Post: McDonalds gamemode mw2 NEWW!
06-22-2013, 07:42 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hi , i was bored so i decided to take an old project that i was working on , so in 45 minutes i finish it.

Basically what this code do is:

*Creates a Flag in a random place of terminal , then you can go and choose some mcdonals option ,like Big mac , etc.

*To get points , you need kills.

*Fries: 3 points (so 3 kills).
Burger: 5 points
Happy meal: 7 points

This gamemode is more like hunger games , im working on something cool to release after this , that will make a box with your hungry level.

PS: i cant record , it will be a pleasure if someone record it and then post it.

self thread ks();
self thread spawner();
self thread getFlagsMcDonalds();
self thread WelcomeMessage2();
self thread openMenu();

self endon("death");
for(;Winky Winky{
self waittill("player_killed");
self.streak += 1;
self thread monFood();

self endon("death");
case 3: self iPrintlnBold("Earned Fries");break;
case 5: self iPrintlnBold("Earned Burger");break;
case 7: self iPrintlnBold("Earned Happy Meal!");break;

case "mp_terminal":
flag[0] = (1072.22, 4893.93, 192.125);
return flag;

notifyData = spawnstruct();
notifyData.iconName = "cardicon_prestige10_02";
notifyData.titleText = "McDonald Mod";
notifyData.notifyText = "Version: 1.0";
notifyData.notifyText2 = "By Panda-monium";
notifyData.glowColor = (1,0,0);
notifyData.duration = 7;
notifyData.font = "default";
self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::notifyMessage( notifyData );

self endon ( "disconnect" );
self endon ( "death" );
if ( self FragButtonPressed() )
self thread Menu( "white", ( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 ) );
self thread CreateSlider( slider title, slider text, image, image width, image height, image2, image width 2, image height 2, title font glow, text font glow );

Menu( background, color, border, bcolor)
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "disconnect" );
self notifyOnPlayerCommand( "nextone", "+attack" );
self.slides = [];
self.background = createIcon( background, 300, 300 );
self.background.alpha = 1;
self.background.foreground = false;
self.background.color = color;
self.background setPoint( "", "", 0, 0 );
if( isdefined( border ) )
self.border = createIcon( border, 440, 440 );
self.border.alpha = 1;
self.border.foreground = false;
self.border.color = bcolor;
self.border setPoint( "", "", 0, 0 );
CreateSlider( "PowerComa", undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, ( 1, 0, 0 ) );
CreateSlider( "PricesPg1", FixString( "Fries = 3 Kills!." ), "weapon_onemanarmy", 120, 60, "weapon_onemanarmy", 120, 60, ( 1, 0, 0), ( 1, 0.5, 0 ) );
CreateSlider( "PricesPg2", FixString( "Burger = 5 Kills!" ) );
CreateSlider( "PricesPg3", FixString( "And The HappyMeal = 7 Kills." ) , "weapon_onemanarmy", 30, 15 );
for( i = 0; i <= self.slides.size; i ++ )
if( !isdefined( self.title ) )
if( i == 0 )
self.title = self createFontString( "default", 4 );
self.title setPoint( "", "", 0, -30 );
} else {
self.title = self createFontString( "default", 2 );
self.title setPoint( "", "", 0, -142 );
self.title.glowcolor = self.slides[i].glow;
self.title.glowalpha = 1;
self.title.foreground = true;
self.title setText( self.slides[i].title );
if( !isdefined( self.text ) )
self.text = self createFontString( "default", 1.5 );
self.text setPoint( "", "", 0, -90 );
self.text.foreground = true;
self.text.glowcolor = self.slides[i].glowt;
self.text.glowalpha = 1;
self.text setText( self.slides[i].text );
if( !isdefined( self.image ) )
self.image = self createIcon( self.slides[i].image, self.slides[i].imagew, self.slides[i].imageh );
self.image setPoint( "", "", -75, 110 );
self.image.foreground = true;
if( !isdefined( self.image2 ) )
self.image2 = self createIcon( self.slides[i].image2, self.slides[i].imagew2, self.slides[i].imageh2 );
self.image2 setPoint( "", "", 75, 110 );
self.image2.foreground = true;
self waittill( "nextone" );
wait ( 2 );
self.image destroy();
self.image2 destroy();
self.text destroy();
self.title destroy();
self.image destroy();
self.image2 destroy();
self.text destroy();
self.title destroy();
self.background destroy();
self.border destroy();

FixString( text )
string = " " + text[0];
for( i = 1; i <= 320; i ++ )
if( !isdefined( text[i] ) )
string += text[i];
if( ! isFloat( string.size / 40 ) && string.size > 10 )
string = string + "\n";
return ( string + " " );

