Post: The **ULTIMATE** Guide To A Nuke! Very Detailed! Very Good! READ
01-06-2010, 09:39 PM #1
X Lash
Samurai Poster
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hello. This is my guide to getting the Tactical Nuke killstreak on CoD MW2. I personally have called in well over 30 nukes, and that was all in the space of 2 days.

I know that there are loads of guides, but I think this guide can not be compared to the other ones, so please read on. And do not hate, saying that campers suck, there's no point commenting bad stuff, and don't say stuff like the best way to get it is by run and gunning, camping is for noobs etc etc etc... it's just pointless.

I’m going to start off by saying that getting a nuke is VERY easy once you know how to do it, and you have the right killstreaks equipped and the right class.

This is a very long guide, and it goes into a lot of detail, I spent a lot of time on it, and I would appreciate if you read it all, commented on what you thought, and maybe even +repped or thanked.


If you have read any other guide, they tell you to use the following:
Harrier (7)
Chopper Gunner (11)
Tactical Nuke (25)

I’m going to have to agree with pretty much all of them, this is the best set up on most maps, on some maps it is better to have the AC130, but overall stick with the Chopper Gunner.
Once you get the harrier, it will get you a chopper gunner 9 times out of 10, and then in the chopper gunner you will get a lot of kills, hopefully pushing you up to the 25 kills that you need.

Game mode
I recommend ground war, but keep leaving until you get a domination. Or just plain old normal domination with 12 players. If it is ground war, it is easier to get kills, but easier to get killed, it will also reduce the chance of you killing the same person 3 times in a row, and him coming up to you and sticking a semtex to your ass, or blowing you to hell with a grenade launcher, because you will most likely kill a lot of people, and people have a habit of skipping the killcams the second they come up, unless they got killed 3 times at the same spot. Ground War makes it piss easy to get 14 kills with the Chopper Gunner, because there are 9 people instead of 6, but it also increases the chance of there being some stupid 6 year old with a class just designed to shoot you down at a 24 killstreak. So, it is up to you, try both, I got all of mine on ground war domination.


Primary Weapon

An assault rifle is a must. They can shoot and kill at long range, while still being as deadly as an SMG at close quarters, if you catch them off guard. So, I obviously recommend an assault rifle. The best one in my opinion is the SCAR-H (unlocked rank Cool Man (aka Tustin) . But you can go with pretty much whatever suits you, the TAR-21 (unlocked rank 20) is a very good choice as well, because it has a much larger clip than the SCAR, but has pretty high damage.


I would go for holographic sight, or silencer. Make 2 classes with your assault rifle, one with holographic/red dot, and one with silencer, it all depends on the map to which one I would use.


The secondary weapon can often be more important than the primary weapon. So read carefully.

This has to be a shotgun, no doubt about it, if you hear someone coming, you will want to swap to the shotgun and nock them out. I recommend the M1014 (unlocked rank 54), but if you haven’t unlocked it, use the AA-12 (unlocked rank 1Cool Man (aka Tustin). Do not use any other shotgun, purely because for them, if you miss, you might as well shoot yourself.
The SPAS has a long range, but the time between shots is very long, and if you miss, or it doesn’t kill them, you will die. The time between shots is long enough for them to kill you, and you can’t do anything about it.
Ranger(s), with akimbo these are alright, I suppose, but they have 4 round before you have to do a pretty lengthy reload, and the range is very small, and aren’t always 1 hit kill.
Model 1887’s with akimbo are good, but they are only good if someone is running straight at you, which they will most likely not, they will be either running up stairs to get you, and if you miss with both of them, the time it takes for the next shot is also too long, and they will easily kill you.

Striker, this is a tough choice, in some aspects it is better than the AA12, because it has more rounds in a ‘magazine’ and the damage is higher, and the range is longer on the striker. But it isn’t automatic, and there is a small delay between shots, so if the first 2 shots don’t kill, you’re screwed.

So just stick with the AA12 or M1014.


Use the silencer, or if you want you can use the grip/extended magazines/red dot sight, it’s really up to you, it doesn’t matter too much,


This is urgent, you need these, it will be explained why later

Special Grenade
This is up to you, weather to choose stun or flash, I use stun, because I’m used to using it, and you can throw it a long distance and it will explode upon hitting the ground, and won’t explode mid ‘flight’ like the flash has a tendency of doing.


