Post: Carrot Colors, Custom Carrot Colors, & RGB/RGBA Info! [GSC/CFG]
11-11-2012, 02:44 AM #1
[move]:rainbowcry: {UU}'s v5 :rainbowcry:[/move]
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Carrot Colors, Custom Carrot Colors, & RGB/RGBA Info!

If you read the whole thread you might learn a thing or two. Winky Winky

Hey guys, so I decided to release these carrot colors and custom carrot colors because today I gave out a sneak peek of my v5 and the colors of it was cyan and gray.
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So since it was gray people wanted to know what was the carrot color for gray. People were figuring out that it was either carrot eight [^8] or nine [^9]. If they had that on and they pressed that "Blah vs Blah" mod on it could possible active something that I found out with no help. I saw that this method was used in one of Cmd-X creations recently with like the kill feed but it was never use has a menu like I did a while ago before Cmd-X released anything like that. I believe I was the first person to use it as a menu because everyone that I showed my menu said that they never even anything like that or never thought of that, including ITheFallenI and T_m_b07. ^_^ So yea, I'm releasing this because I don't want someone to find this by mistake and think that they figured out something so crazy and released it. But yes it is used with carrot eight [^8] and/or carrot nine [^9].

So lets get started! Smile

Almost EVERYONE thinks that ^8 and ^9 is the color of the default map but that's wrong. It's actually base on the default color of the teams. So ^8 is for the team allies and ^9 is for the team axis. And the dvar to change that default color is g_teamcolor_Allies or g_teamcolor_Axis. By using this method you can use regular colors and use custom colors! Happy So here are some colors/shades that I have to get you guys started.

Red: g_teamcolor_[Team] 1 0 0 1 = carrot color red [^1]
Orange: g_teamcolor_[Team] 1 0.498 0 1
Yellow: g_teamcolor_[Team] 1 1 0 1 = carrot color yellow [^3]
Lime Green: g_teamcolor_[Team] 0.60 1 0 1
Green: g_teamcolor_[Team] 0 1 0 1 = carrot color green [^2]
Cyan: g_teamcolor_[Team] 0 1 1 1 = carrot color cyan [^5]
Blue: g_teamcolor_[Team] 0 0 1 1 = carrot color blue [^4]
Purple: g_teamcolor_[Team] 0.33333 0.1019 0.54509 1
Pink: g_teamcolor_[Team] 1 0.411 0.705 1

Black: g_teamcolor_[Team] 0 0 0 1 = carrot color black [^0]
Dark Gray: g_teamcolor_[Team] 0.25 0.25 0.25 1
Light Gray: g_teamcolor_[Team] 0.4 0.4 0.4 1
White: g_teamcolor_[Team] 1 1 1 1 = carrot color white [^7]

RGB/RGBA Information:
If you don't know anything about the RGB/RGBA I'll explain it to you. RGBA stands for Red, Green, Blue, Alpha [transparency], you now can probably guess what RBG stand for now and if you don't get some help lol. Sometimes there's RGB and sometimes there's RGBA. But anyways all those colors/shades above have 4 different numbers that are split up by a space. The first number is for Red, the second number is for Green, the third number is for Blue, and the last number is for Alpha. You always want Alpha on the highest number for the color to really stick out. For this RGBA the highest number you can have is 1 and the lowest is 0. So for example lets take the color red [1 0 0 1], the Red section is 1, the Green section is 0, the Blue section is 0, and the Alpha section is 1. So that color is red with no transparency. Now lets try the color cyan [0 1 1 0.5], the Red section is 0, the Green section is 1, the Blue section is 1, and the Alpha section is 0.5. So because Green and Blue are both 1, green and blue make cyan and because Alpha is 0.5 it has half transparency. Hope this helps you guys and now you have some knowledge about RGB/RGBA. Smile

Here are some pictures of what some of the custom colors look like:

Orange & Purple
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Dark Gray & White
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Purple & Pink
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Lime Green & Green
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How do I make another RGB custom color?

If you want another custom color that I didn't have posted then I'll show you how to get it and its really easy. Open up your Paint on your windows computer and go to edit colors. Next pick the color you want and look at the RGB. For this picture I used the gray that you saw in the first picture of my v5.
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Incorrect Information!
[S]After you see your RGB numbers put them into the 4 section RGBA for the dvar. If one of your numbers isn't 255 then its not 1 for the dvar RGB. If one of your numbers is 255 then it is 1 for the dvar RGB. 255 is the highest RGB number for Paint. So since my number is Red-40, Green-40, Blue-40, in the dvar RGB I put g_teamcolor_[Team] 0.4 0.4 0.4 1. We can't put 40 as one of those number because remember the highest number for this dvar RGB is 1, so we turn the number from Paint into a decimal and that will be 0.40, but mathematically you don't need the 0 at the end of 0.40 so that's why I put 0.4. And that's it, your done with your new RGB custom color! Happy[/S]