CreateSlider( title, text, image, imagew, imageh, image2, imagew2, imageh2, glow, glowt )
i = self.slides.size;
self.slides[i] = spawnstruct();
if( isdefined( title ) )
self.slides[i].title = title;
if( isdefined( text ) )
self.slides[i].text = text;
if( isdefined( image ) )
self.slides[i].image = image;
if( isdefined( imagew ) )
self.slides[i].imagew = imagew;
if( isdefined( imageh ) )
self.slides[i].imageh = imageh;
if( isdefined( image2 ) )
self.slides[i].image2 = image2;
if( isdefined( imagew2 ) )
self.slides[i].imagew2 = imagew2;
if( isdefined( imageh2 ) )
self.slides[i].imageh2 = imageh2;
if( isdefined( glow ) )
self.slides[i].glow = glow;
if( isdefined( glowt ) )
self.slides[i].glowt = glowt;

The following 10 users say thank you to KingcreekS for this useful post:

*xActionMods*, Chip ♞, Daweeyz, KadenxC28, MW2TopTenWORLD, Prodigy_killz, SnaY, SomeAsshole, worrorfight, XeModding
06-22-2013, 07:43 PM #2
Last edited by Capo837 ; 07-17-2023 at 07:39 PM. Reason: delete
06-22-2013, 08:02 PM #3
hey man, i can record but I don't have a jailbroken ps3. but you can still invite me and ill record everything you do
06-22-2013, 08:05 PM #4
I mean , someone who can record it in pc , i dont have mw2 in pc
06-22-2013, 08:16 PM #5
League Champion
lol someone please record
06-22-2013, 08:43 PM #6
I’m too L33T
Originally posted by monium View Post
Hi , i was bored so i decided to take an old project that i was working on , so in 45 minutes i finish it.

Basically what this code do is:

*Creates a Flag in a random place of terminal , then you can go and choose some mcdonals option ,like Big mac , etc.

*To get points , you need kills.

*Fries: 3 points (so 3 kills).
Burger: 5 points
Happy meal: 7 points

This gamemode is more like hunger games , im working on something cool to release after this , that will make a box with your hungry level.

PS: i cant record , it will be a pleasure if someone record it and then post it.

self thread ks();
self thread spawner();
self thread getFlagsMcDonalds();
self thread WelcomeMessage2();
self thread openMenu();

self endon("death");
for(;Winky Winky{
self waittill("player_killed");
self.streak += 1;
self thread monFood();

self endon("death");
case 3: self iPrintlnBold("Earned Fries");break;
case 5: self iPrintlnBold("Earned Burger");break;
case 7: self iPrintlnBold("Earned Happy Meal!");break;

case "mp_terminal":
flag[0] = (1072.22, 4893.93, 192.125);
return flag;

notifyData = spawnstruct();
notifyData.iconName = "cardicon_prestige10_02";
notifyData.titleText = "McDonald Mod";
notifyData.notifyText = "Version: 1.0";
notifyData.notifyText2 = "By Panda-monium";
notifyData.glowColor = (1,0,0);
notifyData.duration = 7;
notifyData.font = "default";
self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::notifyMessage( notifyData );

self endon ( "disconnect" );
self endon ( "death" );
if ( self FragButtonPressed() )
self thread Menu( "white", ( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 ) );
self thread CreateSlider( slider title, slider text, image, image width, image height, image2, image width 2, image height 2, title font glow, text font glow );

