Post: Question about making a debug eboot.
05-21-2019, 06:32 AM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I want to create a debug EBOOT, how would I obtain it from my actual disc? And where would I put the debug EBOOT afterwards? I don't see the game in either "GAMES" or "games" folder created even after booting the disc.
05-24-2019, 02:02 AM #11
Originally posted by y8rz3l56ye2n8q View Post
Put your disk in your PS3, open multiman, copy the EBOOT.BIN or whatever it uses and possible other .SELF/.BIN/.SPRX files to your PS3, and from there copy them to your computer and do what you need. Games that install game data don't always have a use for installing the eboot, so there's no guarantee it'll be on your PS3. If it's missing, get it from your disk using the file explorer in multiman.

On so I put my disk in the PS3, opened Miltiman copy the EBOOT.BIN or whatever it uses.
But WHERE do I even copy the EBOOT.BIN from? It's nowhere to be found.

"Use multiman or whatever to copy it to your ps3..."
"Put your disk in your PS3, open multiman, copy the EBOOT.BIN ..."

Yes, but WHERE? You mentioned to just copy the EBOOT.BIN but you never specified where to copy it from.
I would like to focus on this part specifically for now because that part eludes me the most.

Because from a backup it's simple, PS3 Root/dev_hdd0/GAMES/regioncode/PS3_GAME/USRDIR
OR PS3 Root/dev_hdd0/game/regioncode/USRDIR and the eboot is there. But I'm using a disc and I have nothing copied to the /GAME folder.
05-24-2019, 01:05 PM #12
It's not like multiman takes the game disk and just magically renames everything and throws it on the PS3. It copies the disk to the PS3 in the same format the disk has everything in. Stop being lazy and actually go to your disk on your PS3 before even asking, you're making 0 attempts before even asking as if this is the hardest thing on Earth. If you're making this little effort, you're probably going to need "How do I copy it to my computer? Where on my computer? What do I name it? What do I use? What other things that I made no effort to even try?" and I'm not sticking around for that.

Multiman's thing = HDD0:\\GAMES\yourgame\all of the same stuff from the disk in the same order as the disk.
The disk = BDD0:\\take a guess, this is what gets copied above.

Games aren't made of a million folders, and the EBOOT.BIN is always in the same exact place for every single PS3 game. The only ones that can become tricky are any other .self or .sprx files which could be anywhere on the disk and that is for you to find and figure out without asking.
05-27-2019, 12:33 AM #13
Originally posted by another user
The disk = BDD0:\\take a guess, this is what gets copied above.

I think I located it, finally:

It was at /dev_bdvd, I already created a debug eboot. I'm guessing I'll also have to create a USRDIR folder in /GAMES since there are no update for this game and put the eboot there.
I do apologize if I appeared to be lazy and not putting in effort. Anyhow, thanks for the help.
Last edited by FateNightroad ; 05-27-2019 at 12:34 AM.

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