Post: Theory: No Bad Sport Ever
10-20-2013, 02:56 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); So i was thinking, rockstar coded 10 levels of bad sport and as we all know we can change the length of them to be instantly over, but what happens after we instantly finish that 10th level of bad sport? There is no 11th coded... so does it loop? or does it just not register a valid ban time, meaning you would be infinitely bad sport? or possibly never able to be bad sport again.. I haven't tested this but if someone does let me know the results Smile
10-20-2013, 05:16 PM #2
or you just dont get bad sport.. ive never had it. ive blown up 20+ personal cars in 1 day no problems.
10-20-2013, 05:39 PM #3
Gym leader
Originally posted by Renton View Post
or you just dont get bad sport.. ive never had it. ive blown up 20+ personal cars in 1 day no problems.

starestarestarestarestarestarestarestare:wtf: Hmmmm
10-20-2013, 05:42 PM #4
Eddie Mac
At least I can fight
Yeah same I have blown up at least 30-40 personal cars and I have never been a "bad sport"
10-21-2013, 02:25 AM #5
Originally posted by Renton View Post
or you just dont get bad sport.. ive never had it. ive blown up 20+ personal cars in 1 day no problems.

The bad sport point limit is 50, i haven't looked into how much points you get per car/in how much time but i know that your current points toward bad sport gets saved to the server, so you might be at 0, blow up a ton of cars and get close to the 50 but not hit it until the next rampage you go on.
10-21-2013, 02:42 AM #6
Originally posted by JonoEfthy View Post
The bad sport point limit is 50, i haven't looked into how much points you get per car/in how much time but i know that your current points toward bad sport gets saved to the server, so you might be at 0, blow up a ton of cars and get close to the 50 but not hit it until the next rampage you go on.

hm weird.
well best i can say is be less of a dick? blow up less cars lol
10-21-2013, 02:56 AM #7
Originally posted by Renton View Post
hm weird.
well best i can say is be less of a dick? blow up less cars lol

but... its gta... DAMN YOU ROCKSTAR
10-21-2013, 03:20 AM #8
To my understanding you begin to receive double the punishments and eventually hit the "permanent bad sport" number.

I myself received 2 days then later 4 days. How would I go on about resetting my bad sport "rank" to go back to receiving my original 2 days? I don't know, but someone probably has a method of doing so.
10-21-2013, 10:45 AM #9
Originally posted by heykids123 View Post
To my understanding you begin to receive double the punishments and eventually hit the "permanent bad sport" number.

I myself received 2 days then later 4 days. How would I go on about resetting my bad sport "rank" to go back to receiving my original 2 days? I don't know, but someone probably has a method of doing so.

If you look in the coding for the common.rpf orupdate.rpf you will see the 10 levels of bad sport punishments, and as you assumed they keep doubling all the way up to 1024 days from memory, obviously rockstar never expects anyone to go through all 10 punishments legit, so im wondering if they coded a fail safe incase someone does by changing the length of each level to much lower values.
10-21-2013, 08:28 PM #10
Maggbot timeout!
Getting a Bad sport for blowing up a personal car is stupid. You can shoot the hell out of them as mucha s u like, but kill them and the car and your a bad sport.

They should just make the person that did it, pay for the insurance or something.

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