Correct Information Provided By sk8erlewisss!
After you see your RGB numbers put them into the 4 section RGBA for the dvar. If one of your numbers isn't 255 then its not 1 for the dvar RGB. If one of your numbers is 255 then it is 1 for the dvar RGB. 255 is the highest RGB number for Paint. So since my number is Red-40, Green-40, Blue-40, in the dvar RGB I put g_teamcolor_[Team] 0.16 0.16 0.16 1. We can't put 40 as one of those number because remember the highest number for this dvar RGB is 1, so we turn the number from Paint into a decimal by dividing 40 into 255 and we get 0.1568627450980392. So once you get your decimal, round it off to the hundredths place and that's how I got 0.16. And that's it, your done with your new RGB custom color! Happy

Sk8erlewisss' Quote:
Originally posted by another user
To get the exact colour you want to show in call of duty you divide all the numbers you get in paint by 255
so if i picked a colour in paint and it was this:
Red: 230, Green: 140, blue: 10...
then you would divide all them numbers by 255 and round them off to two decimal places so...
Red 230 = 0.90, Green 140 = 0.55, Blue 10 = 0.04
so to get that colour into cod you would put:
"set g_TeamColor_Allies 0.90 0.55 0.04 1"
Also to get the Exact colour you Must put the Saturation in paint to 240 and the Lum to 120

For all the RGB/RGBA masters, if you see that I did something wrong or if some information is incorrect please let me know like sk8erlewisss did. Thank you.

How do I get this to work in my patch?

Since people are having trouble on how this works which I really don't understand, but I guess sometimes I forget what it's like to be a noob [no offence] so here I am lol. I will be using my v5 menu base to show you how to get this to work. First thing you want to do is put the team color dvar [g_teamcolor_[Team] [Color]] in your buttons_default.cfg/buttons_tactical.cfg or anywhere you think it is best but for the noobs [no offence] I advise you to put it in the buttons_default.cfg/buttons_tactical.cfg like the picture. This patch had both buttons_default.cfg & buttons_tactical.cfg so I put the dvar in both raw files. If you only have one just put it in that one, you dont need both buttons_default.cfg/buttons_tactical.cfg. This picture only shows it in the buttons_default.cfg but I put it in the buttons_tactical.cfg too. And for the team allies I put it as the color pink [g_teamcolor_Allies 1 0.411 0.705 1] and the team axis I put it as the color white [g_teamcolor_Axis 1 1 1 1]. You can have both team dvars set and use both ^8 and ^9 or just have one team dvar set and use only one, ^8 or ^9, but that's up to you and I use both in this tutorial.
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You can pick whatever colors you want from above where I had Colors: and Shades: or you can make your own custom color from right above with "How do I make another RGB custom color?". Then after you have your team dvar(s) set, you start to change the carrot colors you have originally set and change them into ^8 and/or ^9.

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If your menu has multiple colors meaning more then two colors you don't have to change every color you have set only the ones you want But since I only had two colors I wanted to change them all. After that save your work then test it out and your done! Happy This is what mine looks like. Check out what yours looks like! Smile
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NOTE: This only works on gamemodes with teams. So for Free-For-All it won't work because it doesn't have any teams. And it is also normal that the colors switch when you change teams. I know why it does this but if I explain it to you, it will just confuse you guys even more so I'll pass. There's nothing you can do about it trust me. I think only gsc patches can fix this but you will have to know how to code it to get it to work properly. In cfg patches you can't fix this.[/B]

Hopefully this thread was noob friendly and if you learned something new it wouldn't hurt to thank the thread. ^_^

P.S. - That should be most of you guys. lol xD[/B]
Last edited by UnboundUser ; 11-23-2012 at 08:41 AM.

The following 46 users say thank you to UnboundUser for this useful post:

^TPP^, -JM-, -Xperia-, Day, .NINK., *xActionMods*, Eddie Mac, Annihilated, Blackstorm, bluer105, BrinkerzHD, BuFu_EVO, YouAppreciateMe, Choco, CrEaTiiOn_BuRn, EternalHabit, eXpo1s0nHD, Fittro, FuntCase, Hacks 'n' Mods, iTrexk, IVisionsI, Jensen-2010mj, JonoEfthy, jtdude, User23434, MrBrett_, oC_zUnKnOwNx, ohhImpreza, OmGRhys-x, oyay, Rustled Jimmies, Script Kiddie, tguns31, TheFallen, TheUnexpected, ThreeSixtyyy, xCyMods, xePixTvx, xFaziikModz, xGLoTTeRCriimEx, xToysBoy_, Zack., Zuraa
11-17-2012, 04:24 PM #29
Bounty hunter
how would we tell the differnce between the color's like let's say im using
set g_teamcolor_[allies] [PURPLE]
set g_teamcolor_[axis] [PINK]
how would you tell the diffeence when you put it in your menu like if they're all "^9" how does it come up on yours like <Main Menu> so how would you do that in the menu set Blah "\""^9<^8Main Menu^9> if so would "^8" be pink or puprle and would "^9" be pink or purple? or would we have to figure that out when we test the patch? Smile ~ Please Reply"\""
Originally posted by UnboundUser View Post
Carrot Colors, Custom Carrot Colors, & RGB/RGBA Info!

