Post: My custom free WAW USB mod menus..
06-27-2016, 06:50 AM #1
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My own WAW XML code:

<modmenu><moption><title>Are You Mad 126's mod menu</title><soption menu="true"><title>Project X v1</title><soption menu="true"><title>Main Menu</title><soption><title>God mode</title><function>god</function></soption><soption><title>NoClip</title><function>noclip</function></soption><soption><title>No Target</title><function>notarget</function></soption><soption><title>Give 10000 points</title><function>zombie_devgui money</function></soption><soption><title>Give all</title><function>give all</function></soption><soption><title>Awesome facerop weapon</title><function>dropweapon</function></soption></soption><soption menu="true"><title>Player menu</title><soption><title>Kick player 2</title><function>clientkick 1</function></soption><soption><title>Kick player 3</title><function>clientkick 2</function></soption><soption><title>Kick player 4</title><function>clientkick 3</function></soption></soption><soption menu="true"><title>Toggle able</title><soption><title>Change Gravity</title><function>toggle g_gravity 100 10 800</function></soption><soption><title>Tracers</title><function>toggle cg_firstpersontracerchance 0 1</function></soption><soption><title>Field of view</title><function>toggle cg_fov 65 90 120 160;cg_fovscale 1</function></soption><soption><title>Mini console</title><function>toggle con_minicon</function></soption></soption></soption><soption menu="true"><title>Awesome faceestiny v2.5</title><soption menu="true"><title>Main modifications</title><soption><title>God mode</title><function>god</function></soption><soption><title>No clip</title><function>noclip</function></soption><soption><title>No target</title><function>notarget</function></soption><soption><title>Power ON</title><function>zombie_devgui power</function></soption><soption><title>Give money</title><function>zombie_devgui money</function></soption><soption><title>Bullet tracers</title><function>toggle cg_firstpersontracerchance 0 1</function></soption><soption><title>Give all Guns</title><function>give all</function></soption><soption><title>Awesome facerop gun</title><function>dropweapon</function></soption><soption><title>Give 10000 points</title><function>zombie_devgui money</function></soption><soption><title>Gravity</title><function>toggle g_gravity 100 10 800</function></soption><soption><title>Timescale</title><function>toggle timescale 1 2 .2</function></soption><soption><title>Gamespeed</title><function>toggle timescale 9 1</function></soption></soption><soption menu="true"><title>Effects</title><soption><title>Flame</title><function>toggle r_flamefx_enable</function></soption><soption><title>Gas</title><function>Toggle r_poisonFX_debug_enable</function></soption><soption><title>Revive</title><function>Toggle r_reviveFX_debug</function></soption><soption><title>Invert colors</title><function>toggle r_filmtweakinvert</function></soption><soption><title>Toggle Color map</title><function>toggle r_colormap</function></soption></soption><soption menu="true"><title>Zombie controls</title><soption menu="true"><title>Round editor</title><soption><title>Next round</title><function>zombie_devgui round_next</function></soption><soption><title>Previous round</title><function>zombie_devgui round_prev</function></soption><soption><title>Awesome faceog round</title><function>zombie_devgui dog_round</function></soption><soption menu="true"><title>Custom rounds</title><soption><title>Round 1</title><function>zombie_devgui round_1</function></soption><soption><title>Round 10</title><function>zombie_devgui round_10</function></soption><soption><title>Round 100</title><function>zombie_devgui round_100</function></soption><soption><title>Round 1000</title><function>zombie_devgui round_1000</function></soption><soption><title>Round 9990</title><function>zombie_devgui round_9990</function></soption></soption></soption><soption menu="true"><title>Zombies option</title><soption><title>Kill all zombies</title><function>ai axis delete</function></soption><soption><title>Prevent Zombie Spawn</title><function>ai_disablespawn 1</function></soption></soption></soption><soption