1st Perk
Scavenger PRO. You need this, and you need it to be pro, on the SCAR-H, you will start off with 120 rounds, which will be enough to get you at least 7 kills. But if you run out of ammo, just kill someone, run up to them, and pick up their little blue ‘backpack’ and you will get back 1 special grenade, 1 equipment, and I think 1 whole magazine of ammo. This is a must, because your claymores will be always set up, and once one blows and kills someone, you will pick up this, and get another claymore, place it on that spot again, and go back to your business.

Some people like One Man Army, but it is unlocked at rank 45, I got the majority of my nukes at rank 30-40, and only a couple after 45. So scavenger is unlocked earlier, and in my opinion is much better. With One Man Army, you loose your shotgun, and if you are stuck in a close quarters situation, you will be screwed. Also it takes 6 seconds to get your ammo back, while with scavenger, it takes 3 seconds max. So because it takes time, and because you loose your secondary weapon, I advise you to use scavenger Pro.

2nd Perk

Cold Blooded
This is a solid perk to choose, because you will be invisible to killstreaks that the enemies use (if you even let them get enough kills :p). Most snipers these days use thermal scopes on their snipers, and are only on the look out for big white glowing people that stick out like sore thumbs. With cold blooded, they will only be able to see you for what you are, not the big white thing. So with this the chance of you getting sniped by a bad sniper (most of them are bad) is pretty much eliminated. The most important and helpful feature of this is, that the enemy can’t see you on the UAV radar, unless you are firing. So no noob is going to go ‘oh look red dot, lets go kill him’ and they will completely ignore you. Most people these days are dependant on the radar, and if there is no dot on the radar, they think there is no person there either. So this will save your butt many times over. I used this ever time but 1 when I got my nukes, and it is definitely the best choice of second perk in my opinion.


This reduces the number of kills you need for a killstreak by 1, you may think, oh then I will only need 24 kills for a nuke, that’s awful, I will just use cold blooded and get 1 extra kill. Yes, it does that, but it will only take 6 kills, as opposed to 7, to get the harrier, which gets you (usually) up to a chopper gunner. So it is very helpful at the beginning, but once you get 2 or 3 nukes, swap over to coldblooded.

Stopping Power
Some people using stopping power, funnily enough, this is stupid, because you are going to be shooting to kill, not spamming people, so you will always kill people, they will never get away, I suppose that stopping power will speed the process up, but the SCAR-H is barely changed by stopping power. People will see you on thermal scopes, killstreaks can kill you and you will be on the enemy’s radars. So stay away from this perk if you want to increase your chances.

3rd Perk
Most people on ground war/domination don’t use heartbeat sensors, because the action is usually at a certain spot, A, B or C, and there is never a point where there isn’t someone shooting, you will always here gunfire, so people rarely ever use it. BUT, if someone does use it, and they are a noob running about, not near any of his teammates/your team mates, and he spots a stray red dot, he will always run towards it, and probably throw a grenade at you, or kill you somehow, so ninja prevents this, while also making your foot steps silent, if it is pro, so nobody will hear you treading about on their awesome tactical headsets.

I have seen other guides and they recommend using scrambler because peoples HUD (the map) goes fuzzy and blurry, but it does this progressively, and people have a habit of seeing that it is a bit fuzzy, and then running around until it gets more fuzzy, until they find you and kill you, so this often gets you killed instead of protecting you, useless perk in my opinion. STAY AWAY FROM IT.

Ok, I hope you have a good idea of what class to use, that took me ages to write :(.


SCAR-H w/ Holographic/Silencer
M1014 w/ Silencer


Scavenger PRO
Cold Blooded

What to do

Join the game, and you will want to first make a mad dash to some hiding spot, by a place where enemies usually run by, but at the same time not being right by A, B or C. Then sit there, place a claymore at the doorway/window/pathway to protect yourself, then go to that spot and look outside for people running by, once you see someone, make sure he is out in the open, not behind cover, and shoot to kill. If he is running from cover to cover, LEAVE HIM, you want to shoot to kill, if you shoot, and it doesn’t kill him, he will find you and hunt you down. Once you get your first kill, run to his body, pick up the blue bag, and place another claymore at another door way/window/pathway near where you are.

