Post: All About BF3 Multiplayer
06-07-2011, 08:59 PM #1
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Source: You must login or register to view this content. // By:.Solo. // 7 June '11

Battlefield 3: Multiplayer

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Battlefield 3 has a chance to be the best shooter, ever. Dice now has 10 years of making multiplayer shooter games. They aren't just keeping this experience as bragging rights, they are using it to examine the flaws of every single game they've created to make a more perfect Battlefield 3. Dice is trying to make a game that appeals to all gamers; few, far, and in between. All of us gamers have one thing in common, however. We all want to be able to kill, conquer, and destroy.

Battlefield 3 debuts with the new Frostbite 2.0 gaming engine. What does this engine do? Destruction. Scale. Rendering. Audio. Animation. If pictures speak a thousand words, then how many words do videos like this speak?

The Frostbite 2.0 Engine

Battlefield 3's multiplayer will have very diverse areas on each map. For diverse maps, they have a tweaked class loadout system.

Originally posted by another user
Riflemen now double as medics, healing players and reviving those who are downed. The Support class is now equipped with a light machinegun and ammo packs, the sniper is a long-range and demolitions expert, and the Engineer is the master of destroying and repairing vehicles. With weapon attachments players can adapt the classes to how they want to play, with Riflemen choosing things like underslung grenade launchers in place of advanced medical equipment, for instance.

Don't worry if you liked getting revive points by being a Medic, along with carrying a handy LMG. In Battlefield 3, instead of reviving, you have a new role. This role is suppression. You will get points for simply sending lots of rounds to your enemy. In a real war, this would disorient any soldier. This is portrayed in Battlefield 3; your foe's screen will dim and shake, just because you are laying covering fire.

Vehicles will be in multiplayer. Check You must login or register to view this content. to take a look at them. Vehicles will now be more fun for both, the driver and crew. Vehicles will be immobilized for a brief moment right before they explode, giving you a chance to bail out, while keeping a death off the board.

Prone will be included. They removed this feature early in Bad Company 2, because drop shotting was a problem. Now it will take longer to go prone, and your scope will have a glint if someone looks at it.
You can now opt out of reviving! If you've played Bad Company 2, then we've all had those times when you get revived, then immediately get killed again.

The E3 Multiplayer Reveal

Battlefield 3 will definitely be a rival to MW3. Battlefield has took a giant leap forward, but Call of Duty games never fail to please. Whichever game you choose to spend long hours and late nights with is your choice. Neither will disappoint, but be sure to buy the game you want to play. Don't just go with the propaganda!

I hope you liked this article. I put a lot of time into it.

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06-09-2011, 07:01 PM #29
I seriously can't wait to play this game with my man KJenks!
06-12-2011, 12:08 PM #30
excellent, this will be fun

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