menu="true"><title>Players</title><soption menu="true"><title>Player 1(Host)</title><soption><title>God mode</title><function>god</function></soption><soption><title>Freeze all</title><function>toggle g_speed 0 300;toggle jump_height 0 999</function></soption></soption><soption menu="true"><title>Player 2</title><soption><title>Kick</title><function>clientkick 1</function></soption><soption><title>Ban</title><function>clientban 1</function></soption></soption><soption menu="true"><title>Player 3</title><soption><title>Kick</title><function>clientkick 2</function></soption><soption><title>Ban</title><function>clientban 2</function></soption></soption><soption menu="true"><title>Player 4</title><soption><title>Kick</title><function>clientkick 3</function></soption><soption><title>Ban</title><function>clientban 3</function></soption></soption></soption><soption menu="true"><title>Spawnable</title><soption><title>Spawn nuke</title><function>zombie_devgui nuke</function></soption><soption><title>Spawn Insta kill</title><function>zombie_devgui insta_kill</function></soption><soption><title>Spawn max ammo</title><function>zombie_devgui full_ammo</function></soption><soption><title>Spawn double points</title><function>zombie_devgui double_points</function></soption><soption><title>Spawn carpenter</title><function>zombie_devgui carpenter</function></soption></soption><soption menu="true"><title>Perks</title><soption><title>Buy juggernaut</title><function>zombie_devgui specialty_armorvest</function></soption><soption><title>Buy quick revive</title><function>zombie_devgui specialty_quickrevive</function></soption><soption><title>Buy double tap</title><function>zombie_devgui specialty_rof</function></soption><soption><title>Buy sleight of hand</title><function>zombie_devgui specialty_fastreload</function></soption></soption></soption></moption></modmenu>

My WAW mod menu output:

set mopenz snd_playlocal tesla_switch_flip_on
set mclosez snd_playlocal tesla_switch_flip_off
set mselectz snd_playlocal ticktock_loop
set mmovez snd_playlocal mouse_over
set activeaction vstr setup;vstr dvarmods;vstr defaultbinds;killserver;setfromdvar activeaction aa
set aa vstr modbinds;vstr menuclose;setfromdvar activeaction aa
set setup set con_gamemsgwindow0linecount 9;set con_gamemsgwindow0fadeintime 0;set con_gamemsgwindow0fadeouttime 999999;bind dpad_down vstr down;bind dpad_up vstr up;bind2 button_start vstr startb;bind button_back vstr back;bind button_rshldr vstr rb;bind button_lshldr vstr lb;bind dpad_right vstr right;bind dpad_left vstr left;bind2 button_a "vstr aa;vstr aa1";bind2 button_b vstr bb;
set startb vstr modbinds;vstr dvarmods
set menuopen vstr modbinds;set down "vstr downm;vstr mmovez";set up vstr "upm;vstr mmovez";con_gamemsgwindow0msgtime 999999;vstr m0_0;set back vstr menuclose;vstr mopenz;bind2 button_a "vstr aa;vstr aa1";
set menuclose set down vstr downf;set up vstr upf;con_gamemsgwindow0msgtime 0;[0;[1;[2;[3;[4;[5;[6;[7;[8;[9;[10;[11;set back vstr menuopen;set bb cmd;set aa cmd;vstr mclosez;bind2 button_a cmd;
set modbinds bind dpad_down vstr down;bind dpad_up vstr up;bind2 button_start vstr startb;bind button_back vstr back;bind button_rshldr vstr rb;bind button_lshldr vstr lb;bind dpad_right vstr right;bind dpad_left vstr left;bind2 button_a "vstr aa;vstr aa1";bind2 button_b vstr bb;
set back vstr menuopen
set defaultbinds set downf dropweapon;set upf "toggle ai_disablespawn;ai axis delete;notarget";set rb noclip;set lb toggle timescale 1 2 .2;set right "give all";
set dvarmods developer_script 1;cg_tracerspeed 300;jump_height 999;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmtweakcontrast 1;ui_playerpartycolor 0 1 0 1;arcademode_score_laststand 1000000;con_gamemsgwindow0fadeouttime 999999;con_gamemsgwindow0fadeintime 0;player_sprintunlimited 1;con_miniconlines 100;enabledvarwhitelist 0;player_sustainammo 1;perk_weapratemultiplier 0;g_speed 300;perk_weapreloadmultiplier 0;developeruser 1;arcademode_score_revive 1000000;player_burstFireCooldown 0;bg_fallDamageMinHeight 1000;party_connecttoothers 0;cg_tracerlength 999;cg_tracerscrewradius 2.5;cg_tracerwidth 8;cg_tracerscrewdist 30;player_meleerange 1000;perk_altMeleeDamage 10000;perk_bulletpenetrationmultiplier 30;perk_weapspreadmultiplier 0