If you read the whole thread you might learn a thing or two. Winky Winky

Hey guys, so I decided to release these carrot colors and custom carrot colors because today I gave out a sneak peek of my v5 and the colors of it was cyan and gray.
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So since it was gray people wanted to know what was the carrot color for gray. People were figuring out that it was either carrot eight [^8] or nine [^9]. If they had that on and they pressed that "Blah vs Blah" mod on it could possible active something that I found out with no help. I saw that this method was used in one of Cmd-X creations recently with like the kill feed but it was never use has a menu like I did a while ago before Cmd-X released anything like that. I believe I was the first person to use it as a menu because everyone that I showed my menu said that they never even anything like that or never thought of that, including ITheFallenI and T_m_b07. ^_^ So yea, I'm releasing this because I don't want someone to find this by mistake and think that they figured out something so crazy and released it. But yes it is used with carrot eight [^8] or nine [^9].

So lets get started! Smile

Almost EVERYONE thinks that ^8 and ^9 is the color of the default map but that's wrong. It's actually base on the default color of the teams. So ^8 is for the team allies and ^9 is for the team axis. And the dvar to change that default color is g_teamcolor_Allies or g_teamcolor_Axis. By using this method you can use regular colors and use custom colors! Happy So here are some colors/shades that I have to get you guys started.

Red: g_teamcolor_[Team] 1 0 0 1 = carrot color red [^1]
Orange: g_teamcolor_[Team] 1 0.498 0 1
Yellow: g_teamcolor_[Team] 1 1 0 1 = carrot color yellow [^3]
Lime Green: g_teamcolor_[Team] 0.60 1 0 1
Green: g_teamcolor_[Team] 0 1 0 1 = carrot color green [^2]
Cyan: g_teamcolor_[Team] 0 1 1 1 = carrot color cyan [^5]
Blue: g_teamcolor_[Team] 0 0 1 1 = carrot color blue [^4]
Purple: g_teamcolor_[Team] 0.33333 0.1019 0.54509 1
Pink: g_teamcolor_[Team] 1 0.411 0.705 1

Black: g_teamcolor_[Team] 0 0 0 1 = carrot color black [^0]
Dark Gray: g_teamcolor_[Team] 0.25 0.25 0.25 1
Light Gray: g_teamcolor_[Team] 0.4 0.4 0.4 1
White: g_teamcolor_[Team] 1 1 1 1 = carrot color white [^7]

RGB/RGBA Information:
If you don't know anything about the RGB/RGBA I'll explain it to you. RGBA stands for Red, Green, Blue, Alpha [transparency], you now can probably guess what RBG stand for now and if you don't get some help lol. Sometimes there's RGB and sometimes there's RGBA. But anyways all those colors/shades above have 4 different numbers that are split up by a space. The first number is for Red, the second number is for Green, the third number is for Blue, and the last number is for Alpha. You always want Alpha on the highest number for the color to really stick out. For this RGBA the highest number you can have is 1 and the lowest is 0. So for example lets take the color red [1 0 0 1], the Red section is 1, the Green section is 0, the Blue section is 0, and the Alpha section is 1. So that color is red with no transparency. Now lets try the color cyan [0 1 1 0.5], the Red section is 0, the Green section is 1, the Blue section is 1, and the Alpha section is 0.5. So because Green and Blue are both 1, green and blue make cyan and because Alpha is 0.5 it has half transparency. Hope this helps you guys and now you have some knowledge about RGB/RGBA. Smile

Here are some pictures of what some of the custom colors look like:

Orange & Purple
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Dark Gray & White
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Purple & Pink
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Lime Green & Green
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How do I make another RGB custom color?

