Post: (Better) Der Reise survival strategy guide
06-29-2010, 08:55 PM #1
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Der Reise Survival Guide

In order to have any hope of surviving beyond level 13, you must know some basic physics of how the zombies move, and a good idea of the map layout.

* Zombies love to run in straight lines. You can easily herd them around a map in circles, if you know what to do. Don't get cornered and always keep moving. Don't fire on them unless you are far enough away and are absolutely certain there are none sneaking up behind you.

*Never try to go "Rambo" and run off by yourself. If you think you are good enough for it, you shouldn't even be reading this post.

*The MG42 BROWNING Ray gun FG42 Trench Gun and the WonderWaffe are the only guns you should consider upgrading.

*Other decent temporaries are the Thompson, MP40, Magnum, PTRS, and the Type 99

First, this guide is assuming you have four, able bodied players. You must have a decent knowledge of the map and it's goodies, and know the "crawler method" of getting things done

Rounds 1-4: Let zombies in. Board windows for points at beginning of each round. Use a combination of pistol shots and knife for most possible points. DO NOT buy anything unless absolutely needed.

Rounds 5-7: Dogs should be expected soon. Open the door on the RIGHT side looking in the direction of the CLOCK TOWER.
Continue into the next room and unblock the stairs and move to the mystery box/power switch.

*Each player must be contributing equally to opening doors.
*It is sometimes more economical to buy the THOMPSON than the mystery box in the beginning. This choice I leave up to you.
*DO NOT spam the mystery box, as it will dissapear much quicker.

Rounds 8-12: Spend your time racking up points for JUGGERNAUT and teleporters. Keep your team backed up in the original mystery box area untill there is enough collective money to link the first two teleporters THIS MUST BE DONE BEFORE ROUND 12 Make sure juggs is your first perk.

*Bouncing betties can add a failsafe, again I leave this up to you

*Perks and their importance in order: Juggs, Sleight of hand, Quick Revive, Dubtap

*DO NOT OPEN the back door of the LABORATORY, OR THE LEFT SIDE DOOR of the pack o punch area.

*DO NOT OPEN the back door of the LABORATORY, OR THE LEFT SIDE DOOR of the pack o punch area.

*DO NOT OPEN the back door of the LABORATORY, OR THE LEFT SIDE DOOR of the pack o punch area.

*DO NOT OPEN the back door of the LABORATORY, OR THE LEFT SIDE DOOR of the pack o punch area.

This cannot be stressed enough. If you are confused, I am talking of the opposite of the first door you open, and the door after that.

Rounds 13-16: Open the last of the teleporters, and get the perks/weapons you will be needing. Move the group to the alley on the LEFT side looking in the direction of the CLOCK TOWER from the PACK o PUNCH. Both doors in the alley should be closed (If you did everything correctly) leaving a long alley to funnnel the zombies into.

*Post one man at the FLYTRAP window.

*Post two men to fire down the alley and at the window to the left

*Have one man interchange between window and alley when others need to reload, get crowded etc.


Where you go from here is 90% up to you and 10% what the AI wants to do with you.
This method has the capability to sustain you untill the high 30's and with the LAB door as a failsafe, you can buy yourself another round or so falling back to the shitty balcony method.

Good luck.
Last edited by blahblah123 ; 06-29-2010 at 11:15 PM.
06-30-2010, 01:32 PM #2
pwn'n noobs since 1984
Nice strat. I hate having the waffle though. It seems so easy to go down once upgraded. I love to have the MG and Ray upgraded and not Dub Tap b/c it uses up bullets. I think of it as the faster you can shoot the faster you can miss. Additionally once u get to lvls 20+ you will be using power weapons (ray gun or waffle) to do the majority if not all of the killing.

Overall nice read.
06-30-2010, 03:31 PM #3
This is the same strategie I always use.
Might make a video of it Smile
07-04-2010, 05:35 AM #4
Originally posted by blahblah123 View Post
Der Reise Survival Guide

In order to have any hope of surviving beyond level 13, you must know some basic physics of how the zombies move, and a good idea of the map layout.

* Zombies love to run in straight lines. You can easily herd them around a map in circles, if you know what to do. Don't get cornered and always keep moving. Don't fire on them unless you are far enough away and are absolutely certain there are none sneaking up behind you.

*Never try to go "Rambo" and run off by yourself. If you think you are good enough for it, you shouldn't even be reading this post.

*The MG42 BROWNING Ray gun FG42 Trench Gun and the WonderWaffe are the only guns you should consider upgrading.

*Other decent temporaries are the Thompson, MP40, Magnum, PTRS, and the Type 99

First, this guide is assuming you have four, able bodied players. You must have a decent knowledge of the map and it's goodies, and know the "crawler method" of getting things done

Rounds 1-4: Let zombies in. Board windows for points at beginning of each round. Use a combination of pistol shots and knife for most possible points. DO NOT buy anything unless absolutely needed.