set m0_0 "^2>Are You Mad 126's mod menu" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_0;set bb vstr menuclose;set upm vstr m0_0;set downm vstr m0_0;
set m0_0_0 "^2>Project X v1" a;"^1Destiny v2.5" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_0_0;set bb vstr m0_0;set upm vstr m0_0_1;set downm vstr m0_0_1;set aa1 vstr mmovez;
set m0_0_0_0 "^2>Main Menu" a;"^1Player menu" a;"^1Toggle able" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_0_0_0;set bb vstr m0_0_0;set upm vstr m0_0_0_2;set downm vstr m0_0_0_1;set aa1 vstr mmovez;
set m0_0_0_0_0 "^2>God mode" a;"^5NoClip" a;"^5No Target" a;"^5Give 10000 points" a;"^5Give all" a;"^5Drop weapon" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_0_0_0_0;set bb vstr m0_0_0_0;set upm vstr m0_0_0_0_5;set downm vstr m0_0_0_0_1;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_0_0_0_0 god
set m0_0_0_0_1 "^5God mode" a;"^2>NoClip" a;"^5No Target" a;"^5Give 10000 points" a;"^5Give all" a;"^5Drop weapon" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_0_0_1_0;set bb vstr m0_0_0_0;set upm vstr m0_0_0_0_0;set downm vstr m0_0_0_0_2;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_0_0_1_0 noclip
set m0_0_0_0_2 "^5God mode" a;"^5NoClip" a;"^2>No Target" a;"^5Give 10000 points" a;"^5Give all" a;"^5Drop weapon" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_0_0_2_0;set bb vstr m0_0_0_0;set upm vstr m0_0_0_0_1;set downm vstr m0_0_0_0_3;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_0_0_2_0 notarget
set m0_0_0_0_3 "^5God mode" a;"^5NoClip" a;"^5No Target" a;"^2>Give 10000 points" a;"^5Give all" a;"^5Drop weapon" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_0_0_3_0;set bb vstr m0_0_0_0;set upm vstr m0_0_0_0_2;set downm vstr m0_0_0_0_4;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_0_0_3_0 zombie_devgui money
set m0_0_0_0_4 "^5God mode" a;"^5NoClip" a;"^5No Target" a;"^5Give 10000 points" a;"^2>Give all" a;"^5Drop weapon" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_0_0_4_0;set bb vstr m0_0_0_0;set upm vstr m0_0_0_0_3;set downm vstr m0_0_0_0_5;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_0_0_4_0 give all
set m0_0_0_0_5 "^5God mode" a;"^5NoClip" a;"^5No Target" a;"^5Give 10000 points" a;"^5Give all" a;"^2>Awesome facerop weapon" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_0_0_5_0;set bb vstr m0_0_0_0;set upm vstr m0_0_0_0_4;set downm vstr m0_0_0_0_0;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_0_0_5_0 dropweapon
set m0_0_0_1 "^1Main Menu" a;"^2>Player menu" a;"^1Toggle able" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_0_1_0;set bb vstr m0_0_0;set upm vstr m0_0_0_0;set downm vstr m0_0_0_2;set aa1 vstr mmovez;
set m0_0_0_1_0 "^2>Kick player 2" a;"^5Kick player 3" a;"^5Kick player 4" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_0_1_0_0;set bb vstr m0_0_0_1;set upm vstr m0_0_0_1_2;set downm vstr m0_0_0_1_1;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_0_1_0_0 clientkick 1
set m0_0_0_1_1 "^5Kick player 2" a;"^2>Kick player 3" a;"^5Kick player 4" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_0_1_1_0;set bb vstr m0_0_0_1;set upm vstr m0_0_0_1_0;set downm vstr m0_0_0_1_2;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_0_1_1_0 clientkick 2
set m0_0_0_1_2 "^5Kick player 2" a;"^5Kick player 3" a;"^2>Kick player 4" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_0_1_2_0;set bb vstr m0_0_0_1;set upm vstr m0_0_0_1_1;set downm vstr m0_0_0_1_0;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_0_1_2_0 clientkick 3
set m0_0_0_2 "^1Main Menu" a;"^1Player menu" a;"^2>Toggle able" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_0_2_0;set bb vstr m0_0_0;set upm vstr m0_0_0_1;set downm vstr m0_0_0_0;set aa1 vstr mmovez;
set m0_0_0_2_0 "^2>Change Gravity" a;"^5Tracers" a;"^5Field of view" a;"^5Mini console" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_0_2_0_0;set bb vstr m0_0_0_2;set upm vstr m0_0_0_2_3;set downm vstr m0_0_0_2_1;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_0_2_0_0 toggle g_gravity 100 10 800