Most places have 2 entrances, place a claymore on both, but make sure the claymore only triggers when someone tries to go to where you are, not triggered by people running outside. These 2 babies will save your life on many occasions. The 2 claymores will do a good job of protecting you, but sometimes people run straight past them, or shoot them before they blow up, or have scrambler pro, so turn up your volume, and listen for a click, if your claymore goes off without killing anyone, go to the corner of the room, or wherever you are, and wait for the guy to get within shooting range, kill him, pick up the blue backpack, and place the claymore again, maybe a bit further from the door, but usually, if it succeeded in killing guy/warning you that the guy is coming, place it exactly where you did the first time.

You will have to do this until you get 7 kills, this will either be very quick, take 2 minutes, or will be a longer process because you chose a spot where not many people run by, but nonetheless, you will get 7 kills eventually, now you have the harrier, call it in where you think the enemies are, avoid placing it on buildings, or too far away from a capture point, the strike itself usually for me gets 4 or more kills, if not, the harrier itself will shoot and get you the 4 kills which you need for the chopper gunner. A lot of guides say that once you get a 7 killstreak, that is pretty much a nuke, I kind of agree with them, as most of the time it gets you to the chopper gunner, then to the nuke, but some times it might not get 4 kills, or some dick will shoot it down, so I will not be making any claims.

Once you have called it in, stay where you were when you got the 7 killstreak, if it gets you 4 kills straight away, try running to an unused building, near, but not right next to where you were, or run to some long grass, also in a corner, hopefully nowhere near where the enemies are, and call in the chopper gunner.

If the harrier doesn’t get 4 kills (very unlikely, but still happens) stay where you are and get the kills you need to get the chopper gunner, then run to where I said (above /\),

The chopper gunner is the ultimate killstreak, it is ‘smart’ and will not just fly about randomly, or hover on one spot, it will go relatively close to the enemies, and sometimes it will go so low to the ground, and you can actually stick a semtex to it, when it stops flying, that means there is a large group of enemies near you, so look for the red squares (enemies) and shoot at them. The chopper gunner has 1 defence mechanism, the flares, after they are gone, you will die from one stinger/javelin. So be on the lookout for people shooting at you with guns, or people stand still with a big missile in their hands, shoot them first, you must have priorities on who to kill. A lot of the time the chopper gunner will go to where the enemies are spawning, and you will be ‘spawn killing’ people essentially, and getting masses of kills at once, this is good, and will ensure the nuke, if this does not happen, and you are flying about the place, or people spawn indoors, try killing people who are outside.

The chopper gunner has explosive rounds, if they are all camping inside, try shooting in the doorway, the explosions are quite big and will still kill people. On some maps the chopper gunner absolutely sucks balls, and you will get 2, 3 kills max, try to avoid these maps (more detail below). If you do not get 25 kills with the chopper gunner, and are on something stupid like 22 or 23, be very cautious, people are on the lookout for you, and will be doing anything to kill you, so try to camp in a corner with a shotgun. If you are only on 15 kills, I recommend going back to your original spot, if the top team’s score is under 100, if it is over 100 (past half way), you should leave and try again on a different map.

Once you have the nuke, it is up to you if you want to call it in straight away, carry on your killstreak and do it once you die, or once you feel you are getting overwhelmed by enemies. I prefer the second option, as once I got a 43 killstreak, the chopper gunner got me to 32, and I got 11 kills.


EDIT: Ok pretty much everyone has said that they think that what I said about the maps is wrong, and that the maps I said are good, suck, and the ones I said suck, are good, so to stop this flaming and spam and whatnot. DO NOT POST ANYTHING ABOUT THE MAPS. THIS IS WHAT IN MY OPINION IS THE BEST . YOU WILL HAVE A DIFFERENT OPINION TO ME, I AM OK WITH THAT, THIS IS JUST WHAT I THINK IS GOOD, AND WHAT ARE THE BEST MAPS FOR ME
This bit I might update later, depending on how well the guide goes. So for now I will just list the maps and say if it is a good map for getting the nuke or not, I hope this is sufficient for your high demands Smile

I will rate them from 15 on how hard/easy they are, 1 being impossible, 5 being very easy.



Easy to camp, you can choose 1 of the 2 bunkers, the one separating spot A from spot B, or the bunker by B. Or you can sit at C watching people coming from B, or sit in the ‘cave watching people run past the middle and killing people in the 2 bunkers. The chopper gunner easily spawn kills people, as there are very few ‘closed’ places. It will usually fly by C, and go really low, and kill people as they spawn there, you will get 15 kills in a matter of seconds, or it will go in the poppy fields by B, again doing the same thing as it does at C, or by the hummers/jeeps at A.



