Post: You MUST be 18 to use COD Elite
11-08-2011, 12:05 PM #1
Bounty hunter
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Read the title. I am not 100% sure its like this on PS3, but it is on XBox. On xbox, you live account MUST have an age on it that is over 18. So, in my instance, mine is 14. I BOUGHT cod elite and when i try to get on the console app, " This account is not eligible for registration". There is no way to get around this unless Activison hears enough complaints and decides to change it. I know you guys dont want 12 year olds being annoying on MW3, but this has nothing to do with the actual game. So, please, call Activision and tell them you expect to be able to use COD Elite or you will be demanding a refund. Thanks, and if anyone knows how to get a refund from something you bought on the XBL marketplace, let me know
11-08-2011, 03:59 PM #20
Expect the unexpected!
Originally posted by Testozter0n View Post
Sure not....
But on the game is a hint -> 18 (or 17)... when you buy it before you reach this age, I think its your fault when you cant use all features.

Im not bothered I only have 2 months left till im 18 so its ok
11-08-2011, 04:03 PM #21
On ps3 you can t make an account if you are not 18, so luckily it wont cause any problems to us ps3 people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S Xbox sucks

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