set m0_0_0_2_1 "^5Change Gravity" a;"^2>Tracers" a;"^5Field of view" a;"^5Mini console" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_0_2_1_0;set bb vstr m0_0_0_2;set upm vstr m0_0_0_2_0;set downm vstr m0_0_0_2_2;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_0_2_1_0 toggle cg_firstpersontracerchance 0 1
set m0_0_0_2_2 "^5Change Gravity" a;"^5Tracers" a;"^2>Field of view" a;"^5Mini console" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_0_2_2_0;set bb vstr m0_0_0_2;set upm vstr m0_0_0_2_1;set downm vstr m0_0_0_2_3;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_0_2_2_0 toggle cg_fov 65 90 120 160;cg_fovscale 1
set m0_0_0_2_3 "^5Change Gravity" a;"^5Tracers" a;"^5Field of view" a;"^2>Mini console" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_0_2_3_0;set bb vstr m0_0_0_2;set upm vstr m0_0_0_2_2;set downm vstr m0_0_0_2_0;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_0_2_3_0 toggle con_minicon
set m0_0_1 "^1Project X v1" a;"^2>Awesome faceestiny v2.5" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_0;set bb vstr m0_0;set upm vstr m0_0_0;set downm vstr m0_0_0;set aa1 vstr mmovez;
set m0_0_1_0 "^2>Main modifications" a;"^1Effects" a;"^1Zombie controls" a;"^1Players" a;"^1Spawnable" a;"^1Perks" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_0_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1;set upm vstr m0_0_1_5;set downm vstr m0_0_1_1;set aa1 vstr mmovez;
set m0_0_1_0_0 "^2>God mode" a;"^5No clip" a;"^5No target" a;"^5Power ON" a;"^5Give money" a;"^5Bullet tracers" a;"^5Give all Guns" a;"^5Drop gun" a;"^5Give 10000 points" a;"^5Gravity" a;"^5Timescale" a;"^5Gamespeed" a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_0_0_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_0;set upm vstr m0_0_1_0_11;set downm vstr m0_0_1_0_1;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_0_0_0 god
set m0_0_1_0_1 "^5God mode" a;"^2>No clip" a;"^5No target" a;"^5Power ON" a;"^5Give money" a;"^5Bullet tracers" a;"^5Give all Guns" a;"^5Drop gun" a;"^5Give 10000 points" a;"^5Gravity" a;"^5Timescale" a;"^5Gamespeed" a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_0_1_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_0;set upm vstr m0_0_1_0_0;set downm vstr m0_0_1_0_2;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_0_1_0 noclip
set m0_0_1_0_2 "^5God mode" a;"^5No clip" a;"^2>No target" a;"^5Power ON" a;"^5Give money" a;"^5Bullet tracers" a;"^5Give all Guns" a;"^5Drop gun" a;"^5Give 10000 points" a;"^5Gravity" a;"^5Timescale" a;"^5Gamespeed" a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_0_2_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_0;set upm vstr m0_0_1_0_1;set downm vstr m0_0_1_0_3;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_0_2_0 notarget
set m0_0_1_0_3 "^5God mode" a;"^5No clip" a;"^5No target" a;"^2>Power ON" a;"^5Give money" a;"^5Bullet tracers" a;"^5Give all Guns" a;"^5Drop gun" a;"^5Give 10000 points" a;"^5Gravity" a;"^5Timescale" a;"^5Gamespeed" a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_0_3_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_0;set upm vstr m0_0_1_0_2;set downm vstr m0_0_1_0_4;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_0_3_0 zombie_devgui power
set m0_0_1_0_4 "^5God mode" a;"^5No clip" a;"^5No target" a;"^5Power ON" a;"^2>Give money" a;"^5Bullet tracers" a;"^5Give all Guns" a;"^5Drop gun" a;"^5Give 10000 points" a;"^5Gravity" a;"^5Timescale" a;"^5Gamespeed" a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_0_4_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_0;set upm vstr m0_0_1_0_3;set downm vstr m0_0_1_0_5;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_0_4_0 zombie_devgui money
set m0_0_1_0_5 "^5God mode" a;"^5No clip" a;"^5No target" a;"^5Power ON" a;"^5Give money" a;"^2>Bullet tracers" a;"^5Give all Guns" a;"^5Drop gun" a;"^5Give 10000 points" a;"^5Gravity" a;"^5Timescale" a;"^5Gamespeed" a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_0_5_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_0;set upm vstr m0_0_1_0_4;set downm vstr m0_0_1_0_6;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_0_5_0 toggle cg_firstpersontracerchance 0 1
