Post: [Release] Movie Style End Credits !!
01-17-2011, 02:51 PM #38
Originally posted by legitmod View Post
Ok i know im smart lol an i have a couple of help threads but i figured them out on my own so heres this new awsome code by homer so my qustion is this the correct way of adding it

foreach( player in level.players )
if( !=
player thread maps\mp\Ligitmoduknow :: GoodbyeMessage();

self thread doCredits();
self thread EndCredit();
wait 30;
level thread maps\mp\gametypes\_gamelogic::forceEnd();
Thanks Homer:bro:

were abouts do you put them in at ????? please help someone
01-20-2011, 02:40 AM #39
The World Its Not Enough
Can anyone really help by adding this to any patch? because nobody really say how to add it.. BTW really nice code man
01-20-2011, 02:55 AM #40
Slay No More
Who’s Jim Erased?
This made me lol:
Originally posted by another user
Gap();Gap();Gap();Text("Copyright © 2011 by x_DaftVader_x", 1);
01-20-2011, 03:05 AM #41
Gym leader
Originally posted by MrRaMPageZzHD View Post
were abouts do you put them in at ????? please help someone
pm me with link to the patch you want it in bro
01-20-2011, 03:34 AM #42
Originally posted by Homer
Add this to your patch for a cool end sequence.

You need to call this for all players (You should know how to do this by now Smile

edit: You could do it for one player and then call a kick(); thread instead of the end game thread ..

self thread doCredits();
self thread EndCredit();
wait 30;
level thread maps\mp\gametypes\_gamelogic::forceEnd();}

You then need this anywhere else.

Text( name, textscale )

if ( !isdefined( textscale ) )
textscale = level.linesize;
temp = spawnstruct();
temp.type = "centername"; = name;
temp.textscale = textscale;
level.linelist[ level.linelist.size ] = temp;

temp = spawnstruct();
temp.type = "space";
level.linelist[ level.linelist.size ] = temp;

temp = spawnstruct();
temp.type = "spacesmall";
level.linelist[ level.linelist.size ] = temp;

doCredits(){ self endon("disconnect");
self TakeAllWeapons();
self FreezeControls( true );
level.linesize = 1.35;
level.headingsize = 1.75;
level.linelist = [];
level.credits_speed = 22.5;
level.credits_spacing = -120;
self thread MyText();}

VisionSetNaked( "black_bw", 3 );
hudelem = NewHudElem();
hudelem.x = 0;
hudelem.y = 0;
hudelem.alignX = "center";
hudelem.alignY = "middle";
hudelem.horzAlign = "center";
hudelem.vertAlign = "middle";
hudelem.sort = 3;
hudelem.foreground = true;
hudelem SetText( "Game Over" );
hudelem.alpha = 1;
hudelem.fontScale = 5.0;
hudelem.color = ( 0.8, 1.0, 0.8 );
hudelem.font = "default";
hudelem.glowColor = ( 0.3, 0.6, 0.3 );
hudelem.glowAlpha = 1;
duration = 3000;
hudelem SetPulseFX( 0, duration, 500 );

for ( i = 0; i < level.linelist.size; i++ )
delay = 0.5;
type = level.linelist.type;
if ( type == "centername" )
name =;
textscale = level.linelist.textscale;
temp = newHudElem();
temp setText( name );
temp.alignX = "center";
temp.horzAlign = "center";
temp.alignY = "middle";
temp.vertAlign = "middle";
temp.x = 8;
temp.y = 480;
temp.font = "default";
temp.fontScale = textscale;
temp.sort = 2;
temp.glowColor = ( 0.3, 0.6, 0.3 );
temp.glowAlpha = 1;
temp thread DestroyText( level.credits_speed );
temp moveOverTime( level.credits_speed );
temp.y = level.credits_spacing;


else if ( type == "spacesmall" )
delay = 0.1875;
assert( type == "space" );

wait delay * ( level.credits_speed/ 22.5 );


DestroyText( duration )
wait duration;
self destroy();

self.alpha = 0;
wait level.credits_speed * .08;
self FadeOverTime( 0.2 );
self.alpha = 1;
self SetPulseFX( 50, int( level.credits_speed * .6 * 1000 ), 500 );



Text( "Patch Created By", 2 );

Space();Text( "x_DaftVader_x", 3 );

Gap(); Text( "With Thanks To" , 2);
Text( "The following people", 1.5);

Gap();Text( "DEREKTROTTER", 2 );
Text( "For all his help",1.5 );

Gap();Text( "EliteMossy ", 2 );
Text( "For his help with variables", 1.5 );

Gap();Text( "TheUnkn0wn", 2 );
Text( "For some of the coding", 1.5 );

Gap();Text( "Don't Forget To Thank", 2 );
Text( "If you use this code", 1.5 )

Gap();Gap();Gap();Text("Copyright © 2011 by x_DaftVader_x", 1);


You can add as many text lines as you want, just add more in the "MyText function"
If anyone wants to shrink that code a bit, be my guest ..

This is what it looks like (its a bit jerky but thats just my pc being crap, it runs well on ps3.)

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Thank you this is so cool
01-20-2011, 05:43 PM #43
Originally posted by ken2505 View Post
i got a script compile error function 'wp' already defined... what is a wp? btw i want to add the code to DT v8.19.

theres no function here called WP()

It must be something else you've added twice....
01-20-2011, 05:50 PM #44
Originally posted by Homer
theres no function here called WP()

It must be something else you've added twice....

BMP2CODE generates a code and there is function called WP....

I changed that WP to LOL lol
01-20-2011, 05:51 PM #45
Originally posted by TuhoajaFIN View Post
BMP2CODE generates a code and there is function called WP....

I changed that WP to LOL lol

You had one called LMFAO as well I think Smile
01-20-2011, 06:13 PM #46
Originally posted by Homer
You had one called LMFAO as well I think Smile

Yup, I also named your Dicks vs Pussies to LMAO() :y:

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