Post: Article: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4 Leaked by Voice Actor
10-30-2012, 07:56 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); With the up-coming Black Ops 2 game, there has already been a leak for a new Infinity Ward game, Modern Warfare 4.

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The voice actor Bill Murray (Captain Price in the Modern Warfare franchise) accidentally leaked information about Modern Warfare 4 to someone who just happened to be a journalist. Bill Murray openly stated the following to a journalist. He wasn't aware that he was speaking to one though, he thought it was just a simple fan. He had the following to say:

Originally posted by another user
"On Monday I am off to meet Infinity Ward about the next game, Modern Warfare 4," he said. "I'm doing work on the sequel to Modern Warfare 3, it carries straight on and I only ever appear in the Modern Warfare games…"

From that following statement we have now got a leak to Modern Warfare 4. Since we haven't got any solid proof and it hasn't be officially confirmed by Infinity Ward, we'll keep it as a rumor. All this happened on a flight from Bodrum to London and an owner of a Gaming News site just happened to of recognized Bill Murray's voice. I'm sure the actor wasn't aware of who he was talking to and that it was going be spread around internet, but now Bill Murray will have to face the consequences of Infinity Ward.

Black Ops 2 is still yet to be released and won't be till November 13th and already they are faced with this situation. In all honestly, I believe Infinity Ward has no idea when to stop with Modern Warfare, but yet another entry is coming to the series that has basically defined the first person shooter this generation.

What do you's think of the new information received? It's all a bit too early.

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Last edited by Elk ; 10-30-2012 at 09:57 PM.

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10-31-2012, 09:46 PM #47
Do a barrel roll!

I'm tired of Activision pouring out lame games. I'm fed up with the Multiplayer. However, the one thing I do enjoy about the Call of Duty games is the campaign.
10-31-2012, 10:17 PM #48
Social Engineer
Infinity Ward, U MAD Bro?
11-01-2012, 04:59 AM #49
Bounty hunter
hopefuly its better then mw3
11-02-2012, 01:37 PM #50
Originally posted by ohTrashy View Post
hopefuly its better then mw3

It wouldn't be. The Modern Warfare series dropped drastically since the 1st one. Now all Infinity Ward care about is the money.
11-12-2012, 01:07 AM #51
Pokemon Trainer
Originally posted by Elkyeim View Post
With the up-coming Black Ops 2 game, there has already been a leak for a new Infinity Ward game, Modern Warfare 4.

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The voice actor Bill Murray (Captain Price in the Modern Warfare franchise) accidentally leaked information about Modern Warfare 4 to someone who just happened to be a journalist. Bill Murray openly stated the following to a journalist. He wasn't aware that he was speaking to one though, he thought it was just a simple fan. He had the following to say:

From that following statement we have now got a leak to Modern Warfare 4. Since we haven't got any solid proof and it hasn't be officially confirmed by Infinity Ward, we'll keep it as a rumor. All this happened on a flight from Bodrum to London and an owner of a Gaming News site just happened to of recognized Bill Murray's voice. I'm sure the actor wasn't aware of who he was talking to and that it was going be spread around internet, but now Bill Murray will have to face the consequences of Infinity Ward.

Black Ops 2 is still yet to be released and won't be till November 13th and already they are faced with this situation. In all honestly, I believe Infinity Ward has no idea when to stop with Modern Warfare, but yet another entry is coming to the series that has basically defined the first person shooter this generation.

What do you's think of the new information received? It's all a bit too early.

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That photo is from the first mission on Cod4 O_o
11-24-2012, 07:53 PM #52
Do a barrel roll!
Well, if they do a MW4, hope they will add some stuff, cuz MW3 was a copypaste of MW2...with very little improvements.
12-05-2012, 05:23 PM #53
Originally posted by TrophyLord66 View Post
Well, if they do a MW4, hope they will add some stuff, cuz MW3 was a copypaste of MW2...with very little improvements.

I think, they need a whole re-vamp of the game. The Modern Warfare series kinda died down after the first. I feel it's all getting very repetitive now.
12-12-2012, 08:14 AM #54
meh... who cares i aint buying mw4 after what i experienced in mw3
12-12-2012, 05:01 PM #55
Do a barrel roll!
I'm not sure how I feel about. I am REALLY loving black ops 2.

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