set m0_0_1_0_6 "^5God mode" a;"^5No clip" a;"^5No target" a;"^5Power ON" a;"^5Give money" a;"^5Bullet tracers" a;"^2>Give all Guns" a;"^5Drop gun" a;"^5Give 10000 points" a;"^5Gravity" a;"^5Timescale" a;"^5Gamespeed" a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_0_6_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_0;set upm vstr m0_0_1_0_5;set downm vstr m0_0_1_0_7;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_0_6_0 give all
set m0_0_1_0_7 "^5God mode" a;"^5No clip" a;"^5No target" a;"^5Power ON" a;"^5Give money" a;"^5Bullet tracers" a;"^5Give all Guns" a;"^2>Awesome facerop gun" a;"^5Give 10000 points" a;"^5Gravity" a;"^5Timescale" a;"^5Gamespeed" a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_0_7_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_0;set upm vstr m0_0_1_0_6;set downm vstr m0_0_1_0_8;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_0_7_0 dropweapon
set m0_0_1_0_8 "^5God mode" a;"^5No clip" a;"^5No target" a;"^5Power ON" a;"^5Give money" a;"^5Bullet tracers" a;"^5Give all Guns" a;"^5Drop gun" a;"^2>Give 10000 points" a;"^5Gravity" a;"^5Timescale" a;"^5Gamespeed" a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_0_8_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_0;set upm vstr m0_0_1_0_7;set downm vstr m0_0_1_0_9;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_0_8_0 zombie_devgui money
set m0_0_1_0_9 "^5God mode" a;"^5No clip" a;"^5No target" a;"^5Power ON" a;"^5Give money" a;"^5Bullet tracers" a;"^5Give all Guns" a;"^5Drop gun" a;"^5Give 10000 points" a;"^2>Gravity" a;"^5Timescale" a;"^5Gamespeed" a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_0_9_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_0;set upm vstr m0_0_1_0_8;set downm vstr m0_0_1_0_10;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_0_9_0 toggle g_gravity 100 10 800
set m0_0_1_0_10 "^5God mode" a;"^5No clip" a;"^5No target" a;"^5Power ON" a;"^5Give money" a;"^5Bullet tracers" a;"^5Give all Guns" a;"^5Drop gun" a;"^5Give 10000 points" a;"^5Gravity" a;"^2>Timescale" a;"^5Gamespeed" a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_0_10_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_0;set upm vstr m0_0_1_0_9;set downm vstr m0_0_1_0_11;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_0_10_0 toggle timescale 1 2 .2
set m0_0_1_0_11 "^5God mode" a;"^5No clip" a;"^5No target" a;"^5Power ON" a;"^5Give money" a;"^5Bullet tracers" a;"^5Give all Guns" a;"^5Drop gun" a;"^5Give 10000 points" a;"^5Gravity" a;"^5Timescale" a;"^2>Gamespeed" a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_0_11_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_0;set upm vstr m0_0_1_0_10;set downm vstr m0_0_1_0_0;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_0_11_0 toggle timescale 9 1
set m0_0_1_1 "^1Main modifications" a;"^2>Effects" a;"^1Zombie controls" a;"^1Players" a;"^1Spawnable" a;"^1Perks" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_1_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1;set upm vstr m0_0_1_0;set downm vstr m0_0_1_2;set aa1 vstr mmovez;
set m0_0_1_1_0 "^2>Flame" a;"^5Gas" a;"^5Revive" a;"^5Invert colors" a;"^5Toggle Color map" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_1_0_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_1;set upm vstr m0_0_1_1_4;set downm vstr m0_0_1_1_1;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_1_0_0 toggle r_flamefx_enable
set m0_0_1_1_1 "^5Flame" a;"^2>Gas" a;"^5Revive" a;"^5Invert colors" a;"^5Toggle Color map" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_1_1_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_1;set upm vstr m0_0_1_1_0;set downm vstr m0_0_1_1_2;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_1_1_0 Toggle r_poisonFX_debug_enable
set m0_0_1_1_2 "^5Flame" a;"^5Gas" a;"^2>Revive" a;"^5Invert colors" a;"^5Toggle Color map" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_1_2_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_1;set upm vstr m0_0_1_1_1;set downm vstr m0_0_1_1_3;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_1_2_0 Toggle r_reviveFX_debug
set m0_0_1_1_3 "^5Flame" a;"^5Gas" a;"^5Revive" a;"^2>Invert colors" a;"^5Toggle Color map" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_1_3_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_1;set upm vstr m0_0_1_1_2;set downm vstr m0_0_1_1_4;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_1_3_0 toggle r_filmtweakinvert
