Post: If You Were The One Making MW3 What Would You Do?
06-05-2011, 10:26 AM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); would you add zombies?
have theater?

post a reply on what you would do here!

thanks guys really apprecciate it.
06-05-2011, 11:09 AM #2
[b]They say sorry Mr. West is..[/b]
1. Bring zombies so when everyone realizes the mp sucks they wouldn't completely abandon the game
2. Theater mode with HD uplodaing
3. $10 DLC
4. No noob tubes
5. Some sort of in game clan battles. That way I could enjoy MP more without worrying of gay tryhard clans :FU:
6. Co-op campaign
7. In game cross game chat. If your homies are playing zombies, you could talk to them while playing MP or something :p
8. SIMPLE LEADERBOARDS. I still have no idea how to use Black Ops leaderboards
9. Make overpowered shit. Yes you read right. BO tried to to hard to be balanced and in the process the game became really boring. At least in my opinion.
10. MW2/COD4 style sniping. Black Ops absolutely ruined sniping for me. I used to be a prod at sniping till BO

Tis' all :p

The following 4 users say thank you to CLM for this useful post:

jakerad95, Panda., shawry, zchryfrk
06-05-2011, 11:14 AM #3
sack robert bowling

The following 2 users say thank you to thalx for this useful post:

Lucy Pinder, shawry
06-05-2011, 11:20 AM #4
¯\_(ツWinky Winky_/¯
Go to Treyarch and bitch-slap them.
06-05-2011, 12:44 PM #5
Little One
Originally posted by ClutchLikeMelo View Post
1. Bring zombies so when everyone realizes the mp sucks they wouldn't completely abandon the game
2. Theater mode with HD uplodaing
3. $10 DLC
4. No noob tubes
5. Some sort of in game clan battles. That way I could enjoy MP more without worrying of gay tryhard clans :FU:
6. Co-op campaign
7. In game cross game chat. If your homies are playing zombies, you could talk to them while playing MP or something :p
8. SIMPLE LEADERBOARDS. I still have no idea how to use Black Ops leaderboards
9. Make overpowered shit. Yes you read right. BO tried to to hard to be balanced and in the process the game became really boring. At least in my opinion.
10. MW2/COD4 style sniping. Black Ops absolutely ruined sniping for me. I used to be a prod at sniping till BO

Tis' all :p

i totaly agree with you
06-05-2011, 01:23 PM #6
Former Staff
Just a few Awesome face

  1. Zombies
  2. If you crouch in one place for 10secs you dies
  3. A snipers only game type
  4. Better DLC - Cheaper + more maps
  5. No gay perks
  6. More animated titles and emblems
06-05-2011, 02:49 PM #7
scrap premium service
06-05-2011, 02:56 PM #8
In Flames Much?
Add theater
Change to mutli host P2P
Balance the weapons more AR low damage at close range etc
More maps on release with new maps each month.
Ded servers GB systems built in if you wanted to try for prizes
Bring back a better sound system compared to Bops but not OP. So more then one way to detect a person.
Make objectives a bigger area to cut down on nade and noobtube spam
Change KS so doing the objectives count towards it, and kills in total not one life.
Cycle KS to use them when you want to.
KSs perk class not one overall set
Recoil and make the guns harder to control
Change the damage system so you need to hit high to get a kill.
Remove snipers as they don't suit the game or just remove sniping aim assist
More weapons each with a different feel
Better map design SMGs control the buildings , ARs the outside etc
Change certain game modes to make spawn trapping harder , so you have the objectives you have a respawn delay.
Add a respawn delay for objective game modes
Change SnD so you need to get the objective and kills to win. 4 bomb pick from

That all from the top of my head
06-05-2011, 03:09 PM #9
Lucy Pinder
At least I can fight
put in loads of custom games example

throwing nice match
stun granade match
sniper match
knifes only something like that
06-05-2011, 03:23 PM #10
N'wahs With Attitude
Commit suicide before my career does.

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