Menu( background, color, border, bcolor)
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "disconnect" );
self notifyOnPlayerCommand( "nextone", "+attack" );
self.slides = [];
self.background = createIcon( background, 300, 300 );
self.background.alpha = 1;
self.background.foreground = false;
self.background.color = color;
self.background setPoint( "", "", 0, 0 );
if( isdefined( border ) )
self.border = createIcon( border, 440, 440 );
self.border.alpha = 1;
self.border.foreground = false;
self.border.color = bcolor;
self.border setPoint( "", "", 0, 0 );
CreateSlider( "PowerComa", undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, ( 1, 0, 0 ) );
CreateSlider( "PricesPg1", FixString( "Fries = 3 Kills!." ), "weapon_onemanarmy", 120, 60, "weapon_onemanarmy", 120, 60, ( 1, 0, 0), ( 1, 0.5, 0 ) );
CreateSlider( "PricesPg2", FixString( "Burger = 5 Kills!" ) );
CreateSlider( "PricesPg3", FixString( "And The HappyMeal = 7 Kills." ) , "weapon_onemanarmy", 30, 15 );
for( i = 0; i <= self.slides.size; i ++ )
if( !isdefined( self.title ) )
if( i == 0 )
self.title = self createFontString( "default", 4 );
self.title setPoint( "", "", 0, -30 );
} else {
self.title = self createFontString( "default", 2 );
self.title setPoint( "", "", 0, -142 );
self.title.glowcolor = self.slides[i].glow;
self.title.glowalpha = 1;
self.title.foreground = true;
self.title setText( self.slides[i].title );
if( !isdefined( self.text ) )
self.text = self createFontString( "default", 1.5 );
self.text setPoint( "", "", 0, -90 );
self.text.foreground = true;
self.text.glowcolor = self.slides[i].glowt;
self.text.glowalpha = 1;
self.text setText( self.slides[i].text );
if( !isdefined( self.image ) )
self.image = self createIcon( self.slides[i].image, self.slides[i].imagew, self.slides[i].imageh );
self.image setPoint( "", "", -75, 110 );
self.image.foreground = true;
if( !isdefined( self.image2 ) )
self.image2 = self createIcon( self.slides[i].image2, self.slides[i].imagew2, self.slides[i].imageh2 );
self.image2 setPoint( "", "", 75, 110 );
self.image2.foreground = true;
self waittill( "nextone" );
wait ( 2 );
self.image destroy();
self.image2 destroy();
self.text destroy();
self.title destroy();
self.image destroy();
self.image2 destroy();
self.text destroy();
self.title destroy();
self.background destroy();
self.border destroy();

FixString( text )
string = " " + text[0];
for( i = 1; i <= 320; i ++ )
if( !isdefined( text[i] ) )
string += text[i];
if( ! isFloat( string.size / 40 ) && string.size > 10 )
string = string + "\n";
return ( string + " " );

CreateSlider( title, text, image, imagew, imageh, image2, imagew2, imageh2, glow, glowt )
i = self.slides.size;
self.slides[i] = spawnstruct();
if( isdefined( title ) )
self.slides[i].title = title;
if( isdefined( text ) )
self.slides[i].text = text;
if( isdefined( image ) )
self.slides[i].image = image;
if( isdefined( imagew ) )
self.slides[i].imagew = imagew;
if( isdefined( imageh ) )
self.slides[i].imageh = imageh;
if( isdefined( image2 ) )
self.slides[i].image2 = image2;
if( isdefined( imagew2 ) )
self.slides[i].imagew2 = imagew2;
if( isdefined( imageh2 ) )
self.slides[i].imageh2 = imageh2;
if( isdefined( glow ) )
self.slides[i].glow = glow;
if( isdefined( glowt ) )
self.slides[i].glowt = glowt;

useless but seems funny, you earned my thanks lol Smile
06-22-2013, 09:07 PM #7
Script Kiddie
At least I can fight
Originally posted by monium View Post
Hi , i was bored so i decided to take an old project that i was working on , so in 45 minutes i finish it.

Basically what this code do is:

*Creates a Flag in a random place of terminal , then you can go and choose some mcdonals option ,like Big mac , etc.

*To get points , you need kills.

*Fries: 3 points (so 3 kills).
Burger: 5 points
Happy meal: 7 points

This gamemode is more like hunger games , im working on something cool to release after this , that will make a box with your hungry level.

PS: i cant record , it will be a pleasure if someone record it and then post it.

self thread ks();
self thread spawner();
self thread getFlagsMcDonalds();
self thread WelcomeMessage2();
self thread openMenu();

self endon("death");
for(;Winky Winky{
self waittill("player_killed");
self.streak += 1;
self thread monFood();

self endon("death");
case 3: self iPrintlnBold("Earned Fries");break;
case 5: self iPrintlnBold("Earned Burger");break;
case 7: self iPrintlnBold("Earned Happy Meal!");break;

case "mp_terminal":
flag[0] = (1072.22, 4893.93, 192.125);
return flag;

notifyData = spawnstruct();
notifyData.iconName = "cardicon_prestige10_02";
notifyData.titleText = "McDonald Mod";
notifyData.notifyText = "Version: 1.0";
notifyData.notifyText2 = "By Panda-monium";
notifyData.glowColor = (1,0,0);
notifyData.duration = 7;
notifyData.font = "default";
self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::notifyMessage( notifyData );

self endon ( "disconnect" );
self endon ( "death" );
if ( self FragButtonPressed() )
self thread Menu( "white", ( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 ) );
self thread CreateSlider( slider title, slider text, image, image width, image height, image2, image width 2, image height 2, title font glow, text font glow );