set m0_0_1_1_4 "^5Flame" a;"^5Gas" a;"^5Revive" a;"^5Invert colors" a;"^2>Toggle Color map" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_1_4_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_1;set upm vstr m0_0_1_1_3;set downm vstr m0_0_1_1_0;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_1_4_0 toggle r_colormap
set m0_0_1_2 "^1Main modifications" a;"^1Effects" a;"^2>Zombie controls" a;"^1Players" a;"^1Spawnable" a;"^1Perks" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_2_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1;set upm vstr m0_0_1_1;set downm vstr m0_0_1_3;set aa1 vstr mmovez;
set m0_0_1_2_0 "^2>Round editor" a;"^1Zombies option" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_2_0_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_2;set upm vstr m0_0_1_2_1;set downm vstr m0_0_1_2_1;set aa1 vstr mmovez;
set m0_0_1_2_0_0 "^2>Next round" a;"^5Previous round" a;"^5Dog round" a;"^1Custom rounds" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_2_0_0_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_2_0;set upm vstr m0_0_1_2_0_3;set downm vstr m0_0_1_2_0_1;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_2_0_0_0 zombie_devgui round_next
set m0_0_1_2_0_1 "^5Next round" a;"^2>Previous round" a;"^5Dog round" a;"^1Custom rounds" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_2_0_1_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_2_0;set upm vstr m0_0_1_2_0_0;set downm vstr m0_0_1_2_0_2;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_2_0_1_0 zombie_devgui round_prev
set m0_0_1_2_0_2 "^5Next round" a;"^5Previous round" a;"^2>Awesome faceog round" a;"^1Custom rounds" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_2_0_2_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_2_0;set upm vstr m0_0_1_2_0_1;set downm vstr m0_0_1_2_0_3;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_2_0_2_0 zombie_devgui dog_round
set m0_0_1_2_0_3 "^5Next round" a;"^5Previous round" a;"^5Dog round" a;"^2>Custom rounds" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_2_0_3_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_2_0;set upm vstr m0_0_1_2_0_2;set downm vstr m0_0_1_2_0_0;set aa1 vstr mmovez;
set m0_0_1_2_0_3_0 "^2>Round 1" a;"^5Round 10" a;"^5Round 100" a;"^5Round 1000" a;"^5Round 9990" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_2_0_3_0_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_2_0_3;set upm vstr m0_0_1_2_0_3_4;set downm vstr m0_0_1_2_0_3_1;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_2_0_3_0_0 zombie_devgui round_1
set m0_0_1_2_0_3_1 "^5Round 1" a;"^2>Round 10" a;"^5Round 100" a;"^5Round 1000" a;"^5Round 9990" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_2_0_3_1_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_2_0_3;set upm vstr m0_0_1_2_0_3_0;set downm vstr m0_0_1_2_0_3_2;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_2_0_3_1_0 zombie_devgui round_10
set m0_0_1_2_0_3_2 "^5Round 1" a;"^5Round 10" a;"^2>Round 100" a;"^5Round 1000" a;"^5Round 9990" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_2_0_3_2_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_2_0_3;set upm vstr m0_0_1_2_0_3_1;set downm vstr m0_0_1_2_0_3_3;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_2_0_3_2_0 zombie_devgui round_100
set m0_0_1_2_0_3_3 "^5Round 1" a;"^5Round 10" a;"^5Round 100" a;"^2>Round 1000" a;"^5Round 9990" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_2_0_3_3_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_2_0_3;set upm vstr m0_0_1_2_0_3_2;set downm vstr m0_0_1_2_0_3_4;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_2_0_3_3_0 zombie_devgui round_1000
set m0_0_1_2_0_3_4 "^5Round 1" a;"^5Round 10" a;"^5Round 100" a;"^5Round 1000" a;"^2>Round 9990" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_2_0_3_4_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_2_0_3;set upm vstr m0_0_1_2_0_3_3;set downm vstr m0_0_1_2_0_3_0;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_2_0_3_4_0 zombie_devgui round_9990
set m0_0_1_2_1 "^1Round editor" a;"^2>Zombies option" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_2_1_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_2;set upm vstr m0_0_1_2_0;set downm vstr m0_0_1_2_0;set aa1 vstr mmovez;
