Post: Report System To Return in MW3
06-04-2011, 04:40 AM #1
Climbing up the ladder
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); This pretty much killed the hacking community in Black Ops and resulted in many people no longer playing the game due to console bans, or boredom.

Anybody really want this stupid thing back just so people can't prestige hack and have fun?
06-04-2011, 02:25 PM #11
Machete Don't Text!
I am no snitch, and till this day I have never reported anyone. However I can see how they might bring it back because while I don't agree with it I think it actually helped Black Ops not turn into MW2 two months after the game released. If there are no dedicated servers then bring it back for the pure fact of catching the LAG SWITCHERS which I consider to be the scum of the earth!
06-04-2011, 03:11 PM #12
I really hope MW3 will be hack free, really.
if people try to hack it again just like black ops I hope they also give them a permanent console ban.
COD4 and MW2 were destroyed by retarded hackers who think they are cool going public with a lobby, even if you're private and hosting a lobby it's lame.

my 2 cents, lets play fair with this one.
06-04-2011, 03:51 PM #13
Dirty Mexican
Originally posted by Mr.
The point of the game is to reach 10th prestige (15th in Black Ops case) legit, which would take work. I'd rather not have challenge lobbies and shiz on Black Ops. That way everyone plays on skill and no one is better then anyone else because of mods. This system helped stop the hackers from ruining online play, I think it just should of reset the hackers to level 1 instead of ban them but. I would like this is make a return :y:

Its not cus of the cheating and getting chalenges legit its the mods that are worth it like on mw2 zombies was pretty fun =0 I myself enjoyed zombies a lot and flying around the map exploring it that's the fun part I could careless about getting my challenges unlocked.... but u know there would always be some who comes in with aimbot and shit too bad som ppl don't think the same as me.. the whole aimbot/deranking ppl just got to far... mods also helped out as u can c black ops has the sped mod in private match...
I'm out...
Last edited by Sick_aSS_FoO ; 06-04-2011 at 03:56 PM.
06-04-2011, 07:56 PM #14
Easter Egg!
WOW check all the sad idiot kids that voted No.. idiots.

Well its hopefully gonna return :y:
06-04-2011, 08:30 PM #15
The Grim Reaper
The system get's abused though. I mean come on.. Like in Black Ops if they put a pickle as one of the emblems you can you should probably know that some people are going to find something to do with it.

People can report random people and they even have a chance to get banned.

Old Cod's>New Cod's

At times I think they are making a series worst but they think it's all better. Hell why not make a game mode where Modders can actually Mod it! It's your choice to go into it or not. I bet that would put some control on it.
06-04-2011, 10:23 PM #16
At least I can fight
The report system is okay. But having permanent bans is not okay at all. The report system should be used for figuring out glitches/exploits in the game. Also, if you permanently ban someone then what's the point? They learn their lesson, but then they still can't play. And also, in the end they help make the game more glitch-proof.

But short temporary bans are fine. I think somebody has to do a lot to deserve one though, and they have to be notified for why they were banned. And if deranking returns, it should return you back to the rank you were before you hacked. What's the point of deranking someone who got to the final prestige legit?
Last edited by lilnatsfan44 ; 06-04-2011 at 10:27 PM.

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