Kai and play with others while you are banned.

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1. Start up You must login or register to view this content. before you turn on your PS3

2. Turn on your ps3 and it should say DNS error. If it does then you are on the right track Smile

3. Start up Black Ops and go to multiplayer. From there, go to LAN Party and press Join Game.

4. Now go back to XLink Kai and check the Diagnostics Mode . (Clicking that globe should take you to the screen shown below. Let it sit at that screen for a few seconds, then click on the magnifying glass next to the globe in the upper right-hand corner labeled “Switch to Diagnostics Mode.”)

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5. In the section with the check mark, under “Network Reachable” it should read as YES. In the section with the green arrow, under “Network Card” it should read your PC's network card. Underneath that where it says “Locked” it should read as YES. If your network card is not locked, Kai will not be able to configure your Playstation 3 correctly.

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6. Now finally the moment of truth. Are your PS3 and Kai Engine configured correctly to work together…? Click on the folder tab underneath the question mark in the upper right-hand corner labeled “Switch to Diagnostics View.” There you should see a message that says “Sony PlayStation 3, configured successfully.” Similar to what's seen below in the picture… Yes , it's a picture of a PS2 , but if it says : configured successfully , then you're ok to go. It's also possible that you only see a mac address. If it's not red you're also ok to go.

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7. Once you have finished playing on XLink Kai & you want to play on the PSN Network again , close XLink Kai & restart your Playstation 3 . There will be no DNS Error & you will be able again to play on PSN .

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Credits To ReKoGNiiTioN


Patch Blocker

This is a quick tutorial showing you how to bypass Call of Duty Black Ops on PS3 with EliteMossy's Patch Blocker, Video will probably be up soon!

Warning: You will probably be reset if you do this.

1. First of All you need to download it; You must login or register to view this content.
2. Extract it and open it, take note of the IP address and Start Blocking

3. On your PS3 delete the Black Ops patch (Game Data Utility)

4. Goto Internet Connection Settings and pass everything until you come to Proxy Server

5.Click 'Use' and type in the IP address from the patch blocker and your port should be 8080

6. Save the settings and Test Connection

7. Once it finished successfully you can start up Black Ops

8. It shouldn't ask you to update the patch and the patch blocker NEVER signs you out, Congratz

Note; Goto Nazi Zombies > Online > Find Match > dev, It should be under ZOMBIES, it was for development reasons only,
they removed it before shipping if you read it
Credits To EliteMossy And Chroniczz


Force Host

A Lag Switch Is Needed
Now with that being said, here is the tutorial on how to force host with a lag switch. (you can also use net tools if you don't have a lag switch)


1) find a game you want to play and as soon as you press x turn ON your lag switch

2) if done correctly it should say ``waiting for 6 more players`` leave it ON for a couple seconds then quickly flick OFF then back ON

3) if done correctly it should say ``testing matches xx% - 0/xx good games`` leave the switch ON for a couple seconds then quickly switch it OFF then ON again

4) if done correctly it should say ``testing matches xx% -0/xx good games`` it will look the same as step 3 except the % will slightly go up. Keep your switch ON until it says waiting for 6 more players... then turn your switch OFF and you will be host

5)if done correctly you will be sitting in a lobby by yourself (or with party) waiting for other players to join.

6) once enough players join the game to start it, the host will migrate. to stop someone else from getting host you need to turn your switch ON when ppl join the lobby to lag them. leave it ON for a couple short seconds and see if it says ``migrating host`` if it doesn't say ``migrating host`` after a second or two then there isn't enough ppl to get the game going so turn your switch OFF and wait for more ppl to join. once more ppl have joined and you have your switch ON and it says ``migrating host`` leave it ON until it gets to ``migrating host 4`` then quickly turn your switch OFF then back ON b4 it gets to ``migrating host 5``

7) if done correctly you will have have your switch still ON and you will see it say ``migrating host 5`` then it will disappear and will now say ``the match is about to begin`` and you can now turn OFF your switch and enjoy your game as host.
(if NOT done correctly you will have your switch still ON and the host migration is still counting past 5. you will NOT get host back out and repeat all steps)

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Credits To TheKid420


Thanks To Everyone's Tutorials I Used, Please Thank/+Rep If You Like It , Took Effort To Make This Smile


Please Rate This 5 Star its My Goal Smile


Hey dude thanks for the credits! Any chance of some rep+ please?

The following user thanked Ben for this useful post:

The InvadeR
04-21-2011, 04:43 PM #87
Please password for 15th eBoot...
I have 21 days played, so i think i can do this without getting banned.
04-21-2011, 09:26 PM #88
Just to know, if i delete the updates on xbox will i get deranked?
04-21-2011, 11:07 PM #89
Black and Yellow
The "Play Online With Rebug" one was good Smile Thanks.
04-23-2011, 10:14 AM #90
The InvadeR
Who’s Jim Erased?
Originally posted by Pysiek View Post
Please password for 15th eBoot...
I have 21 days played, so i think i can do this without getting banned.

its not my file you can try pm the people i gave credits too
04-24-2011, 12:26 AM #91
Do a barrel roll!
Whats the password to get zombies modd

---------- Post added at 07:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:21 PM ----------

Originally posted by the
which file?.

---------- post added at 01:58 pm ---------- previous post was at 01:57 pm ----------


the us file is locked need password

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