set m0_0_1_2_1_0 "^2>Kill all zombies" a;"^5Prevent Zombie Spawn" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_2_1_0_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_2_1;set upm vstr m0_0_1_2_1_1;set downm vstr m0_0_1_2_1_1;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_2_1_0_0 ai axis delete
set m0_0_1_2_1_1 "^5Kill all zombies" a;"^2>Prevent Zombie Spawn" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_2_1_1_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_2_1;set upm vstr m0_0_1_2_1_0;set downm vstr m0_0_1_2_1_0;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_2_1_1_0 ai_disablespawn 1
set m0_0_1_3 "^1Main modifications" a;"^1Effects" a;"^1Zombie controls" a;"^2>Players" a;"^1Spawnable" a;"^1Perks" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_3_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1;set upm vstr m0_0_1_2;set downm vstr m0_0_1_4;set aa1 vstr mmovez;
set m0_0_1_3_0 "^2>Player 1(Host)" a;"^1Player 2" a;"^1Player 3" a;"^1Player 4" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_3_0_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_3;set upm vstr m0_0_1_3_3;set downm vstr m0_0_1_3_1;set aa1 vstr mmovez;
set m0_0_1_3_0_0 "^2>God mode" a;"^5Freeze all" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_3_0_0_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_3_0;set upm vstr m0_0_1_3_0_1;set downm vstr m0_0_1_3_0_1;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_3_0_0_0 god
set m0_0_1_3_0_1 "^5God mode" a;"^2>Freeze all" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_3_0_1_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_3_0;set upm vstr m0_0_1_3_0_0;set downm vstr m0_0_1_3_0_0;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_3_0_1_0 toggle g_speed 0 300;toggle jump_height 0 999
set m0_0_1_3_1 "^1Player 1(Host)" a;"^2>Player 2" a;"^1Player 3" a;"^1Player 4" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_3_1_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_3;set upm vstr m0_0_1_3_0;set downm vstr m0_0_1_3_2;set aa1 vstr mmovez;
set m0_0_1_3_1_0 "^2>Kick" a;"^5Ban" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_3_1_0_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_3_1;set upm vstr m0_0_1_3_1_1;set downm vstr m0_0_1_3_1_1;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_3_1_0_0 clientkick 1
set m0_0_1_3_1_1 "^5Kick" a;"^2>Ban" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_3_1_1_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_3_1;set upm vstr m0_0_1_3_1_0;set downm vstr m0_0_1_3_1_0;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_3_1_1_0 clientban 1
set m0_0_1_3_2 "^1Player 1(Host)" a;"^1Player 2" a;"^2>Player 3" a;"^1Player 4" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_3_2_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_3;set upm vstr m0_0_1_3_1;set downm vstr m0_0_1_3_3;set aa1 vstr mmovez;
set m0_0_1_3_2_0 "^2>Kick" a;"^5Ban" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_3_2_0_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_3_2;set upm vstr m0_0_1_3_2_1;set downm vstr m0_0_1_3_2_1;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_3_2_0_0 clientkick 2
set m0_0_1_3_2_1 "^5Kick" a;"^2>Ban" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_3_2_1_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_3_2;set upm vstr m0_0_1_3_2_0;set downm vstr m0_0_1_3_2_0;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_3_2_1_0 clientban 2
set m0_0_1_3_3 "^1Player 1(Host)" a;"^1Player 2" a;"^1Player 3" a;"^2>Player 4" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_3_3_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_3;set upm vstr m0_0_1_3_2;set downm vstr m0_0_1_3_0;set aa1 vstr mmovez;
set m0_0_1_3_3_0 "^2>Kick" a;"^5Ban" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_3_3_0_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_3_3;set upm vstr m0_0_1_3_3_1;set downm vstr m0_0_1_3_3_1;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_3_3_0_0 clientkick 3