Very big map, you can camp in the trainwreck by B, although it isn’t recommended, you can go in the big building in the middle and mainly get kills from people going up the stairs, and kill the occasional person walking through the middle. The 3-story building by A, or C (not sure, probably A, it is the one where the capture spot is right underneath it), you can sit there killing people in the main middle building, and protect the capture point right by you. The map is very open, and the people don’t spawn on the same spots, like they do on Afghan, so it is easier to get 11 kills, but hard do get 14+ kills in the chopper gunner.



You can camp in the building by C, on the top floor, watching over B, or watching C right by you (usually you will have to do both). You can sit in the building where B is killing people in the building by A. Or you can place a claymore in the greenhouse, killing people going to A, and camp inside the big ‘main’ building by A, killing people at B, running to A, or killing people at A, or people where the Cabin is, where the small building with the paddle boat is. I recommend the last option. It is very easy to get 11 kills, and depending on what points the enemy has, the chopper gunner will get 14+kills very easily, if they have B and C, or if they just have B, if they have A and B, or just A, it is going to be quite a hard job, as they will all stay cooped up inside the building by A, this is why when you call in the chopper gunner, try to be inside that building, or in the toilet, or in the basement under the counter. This will stop them from spawning inside.



Hard to get 7 kills, harder to place a good harrier, even harder to get 14 kills in the chopper gunner, stay away from this map if possible.



Quite easy to get 7 kills, but the harrier will never get any kills, and if you do manage to get the chopper gunner, everyone will stay inside the 2 big areas either side of the map, by A, and C, or stay underground, this is the hardest map.



Quite easy to get 11 kills, but once the chopper gunner comes, everyone will go inside the buildings, or completely spread out so you get 5 kills roughly, quite hard to get a nuke on, I did it once or twice, but the chopper gunner only got me to 13.



Same as Invasion. Quite easy to get 11 kills, but once the chopper gunner comes, everyone will go inside the buildings, or completely spread out so you get 5 kills roughly, quite hard to get a nuke on



This map has a lot of places you can go, you can stay in the building where B is, this takes skill to not get fragged, or you can go in the biggest building, by A, and go to the top place, and kill people running about, or you can stick at the building by C. It is quite hard to get it on this map, and because of the ‘terrain’ some places very high and some low, you will either not be able to hit people on the top of the quarry, or people right at the bottom of the quarry, or people will hide inside (they have a habit of doing this)



There are so many places to camp on this map, you can stay in the ‘canal’ thing right in the middle and watch people crossing it, and try watching over B, or you can stay in the building by A, and watch A, while killing people at B, and people running from the opposite side, trying to get to A, crossing the little ‘bridge’ (recommended), but this place has 3 ways of getting in, so it is hard to cover yourself, place one claymore on the stairs by A, and one on the furthest away stairs. Or you can go in the smaller building near C, watching over B, and kill people crossing the little bridge , and kill people in the spot I was on about earlier, and killing people at B and C (recommended, depending on where the main concentration of fighting is). I have got a lot of nukes on this map, the chopper gunner is good at killing people, but they do sometimes go inside, which is annoying.



Very small, hard to get a high killstreak, nowhere that you can really camp, nowhere that you can run and hide once you have the chopper gunner, and people just go inside the wrecked planes, or the 3 main buildings for protection from the chopper gunner.


At the beginning, you can easily throw a semtex over to either flag, then carry the killstreak on from there, so technically you can easily get one, and i got well over 10 nukes on this map. So, really up to how you play.


Some open parts, and depending on what side your team is controlling depends on weather you will get it or not, if your side has the side with the ‘playground’ by C, the chopper gunner can mow people down by A, but if it is vice versa, people hide by B, or they stay inside. You can camp in the big building by C, watching people going through the main area, and watching people go through the alleyways.

Sub Base


Big, quite open map, LOADS of places to camp, literally you can go anywhere and get a 7 killstreak, the chopper gunner gets you good kills, but people can go inside also, so this is a tough map to decide weather it is a good map or not, I have had good experiences with it, so I think it is good.



Either camp in the plane, or inside by C, clearing out the little pathway past the shop, towards A. Or sit by the counter in A, watching people come from the plane. Chopper gunner is medium difficulty to get kills on, depends where the enemies are really, I got a few nukes on this map.