Rounds 5-7: Dogs should be expected soon. Open the door on the RIGHT side looking in the direction of the CLOCK TOWER.
Continue into the next room and unblock the stairs and move to the mystery box/power switch.

*Each player must be contributing equally to opening doors.
*It is sometimes more economical to buy the THOMPSON than the mystery box in the beginning. This choice I leave up to you.
*DO NOT spam the mystery box, as it will dissapear much quicker.

Rounds 8-12: Spend your time racking up points for JUGGERNAUT and teleporters. Keep your team backed up in the original mystery box area untill there is enough collective money to link the first two teleporters THIS MUST BE DONE BEFORE ROUND 12 Make sure juggs is your first perk.

*Bouncing betties can add a failsafe, again I leave this up to you

*Perks and their importance in order: Juggs, Sleight of hand, Quick Revive, Dubtap

*DO NOT OPEN the back door of the LABORATORY, OR THE LEFT SIDE DOOR of the pack o punch area.

*DO NOT OPEN the back door of the LABORATORY, OR THE LEFT SIDE DOOR of the pack o punch area.

*DO NOT OPEN the back door of the LABORATORY, OR THE LEFT SIDE DOOR of the pack o punch area.

*DO NOT OPEN the back door of the LABORATORY, OR THE LEFT SIDE DOOR of the pack o punch area.

This cannot be stressed enough. If you are confused, I am talking of the opposite of the first door you open, and the door after that.

Rounds 13-16: Open the last of the teleporters, and get the perks/weapons you will be needing. Move the group to the alley on the LEFT side looking in the direction of the CLOCK TOWER from the PACK o PUNCH. Both doors in the alley should be closed (If you did everything correctly) leaving a long alley to funnnel the zombies into.

*Post one man at the FLYTRAP window.

*Post two men to fire down the alley and at the window to the left

*Have one man interchange between window and alley when others need to reload, get crowded etc.


Where you go from here is 90% up to you and 10% what the AI wants to do with you.
This method has the capability to sustain you untill the high 30's and with the LAB door as a failsafe, you can buy yourself another round or so falling back to the shitty balcony method.

Good luck.

Please do tell how you get the type 99 Winky Winky
07-10-2010, 11:52 PM #5
Originally posted by Tahoma View Post
Please do tell how you get the type 99 Winky Winky

Lol That's A Good Question
07-29-2010, 03:43 PM #6
Little One
i have a similar strategy to yours. BlatentAnarchy taught me it (he's number 1 in the PS3 zombie leaderboards)

rounds 1-5 (or first dog round): stay at the mainframe and do the let em in n shoot trick.

rounds 6-9: when the first horde of dogs come or your at the end of round 5, open the to doors to the Thompson room. stay there for a while with 1 person covering the windows and the other 3 near the double barrelled shotgun. (don't forget to buy a thompson)

rounds 9-15 (at the latest): at the end of round 9 keep a crawler and get all the guns out the box. you should've spent all your money on guns (should've had around 10k each). now hold off at the courtyard and make sure the door behind you is CLOSED. then at any round you can link up the teleporters and such.

round 15-23: once you've linked up the teleporters (should be done by round 15) open the door to the catwalk (behind the courtyard) and have one person in the tunnel covering the window, one at the balcont covering that window, one at the quick revive window and one person who stays in the courtyard (if your gonna stay in the courtyard you WILL need juggernog and speed cola). the person in the courtyard must be skilled though. perks and good weapons won't save you.

rounds 23-30: it is reccomended now that the people at the windows move to the catwalk because the zombies seem to be MUCH stronger in the mid 20's. the person running around in the courtyard can stay there if he wants be he will have much more trouble keeping the zombies back. if the person in the courtyard gets pushed back then the zombies from the balcony and quick revive will go to him and he will be trapped.

30-35: now even BlatentAnarchy has to pull back. no matter how good you are you cannot stay in the courtyard by yourself no matter how good you are. you WILL get overwhelmed. so now everyone should be on the catwalk (i prefer to stay in the quick revive by myself because the zombies from the courtyard go straight past me so i only have to worry about the window and maybe a sneaky dog.

35- : well i hope you've kept your money because now its time to start teleporting. the zombies are really hard to kill now. if you were on the catwalk you will get EASILY overrun. but dont just teleport. shoot then aswell for more points and wait till the zombies are in the teleporter too. then they will get killed. once your at these round it takes about half an hour per round! so if you wanna get far you better put some time and effort in!

i would explain what i have experienced in the 40's but i cant. my highest round was 40 before we lost connection :(
don't belive me? link: [ame=]YouTube - Nazi Zombies Level 40 In Der Riese With Voice Strategy & Subtitles[/ame]

this has turned into a essay hasn't it 0_o
07-29-2010, 05:00 PM #7
Other good guns to upgrade are the Panshrek (Sorry bad spelling) and the M1 Grand with the Grenade Launcher.

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