Post: Top 5 Tweaks?
05-20-2015, 03:31 AM #1
Climbing up the ladder
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My top 5 tweaks are as follows.

1. "Phantom for Snapchat" Source: BigBoss Repo
What is it: A great exploit for Snapchat! You can go beyond any boundry Snapchat has placed before you!

2. "xModGames" Source:
What is it: xModGames is a free game modding tool which allows you to mod games such as ClashofClans, 8 Ball Pool, Boom Beach ect.

3. "Clap" Source:
What is it: Clap is a tweak which never allows you to lose your phone again! If you lose your phone within a small-ish area and need to find it all you have to to is "Clap" and a ring of your choice will go off.

4. "BioProtect" Source:
What is it: BioProtect is a safety feature which lets you lock any app or folder on your phone with Touch ID! ( A formal password is also accepted along with touch )

5. "iFile" Source:
What is it: iFile is a file manager for your iPhone. You can edit, move, or delete any file within your phone.

So, what are your top 5 tweaks?

The following 2 users say thank you to CEO for this useful post:

KL9, xkoeckiiej
05-20-2015, 10:13 PM #2
At least I can fight
Clap does respond on too many things for me :/

1. Appsync
2. Basic adblocker 8
3. Cydia enanler + cydown
4. Noappstoreredirect
5. Whatspad
05-27-2015, 08:33 PM #3
[i]Remember, no Russian.[/i]
1. SwipeSelection

Awesome tweak, makes text selection/cursor positioning so much quicker and easier. Small, but powerful. And free.

2. CCSettings for iOS 8/7

Adds in several extra toggles to control center for commonly changed settings. Useful as hell. Another freebie.

3. iCaughtU Pro

Always handy to know if my phone is stolen this will track it slightly better than iCloud by itself. And I can run commands remotely on it via text message. Only a few dollars on the BigBoss repo.

4. PkgBackup

Back up all your repos, packages etc. into different formats. Perfect if you're upgrading and jailbreaking on the newer version. Again, only a few dollars.

5. VolumeBanner

Makes the volume HUD so much cleaner by having it in a notification-style dropdown rather than center screen. Free.

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