Menu( background, color, border, bcolor)
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "disconnect" );
self notifyOnPlayerCommand( "nextone", "+attack" );
self.slides = [];
self.background = createIcon( background, 300, 300 );
self.background.alpha = 1;
self.background.foreground = false;
self.background.color = color;
self.background setPoint( "", "", 0, 0 );
if( isdefined( border ) )
self.border = createIcon( border, 440, 440 );
self.border.alpha = 1;
self.border.foreground = false;
self.border.color = bcolor;
self.border setPoint( "", "", 0, 0 );
CreateSlider( "PowerComa", undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, ( 1, 0, 0 ) );
CreateSlider( "PricesPg1", FixString( "Fries = 3 Kills!." ), "weapon_onemanarmy", 120, 60, "weapon_onemanarmy", 120, 60, ( 1, 0, 0), ( 1, 0.5, 0 ) );
CreateSlider( "PricesPg2", FixString( "Burger = 5 Kills!" ) );
CreateSlider( "PricesPg3", FixString( "And The HappyMeal = 7 Kills." ) , "weapon_onemanarmy", 30, 15 );
for( i = 0; i <= self.slides.size; i ++ )
if( !isdefined( self.title ) )
if( i == 0 )
self.title = self createFontString( "default", 4 );
self.title setPoint( "", "", 0, -30 );
} else {
self.title = self createFontString( "default", 2 );
self.title setPoint( "", "", 0, -142 );
self.title.glowcolor = self.slides[i].glow;
self.title.glowalpha = 1;
self.title.foreground = true;
self.title setText( self.slides[i].title );
if( !isdefined( self.text ) )
self.text = self createFontString( "default", 1.5 );
self.text setPoint( "", "", 0, -90 );
self.text.foreground = true;
self.text.glowcolor = self.slides[i].glowt;
self.text.glowalpha = 1;
self.text setText( self.slides[i].text );
if( !isdefined( self.image ) )
self.image = self createIcon( self.slides[i].image, self.slides[i].imagew, self.slides[i].imageh );
self.image setPoint( "", "", -75, 110 );
self.image.foreground = true;
if( !isdefined( self.image2 ) )
self.image2 = self createIcon( self.slides[i].image2, self.slides[i].imagew2, self.slides[i].imageh2 );
self.image2 setPoint( "", "", 75, 110 );
self.image2.foreground = true;
self waittill( "nextone" );
wait ( 2 );
self.image destroy();
self.image2 destroy();
self.text destroy();
self.title destroy();
self.image destroy();
self.image2 destroy();
self.text destroy();
self.title destroy();
self.background destroy();
self.border destroy();

FixString( text )
string = " " + text[0];
for( i = 1; i <= 320; i ++ )
if( !isdefined( text[i] ) )
string += text[i];
if( ! isFloat( string.size / 40 ) && string.size > 10 )
string = string + "\n";
return ( string + " " );

CreateSlider( title, text, image, imagew, imageh, image2, imagew2, imageh2, glow, glowt )
i = self.slides.size;
self.slides[i] = spawnstruct();
if( isdefined( title ) )
self.slides[i].title = title;
if( isdefined( text ) )
self.slides[i].text = text;
if( isdefined( image ) )
self.slides[i].image = image;
if( isdefined( imagew ) )
self.slides[i].imagew = imagew;
if( isdefined( imageh ) )
self.slides[i].imageh = imageh;
if( isdefined( image2 ) )
self.slides[i].image2 = image2;
if( isdefined( imagew2 ) )
self.slides[i].imagew2 = imagew2;
if( isdefined( imageh2 ) )
self.slides[i].imageh2 = imageh2;
if( isdefined( glow ) )
self.slides[i].glow = glow;
if( isdefined( glowt ) )
self.slides[i].glowt = glowt;

When you get all the point's/eat all the shit do you die like in real life or just get fat Happy after you get all the point's you could turn into a jugger and be all fat LOL....

The following 4 users say thank you to Script Kiddie for this useful post:

KadenxC28, KingcreekS, MrBerrics, SomeAsshole
06-22-2013, 09:11 PM #8
Originally posted by another user
When you get all the point's/eat all the shit do you die like in real life or just get fat after you get all the point's you could turn into a jugger and be all fat LOL....

LOLOL , thats an awesome idea Happy , i will make that right now , when it become a jug , then if he still eating he can explode or something like that xD
08-01-2013, 07:49 AM #9
I am error
If I'm not wrong is there not a vision that makes you look fat? I remember something like that.
08-06-2013, 06:05 AM #10
Are you high?
sound very interesting

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