Post: [TUTO] access a mail box (connect POP3)
05-10-2011, 04:58 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); [HOWTO access to email with Python]

Ok, i use python 2.6.
Let's go..

1. ...
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

2. import library, "poplib".
This is the lib for access a server pop3 of Hotmail.
Is very simple to use..
The poplib is included in python.
import poplib

3. Create "user" and "pass" for de connection with raw_input.
user = raw_input("User: ")
pasi = raw_input("Pass: ")

4. Now, request de server POP3.
server = raw_input("POP3 Server: ")

Ok, i have all informations for my connection.
Personally, my messenger box is Hotmail. I have not tried with gmail.

5. Connect to POP3 with "user", "pass" and "server".
I'm connect to server with SSL connection, more safety.
co = poplib.POP3_SSL(server,995)

Ok, now, i'm connected.
I want read the last email in my box.

6. I use "stat()" of poplib.
"stat()" gives me the number of messages in my mail box, and print.
num = (co.stat())
print "-",num,"-"

7. I use "retr()".
"retr()" retrieves email, and print.
iffl = raw_input("Numéro du message: ")
awe = (co.retr(iffl))
print "-",awe,"-"

8. Close the connection !

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