set m0_0_1_3_3_1 "^5Kick" a;"^2>Ban" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_3_3_1_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_3_3;set upm vstr m0_0_1_3_3_0;set downm vstr m0_0_1_3_3_0;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_3_3_1_0 clientban 3
set m0_0_1_4 "^1Main modifications" a;"^1Effects" a;"^1Zombie controls" a;"^1Players" a;"^2>Spawnable" a;"^1Perks" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_4_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1;set upm vstr m0_0_1_3;set downm vstr m0_0_1_5;set aa1 vstr mmovez;
set m0_0_1_4_0 "^2>Spawn nuke" a;"^5Spawn Insta kill" a;"^5Spawn max ammo" a;"^5Spawn double points" a;"^5Spawn carpenter" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_4_0_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_4;set upm vstr m0_0_1_4_4;set downm vstr m0_0_1_4_1;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_4_0_0 zombie_devgui nuke
set m0_0_1_4_1 "^5Spawn nuke" a;"^2>Spawn Insta kill" a;"^5Spawn max ammo" a;"^5Spawn double points" a;"^5Spawn carpenter" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_4_1_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_4;set upm vstr m0_0_1_4_0;set downm vstr m0_0_1_4_2;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_4_1_0 zombie_devgui insta_kill
set m0_0_1_4_2 "^5Spawn nuke" a;"^5Spawn Insta kill" a;"^2>Spawn max ammo" a;"^5Spawn double points" a;"^5Spawn carpenter" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_4_2_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_4;set upm vstr m0_0_1_4_1;set downm vstr m0_0_1_4_3;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_4_2_0 zombie_devgui full_ammo
set m0_0_1_4_3 "^5Spawn nuke" a;"^5Spawn Insta kill" a;"^5Spawn max ammo" a;"^2>Spawn double points" a;"^5Spawn carpenter" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_4_3_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_4;set upm vstr m0_0_1_4_2;set downm vstr m0_0_1_4_4;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_4_3_0 zombie_devgui double_points
set m0_0_1_4_4 "^5Spawn nuke" a;"^5Spawn Insta kill" a;"^5Spawn max ammo" a;"^5Spawn double points" a;"^2>Spawn carpenter" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_4_4_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_4;set upm vstr m0_0_1_4_3;set downm vstr m0_0_1_4_0;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_4_4_0 zombie_devgui carpenter
set m0_0_1_5 "^1Main modifications" a;"^1Effects" a;"^1Zombie controls" a;"^1Players" a;"^1Spawnable" a;"^2>Perks" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_5_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1;set upm vstr m0_0_1_4;set downm vstr m0_0_1_0;set aa1 vstr mmovez;
set m0_0_1_5_0 "^2>Buy juggernaut" a;"^5Buy quick revive" a;"^5Buy double tap" a;"^5Buy sleight of hand" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_5_0_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_5;set upm vstr m0_0_1_5_3;set downm vstr m0_0_1_5_1;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_5_0_0 zombie_devgui specialty_armorvest
set m0_0_1_5_1 "^5Buy juggernaut" a;"^2>Buy quick revive" a;"^5Buy double tap" a;"^5Buy sleight of hand" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_5_1_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_5;set upm vstr m0_0_1_5_0;set downm vstr m0_0_1_5_2;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_5_1_0 zombie_devgui specialty_quickrevive
set m0_0_1_5_2 "^5Buy juggernaut" a;"^5Buy quick revive" a;"^2>Buy double tap" a;"^5Buy sleight of hand" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_5_2_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_5;set upm vstr m0_0_1_5_1;set downm vstr m0_0_1_5_3;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_5_2_0 zombie_devgui specialty_rof
set m0_0_1_5_3 "^5Buy juggernaut" a;"^5Buy quick revive" a;"^5Buy double tap" a;"^2>Buy sleight of hand" a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;" " a;set aa vstr m0_0_1_5_3_0;set bb vstr m0_0_1_5;set upm vstr m0_0_1_5_2;set downm vstr m0_0_1_5_0;set aa1 vstr mselectz;
set m0_0_1_5_3_0 zombie_devgui specialty_fastreload


My Gamertagss:

Are You Mad 126
CroppingCurve 39

Thanks again for you visit!!
Last edited by Toxic ; 07-09-2016 at 05:24 PM.
02-17-2017, 12:44 PM #2
Does this still work

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