Post: Atari Founder Expects Xbox 720 To Outsell PS4
04-14-2013, 10:04 PM #1
Vault dweller
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Nolan Bushnell, known in the gaming community as the man who founded Atari, had some interesting words to say about Microsoft’s next-generation console, and how it can possibly outsell Sony’s recently announced PlayStation 4.

He said that, "He personally believes Microsoft is in a superior position and the reason is Sony, whenever they change consoles, the software tools that they have are lame."

Despite Sony’s efforts to make the PS4 a more developer-centric console with its hardware, as well as developer tools, there are several experts who believe that isn't enough for Sony to outdo Microsoft.

This story is rapping around a huge variety of idea's on what people think about the new PS4 and Xbox 720, I personally don't know which Console is going to do better due to the fact that both Consoles are going to be priced at the $400 range and the games are marked at $60 which over runs both the prices of each Console that has been sold on the market over that past years.

Please leave your thoughts and discussions below on what you think about these new Consoles and what Console you thinks going to be the most successful and provide the best Content.

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04-16-2013, 11:35 PM #11
Originally posted by Droxcy View Post
Pretty sure sales will be even. But knowing Microsoft they will out sell with time.

Actually, PS3 had managed to sell more than the 360 with time. As of January of this year, PS3 sold about 77 million. As of February of this year, the 360 sold 76 million. Keep in mind that the PS3 came out almost a year after the 360 did. I'd like to say the opposite which is that Sony is known to do this and adding on to that, the jump start that the PS4 has right now; it seems likely it'll sell much more than the next-gen Xbox. That's in my opinion though. Even if the next-gen Xbox is revealed that it has better specs than the PS4, the PS4 has so much of the spotlight right now. Microsoft is going to have to come out with something that's extremely innovative and different from the PS4.
Last edited by Gargant ; 04-16-2013 at 11:37 PM.
04-20-2013, 11:58 AM #12
be watching 720Happy xD
04-23-2013, 12:44 AM #13
PS4 will be the most successful definitely.
04-23-2013, 02:11 AM #14
Astro Zombie
professional lurker
either way i'm buying both because i have things most close minded console fans dont...a job and money.

and chances are i'll enjoy the shit out of both Happy
04-24-2013, 12:34 AM #15
Gym leader
millions of consoles from both parties are going to be sold and i wont see 1 cent of it so i couldn't care less lol.
each console has their own fans. ill buy the ps4 first, and if i like what Xbox is selling me i will buy that also. im a gamer and i don't limit my choices based off of someone Else's view of whats better or is gonna sell more. i still play my Atari from the 80's from time to time.
04-24-2013, 02:06 PM #16
Originally posted by ViralTeval View Post
He said that, "He personally believes Microsoft is in a superior position and the reason is Sony, whenever they change consoles, the software tools that they have are lame."

With the PS4's new x86 architecture it will be just as easy to develop for as a PC. I think the Xbox will no doubt use the same architecture. The deal breakers for the PS4 vs Xbox will be down to the inclusion of the Xbox always online DRM and both consoles not being able to play second hand games without buying unlock codes etc. Xbox live is still not free but if Sony chooses to charge for PSN then a big reason for going for the PS4 has gone.
04-27-2013, 07:38 PM #17
B o n e
Its going to be a though competition between both.. But if its always online then PS4 might win.. Who knows.

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