If you want another custom color that I didn't have posted then I'll show you how to get it and its really easy. Open up your Paint on your windows computer and go to edit colors. Next pick the color you want and look at the RGB. For this picture I used the gray that you saw in the first picture of my v5.
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After you see your RGB numbers put them into the 4 section RGBA for the dvar. If one of your numbers isn't 255 then its not 1 for the dvar RGB. If one of your numbers is 255 then it is 1 for the dvar RGB. 255 is the highest RGB number for Paint. So since my number is Red-40, Green-40, Blue-40, in the dvar RGB I put g_teamcolor_[Team] 0.4 0.4 0.4 1. We can't put 40 as one of those number because remember the highest number for this dvar RGB is 1, so we turn the number from Paint into a decimal and that will be 0.40, but mathematically you don't need the 0 at the end of 0.40 so that's why I put 0.4. And that's it, your done with your new RGB custom color! Happy

For all the RGB/RGBA masters, if you see that I did something wrong or if some information is incorrect please let me know. Thank you.

How do I get this to work in my patch?

Since people are having trouble on how this works which I really don't understand, but I guess sometimes I forget what it's like to be a noob [no offence] so here I am lol. I will be using my v5 menu base to show you how to get this to work. First thing you want to do is put the team color dvar [g_teamcolor_[Team] [Color]] in your buttons_default.cfg/buttons_tactical.cfg or anywhere you think it is best but for the noobs [no offence] I advise you to put it in the buttons_default.cfg/buttons_tactical.cfg like the picture. This patch had both buttons_default.cfg & buttons_tactical.cfg so I put the dvar in both raw files. If you only have one just put it in that one, you dont need both buttons_default.cfg/buttons_tactical.cfg. This picture only shows it in the buttons_default.cfg but I put it in the buttons_tactical.cfg too. And for the team allies I put it as the color pink [g_teamcolor_Allies 1 0.411 0.705 1] and the team axis I put it as the white color [g_teamcolor_Axis 1 1 1 1]. You can have both team dvars set and use both ^8 and ^9 or just have one team dvar set and use only one, ^8 or ^9, but that's up to you and I use both in this tutorial.
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You can pick whatever colors you want from above where I had Colors: and Shades: or you can make your own custom color from right above with "How do I make another RGB custom color?". Then after you have your team dvar(s) set, you start to change the carrot colors you have originally set and change them into ^8 and/or ^9.

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If your menu has multiple colors meaning more then two colors you don't have to change every color you have set only the ones you want But since I only had two colors I wanted to change them all. After that save your work then test it out and your done! Happy This is what mine looks like. Check out what yours looks like! Smile
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NOTE: This only works on gamemodes with teams. So for Free-For-All it won't work because it doesn't have any teams. And it is also normal that the colors switch when you change teams. Nothing you can do about it trust me. I think only gsc patches can fix this but not cfg patches.[/B]

Hopefully this thread was noob friendly and if you learned something new it wouldn't hurt to thank the thread. ^_^

P.S. - That should be most of you guys. lol xD[/B]
11-17-2012, 07:04 PM #30
Good work UU !
11-17-2012, 07:39 PM #31
Veni. Vidi. Vici.
great release Claps

The following user thanked Blackstorm for this useful post:

11-18-2012, 09:18 AM #32
Modding 4 Passion!
Good Job bro Winky Winky
11-18-2012, 09:00 PM #33
[move]:rainbowcry: {UU}'s v5 :rainbowcry:[/move]
Originally posted by sk8erlewisss View Post
To get the exact colour you want to show in call of duty you divide all the numbers you get in paint by 255
so if i picked a colour in paint and it was this:
Red: 230, Green: 140, blue: 10...
then you would divide all them numbers by 255 and round them off to two decimal places so...
Red 230 = 0.90, Green 140 = 0.55, Blue 10 = 0.04
so to get that colour into cod you would put:
"set g_TeamColor_Allies 0.90 0.55 0.04 1"
Also to get the Exact colour you Must put the Saturation in paint to 240 and the Lum to 120

Oh ok thanks man. Smile I will make sure to put this correct information in the thread.

Originally posted by zUnKnOwNx View Post
how would we tell the differnce between the color's like let's say im using
set g_teamcolor_[allies] [PURPLE]
set g_teamcolor_[axis] [PINK]
how would you tell the diffeence when you put it in your menu like if they're all "^9" how does it come up on yours like <Main Menu> so how would you do that in the menu set Blah "\""^9<^8Main Menu^9> if so would "^8" be pink or puprle and would "^9" be pink or purple? or would we have to figure that out when we test the patch? Smile ~ Please Reply"\""

I don't really understand what your trying to ask but I think is has something to do with this (correct me if I'm wrong):

set g_teamcolor_allies [RGBA Color] = ^8
set g_teamcolor_axis [RGBA Color] = ^9

Originally posted by Snetie View Post
Good work UU !

Thanks man. Smile

Originally posted by Blackstorm View Post
great release Claps

You really think so? ^_^ Lol

Originally posted by xFaziikModz View Post
Good Job bro Winky Winky

Thanks man. Smile

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