Post: Reasons Why the Wii is Better than PS3/Xbox 360
06-19-2011, 07:20 AM #1
Saint Jimmy
And don't wear it out.
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Well, as I'm sure some of you have noticed, the Wii section doesn't get nearly as much attention as the PS3 and Xbox 360 sections. It seems like people believe that for some reason, the PS3 and Xbox 360 are better than the Wii.

Haha. Please :P

Let's remind ourselves that while the Wii may be different, that doesn't make it any worse. In fact, I can think of some pretty good reasons why the Wii could be considered better than the other consoles.

1) It's a lot cheaper.
2) It's completely backwards compatible.
3) It has games that you actually enjoy playing.
4) It's a family console.
5) The 10-year-olds playing multiplayer with you don't have microphones.
6) "Wii" is more fun to say. Try it.
7) Compatible with four different controllers.
Cool Man (aka Tustin) Wii started the whole "moving controller" craze.
9) They're super light, small, etc.
10) Friend Codes: No need to spend hours trying to think of a good screen name.
11) An online service that is free and isn't down for month-long-periods.
12) It's super easy to hack, enabling free games.
13) And, finally... Mario :fyea:

Anyways, those are just some of the reasons off the top of my head. I'm sure you can do better? Smile

And just because you disagree doesn't mean you need to spend a good 15 minutes typing up counter examples for each one. Go make useful posts elsewhere :p
Last edited by Saint Jimmy ; 06-19-2011 at 10:18 PM.

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01-09-2012, 10:51 PM #128
Save Point
because it is more active
01-09-2012, 11:26 PM #129
Bounty hunter
Zelda and Netflix are the only reasons I keep my Wii :shh:
01-09-2012, 11:30 PM #130
Do a barrel roll!
"Online is free."

But it's garbage... :( I really enjoy playing games other than Mario Kart with friends.

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