I don’t really know where to camp on this map, as I have never really played this map much or seen anyone get a nuke on this map. But you could go in the building by C, or the little dark garage by B. Chopper gunner is pretty hard considering there are a a lot of buildings, and the whole motorway/overpass section blocking you from getting kills.



THE BEST MAP FOR NUKES. If you get this on domination ground war, with a half decent team, you will get a nuke every time, unless someone beats you to it. This is currently the only map that I will give an actual proper map for, because it is simply the easiest map to do it on.
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Most of the action obviously is in the little underground area RED, depending on what side you spawn on will mean what you will do, if you spawn on the lower part of the map, follow the blue arrow and run straight to A (I think it is A) and kill and snipers by there. If you are on PINK, run to the left, to the mounted machine gun, and fire in bursts to the other side of the map, as shown in pink, after about 30 seconds there, the blue and pink people meet up and you should slowly move towards the RED, preferably with a silenced gun, do NOT capture A yet, then when you are underground try killing the people there, guaranteed to have at least half the enemy team there. Then stay in the until your team takes it (wont be too long), by then you should have 7 kills, then run to either green, or yellow, depending on which has less enemies by it. Call in the harriers by the RED, not on it, but on either part by it, (1, 2, 3, or 4) I usually put it somewhere between 1 and 4, or 2 and 3, and the strike and the harriers get me at least 10 kills, here I got a 40+ killstreak many times.

Make sure you do not kill yourself while in the chopper gunner
Make sure the harrier strike(s) don’t kill you
Make sure you are prone, or crouching in a corner when you call in the chopper gunner, not standing in the middle of the open
Try to forget about capturing A, B or C, it will just end up in getting you killed

If you have any tips, please PM me a message and what it is, and I will add it.

PLEASE COMMENT ON THIS GUIDE ONCE READING IT. This is to stop it from falling off the front couple of pages. If you liked it, please +rep or thank, or even nominate Smile

This guide is 100% written by me, Scorcher. Please do NOT rip this and put it on some other site claiming it is yours. If you see this on any site, please tell me Smile

This was all written on word, and is 9 A4 pages Eek hope it wasn’t too long
Last edited by X Lash ; 05-30-2010 at 09:30 AM.

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01-06-2010, 09:46 PM #2
I iz pro drupshut?
Great post, should help a lot of people. Thank+Nom Smile
01-06-2010, 09:47 PM #3
X Lash
Samurai Poster
Originally posted by TRchamp12 View Post
Great post, should help a lot of people. Thank+Nom Smile

How did you read it that quickly!? :P haha thanks
01-06-2010, 09:51 PM #4
I iz pro drupshut?
Originally posted by Scorcher5000 View Post
How did you read it that quickly!? :P haha thanks

Skimmed it, Don't really agree on the maps other than Wasteland, Because a majority of my nukes are there. But everything made sense in the how-to and class choices.
01-06-2010, 09:55 PM #5
X Lash
Samurai Poster
Originally posted by TRchamp12 View Post
Skimmed it, Don't really agree on the maps other than Wasteland, Because a majority of my nukes are there. But everything made sense in the how-to and class choices.

Oh ok :/ This is in my opinion Smile Good that you liked it and thanks loads of the thank and nominate Smile^

The following user thanked X Lash for this useful post:

01-06-2010, 10:02 PM #6
I iz pro drupshut?
Originally posted by Scorcher5000 View Post
Oh ok :/ This is in my opinion Smile Good that you liked it and thanks loads of the thank and nominate Smile^

Np, spread the favor? Lol nah, jk
01-06-2010, 10:07 PM #7
great guide, thanks mate. it good that you put the time and effort, into this.
01-06-2010, 10:10 PM #8
Nice but u can only get a nuke if yur gd lol

The following user thanked BobbyMcmanus-1 for this useful post:

01-06-2010, 10:11 PM #9
X Lash
Samurai Poster
Originally posted by 1 View Post
Nice but u can only get a nuke if yur gd lol

I suppose, but I'm trying to teach the bad people to get nukes, and to teach the good people to get more nukes Smile

The following user thanked X Lash for this useful post:

01-06-2010, 10:17 PM #10
I read it all, nice and very very very detailed.
Its like other guides but more detailed.
But sometimes, I dont agree.
And a hot tip, I gave some others: If u play on a high sensitivness like 10, turn it to a lower, so u can controll the hopper gunner slower and exactlier

The following user thanked Kells for this useful post:


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