Post: Scammed by BonerMan And Bludger1
07-06-2011, 09:48 PM #1
Former Staff
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Scammer NGU Name: BonerMan
Scammer NGU Name: Bludger1
(They are partners)
Scammer NGU Profile URL: You must login or register to view this content.
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When did this happen: Today

How did you purchase: vbux

How much?: 10.7 million

Did you;
- Buy? x
- Sell?
- Trade?

Have you contacted the scammer?:- no reason to
If yes, What did they say?:-

Other comments: This guy had a premium shop offering vbux to make people premium. I'm a nice guy so I chose a bunch of random non-premiums from the shoutbox and made them premium. Now they are not.
Last edited by DiJiTaLGoDz ; 07-06-2011 at 10:52 PM.
07-08-2011, 08:50 PM #47
I know right.
07-09-2011, 02:58 AM #48
Originally posted by JimErased View Post
2 Failed and 9 Delayed, soon to be failed, eChecks from this user.

Users without Premium:

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Total: $110 ($100 if you don't want to be premium). And none of this eCheck bollocks next time.

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theres my proof. i donated 1,000,000 to bludger for my premium. but bonerman was in charge of it i do remeber that
07-09-2011, 03:07 AM #49
is this going to finish?
07-09-2011, 02:28 PM #50
One Man Army
Originally posted by JimErased View Post
2 Failed and 9 Delayed, soon to be failed, eChecks from this user.

Users without Premium:

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Total: $110 ($100 if you don't want to be premium). And none of this eCheck bollocks next time.

So did each of these users pay the vbux for premium or was it all DijiModz? I'm trying to establish who needs a refund here.
07-09-2011, 04:00 PM #51
Originally posted by Dave
So did each of these users pay the vbux for premium or was it all DijiModz? I'm trying to establish who needs a refund here.

Well I payed, dunno about the others.
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07-09-2011, 04:37 PM #52
Former Staff
Originally posted by Dave
So did each of these users pay the vbux for premium or was it all DijiModz? I'm trying to establish who needs a refund here.

I paid for premium for 7 members through Bonerman and Bludger. One of the names isn't on the list, I think. It might be Meltis.

The names included on the list are:

- The other one that is not on the list is Meltis. Not sure if he still has his premium or not.

The other people on the list paid for themselves.
07-09-2011, 05:47 PM #53
[b][move]Level 1 Trustworthy Winky Winky[/move][/b]
Originally posted by Dave
So did each of these users pay the vbux for premium or was it all DijiModz? I'm trying to establish who needs a refund here.

Well, I've paid for the premium myself.

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07-10-2011, 06:49 PM #54
Former Staff
Originally posted by JimErased View Post
Here's what's going to happen. You either donate the $110 strait to NGU, none of this eCheck bollocks, or I ban you and refund everyone who donated vbux to you to get premium. You sent echecks to NGU knowing that they would get cancelled and your reason was because you thought we wouldn't notice? What sort of idiot are you? Of course we will notice if we get 11 consecutive "echeck failed to send" messages!

Originally posted by Dave
So did each of these users pay the vbux for premium or was it all DijiModz? I'm trying to establish who needs a refund here.

Can us scammed users get an update, please?
07-11-2011, 12:42 AM #55
so what's going to happen

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