Post: need some UT help / advice
02-14-2011, 07:26 PM #1
Who’s Jim Erased?
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looking to sell up and start a prem team with a 165k budget, not to great with formations in the prem etc so was wondering if anyone with a prem team could offer me some advice?
cheers Smile
02-14-2011, 09:44 PM #20
Who’s Jim Erased?
Originally posted by Matty579 View Post
then you have no choice but to play 4-1-2-1-2... berba is shite... in my eyes you need a fast st and a target man st... agbonlahor and carroll

i just hate the over use of agbonglahor online, pace isnt everything. it annoys me so much that many players think it is :P and carrold doesnt do it for me, id rather us dzeko or someone like that who is a better alrounder and you get more for your money with him. carrol has minimal skills and same with agbong otherwise id be tempted :P

and sounds good daz, although id probs get yaya rather than barry and i still havent made my mind up about which st if i was playing 4-3-3 as id want a midfielder that can distrube amazing so i might get an IF meireles or a fabregas which would mean id probs have to go for dzeko Smile
02-14-2011, 09:51 PM #21
Teddiursa ftw.
If u want a decent/cheap winger, get Hulk (Brazil, Plays for FC Porto)... for a striker, if you want a target man, the best buy is gonna be Crouch, but hes not fast, so if u play a 442 setup with a speedy player like tevez, with crouch. youve then got headers and speed and skill all rolled into 2 players =P
02-14-2011, 10:07 PM #22
get abonloghor or carew or young
02-14-2011, 10:09 PM #23
Gym leader
Originally posted by dutminat View Post
and sounds good daz, although id probs get yaya rather than barry and i still havent made my mind up about which st if i was playing 4-3-3 as id want a midfielder that can distrube amazing so i might get an IF meireles or a fabregas which would mean id probs have to go for dzeko Smile

Yeah yaya is decent, but barry is english like all my defence lool. So it boosts chemistry abit.

But im really debating on selling up and making a whole new team, i like the though of an IF L.Fabiano and Diego Forlan but, i dont want to base it on BBVA as personally i think its shocking, to overrated and expensive.
02-14-2011, 10:10 PM #24
get rid of barry he is so bad
02-14-2011, 10:12 PM #25
Who’s Jim Erased?
Originally posted by hihihih View Post
get abonloghor or carew or young

cheers for the input mate, but im more after advice on formations and players that fit the formations. ive got some elements of the team set in my mind but theres areas i still aint sure about.
02-14-2011, 10:12 PM #26
Little One
Originally posted by dutminat View Post
i just hate the over use of agbonglahor online, pace isnt everything. it annoys me so much that many players think it is :P and carrold doesnt do it for me, id rather us dzeko or someone like that who is a better alrounder and you get more for your money with him. carrol has minimal skills and same with agbong otherwise id be tempted :P

and sounds good daz, although id probs get yaya rather than barry and i still havent made my mind up about which st if i was playing 4-3-3 as id want a midfielder that can distrube amazing so i might get an IF meireles or a fabregas which would mean id probs have to go for dzeko Smile

got dzeko on bench Smile carrolls shooting and heading is perfect for me... he's even beat the keeper for a header for me Smile dont know how though
02-14-2011, 10:14 PM #27
Who’s Jim Erased?
Originally posted by Dazpowder View Post
Yeah yaya is decent, but barry is english like all my defence lool. So it boosts chemistry abit.

But im really debating on selling up and making a whole new team, i like the though of an IF L.Fabiano and Diego Forlan but, i dont want to base it on BBVA as personally i think its shocking, to overrated and expensive.

Originally posted by Matty579 View Post
got dzeko on bench Smile carrolls shooting and heading is perfect for me... he's even beat the keeper for a header for me Smile dont know how though

yeah i suppose in your case he fits i better :P and your team seems good. would you fancy a game, only id like to see it in action Smile

and yeah hes tempting matty as im a scouser but i just dont think the price is fair for him. i mean 20k for 79 pace 83 shot and 88 heading seen as his dribbling skills are non existent lol, but i cant judge him until i see him play i suppose :P
02-14-2011, 10:20 PM #28
Little One
Originally posted by dutminat View Post
yeah i suppose in your case he fits i better :P and your team seems good. would you fancy a game, only id like to see it in action Smile

and yeah hes tempting matty as im a scouser but i just dont think the price is fair for him. i mean 20k for 79 pace 83 shot and 88 heading seen as his dribbling skills are non existent lol, but i cant judge him until i see him play i suppose :P

i didnt buy him cos im a liverpool fan... i just thought f*** it and got him... and it turned out he's amazing... either get him or adebayor

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